Chapter 20 Defeat


Third Training Ground.

The night was still young and the whole village was brightly lit up and so was the training ground as an interesting fight was going on.

"Sakura, go treat Naruto, he has lost!"

Seeing Naruto trying his best to get up but not able to, Tsunade shook her head as she knew this battle was over.

"Yes, Lady Tsunade!"

Nodded Sakura with a worried look in her eyes as it was the first time she saw such a powerless Naruto.

"Sigh…Azuma-Kun, he really is something else."

Sighed Sakura as she knew it wasn't the fault of Naruto and it was just that Azuma was too strong.

"Hehe~ as expected of Azuma-Kun!!"

"What a pain!"

Ino cheered hearing the words of Tsunade as this proved that Azuma had won though Shikamaru sighed feeling a little bad for Naruto as he knew how much he wants to prove himself.


But just when Sakura was about to move towards Naruto, a huge sound was heard followed by a fast wind wave.


Everyone looked towards the source of sound and saw Naruto who was just lying on the ground, standing straight his eyes red his teeth and nails long, shocking them greatly.

An orange cloak of chakra covered him and behind him were three tails, painting a terrifying sight.

"Not good, it's the Nine Tails Chakra!!"

Kakashi was the first one to speak as he recognized that ominous chakra around Naruto same as sixteen years ago.


Naruto holding his head tried to regain control as hate of Nine Tail was trying to take over his mind.

But it was to no avail as soon all in his eyes was bloodthirst, the orange cloak around him getting slightly denser, but the number of tails still remained three.


A roar escaped the mouth of now berserk Naruto looking at Azuma who stood right in his range of sight.


An orange trail was left in the air as Naruto disappeared from his place, appearing before Azuma the next moment, and punched towards him.

It was too late for Tsunade and others to do anything as things happened too quickly and they could only watch Naruto attack Azuma.


The expression on the face of Azuma remained calm as at the last moment, he calmly tiled his head to the left, escaping the blow of Naruto.



Seeing his attack useless, the berserk Naruto roared and wanted to attack him again but a counter punch from Azuma fell on his chest again.

Just like a while ago, Tsunade and others saw a figure whizzing back at an astonishing speed.


The berserk Naruto crashed on the ground far away destroying it immediately as gravel and rubble flew around from the impact.

"It's actually still Naruto, who is being beaten!"

Said Jiraiya with some surprise in his town watching the three tailed Naruto being beaten back so easily.

"Azuma…he really is the most suited…"

Tsunade on the other hand once again felt proud of her decision to let Azuma tag along with Naruto.

His strength had proved that he can even handle the somewhat berserk Naruto.

Everyone was surprised as even Naruto still getting beaten after using the power of Nine Tails, was too shocking.


The dust dispersed and a Roar sounded once again and Naruto with three tails behind him appeared again.

But some change was occurring to his body as some of his skin was beginning to vanish red chakra was appearing in its place.

Slowly, a four tail was sprouting out and the face of Naruto was getting more and more terrifying.

"It's the Fourth tail, Tsunade come with me and seal his chakra, we can't let this go on"

Seeing the fourth tail sprouting, some memory of the past of Jiraiya woke up, as he hurriedly said to Tsunade as they couldn't let this fight go on.

"You're right, the village might be disturbed"

Nodded Tsunade with a solemn look on her face as continuing might be dangerous.


But just when they were about to take the first step towards the berserk Naruto, they saw Azuma who had been standing motionless on his place, stretching his hand towards them making a stop gesture.

"It's too___"

Seeing the gesture Tsunade wanted to remind him of the danger but her words were struck in her throat, as change began to occur in Azuma.

In the dark night, under the silvery glow of the moon, everyone present saw a dark red aura appearing around Azuma hovering around him.


Seeing the change, everyone was even more shocked than, when Naruto went berserk.



Sakura, Shikamaru and Ino just looking at Azuma had an urge to kneel before him as they fell down, panting heavily.

Tsunade, Jiraiya and Kakashi were a lot better than the other three but some sweat did roll down from their forehead, as their consciousness was wavering.

Azuma didn't care for the others as he focused on Naruto who was about to completely manifest the fourth tail.


Seeing Azuma gazing at him with red aura hovering around him, the berserk Naruto roared back not to be undone in momentum.



Looking at the roaring Naruto, Azuma snorted lightly his yellow eyes turning red for a moment, and red crackling lighting burst out from him as a center roaring towards Naruto.


The roaring Naruto suddenly stopped as his eyes turned white, the orange chakra around him dispersing immediately, as with a thud, he fell down motionless.


Numerous potholes appeared around on the field like an invisible forced had acted on the ground.

After the explosion sound stopped, there was a complete silence on the field as every eyes was on the figure with dark red aura around him standing motionless in his place, the calm face as always.

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