Chapter 21 Aftermath


Third Training Ground.

The sound of explosion with dust that rose died down but the heartbeat of everyone sounded no less than the explosion.

"Impossible…that was the four tail…just with a glare."

Jiraiya was having a hard time speaking as the passed out Naruto before him shocked greatly.

Facing a four tails Naruto he got injured badly, the scar was still printed on his chest, but Azuma had taken him down with just a stare.

"His presence is like a…king…"

Said Tsunade remembering the earlier feeling as just looking at him she had an urge to kneel, so mysterious.

"Ha…Ha… at least be careful of the people around you, Azuma-Kun"

Ino holding her head stood up and said her legs still feeling a bit weak, as the after effects of that earlier force were still lingering, and the other two weren't better than her.


Hearing her voice, Azuma looked over and seeing the complaining look in their eyes, he was somewhat stunned and apologised immediately.

He didn't have any plan on affecting them but he was using Haoshoku for the first time ever in a real fight, so it affected others as well, he wasn't ashamed of admitting his mistake.

"Ahhh!!! If you act like that…how can I stay angry!!"

Seeing Azuma admitting his mistake honestly, the complaining look of Ino went away completely and gazing at Azuma with a heart in her eyes, she roared frantically in her heart.

"I must have been hit by something to actually come here…what a drag!"

Shikamaru also stood up rubbing the back of his neck, a somewhat annoyed look on his face.

He cursed the moment when he decided to sacrifice the precious sleep for such a stupid thing.

"I think we should check on Naruto first"

The shocked atmosphere in the training ground was broken by a voice as Kakashi pointed at Naruto who lay passed out.

"Ah, how can I forgot this!!"

Hearing his words, everyone woke up from the trance and woke up from the trance as Tsunade carrying him on her back rushed towards the hospital.

The power that fainted Naruto was too strange, she wanted to do a complete checkup, otherwise she won't be assured.

"Let's go!"

Sakura, Jiraiya, and Kakashi followed Tsunade to the hospital while Shikamaru holding his head arrived near Azuma and said with a little annoyed tone.


Asked Azuma, his tone calm and a somewhat confused look on his face, gazing at the lazy eyed Shikamaru before him.


"Of course going home, you aren't planning to stay here all night…so troublesome…"

Said Shikamaru yawning, stretching his arms and strode towards the exit, the lazy aura around him intensifying with every step he took towards his home.

"Azuma-Kun, tomorrow I'm planning on going to a town nearby…it might be dangerous for me going alone…would you please accompany me?"

Said Ino in a coquettish voice and blinked her eyelids looking at him expectantly, a nervous smile plastered on her face.



Azuma was a bit speechless as he didn't expect a sudden invitation but he wanted to reject her as recently he isn't getting the time to practice his cooking.

"I'll go!"

But seeing the expectant look in her eyes and remembering how he affected her earlier with his Haoshoku, he decided to tag along with her, as it was only a single day.

"Hehe~ Thank You Azuma Kun, we'll meet at the entrance gate at 9 in the morning, don't forget!!"

"Haha!! My first date with Azuma-Kun is finally here!!"

Ino thanked Azuma politely and told the time of departure but inside her heart, she was dancing wildly as she couldn't wait for tomorrow.

"Then, Good Night Azuma-Kun, see you tomorrow!!"

Waved Ino at Azuma with a wide grin on her face, and left jumping around like a butterfly in a good mood.


Gazing at the back of Ino, Azuma exhaled slightly and shaking his head, strode towards his home, ready to sleep as tomorrow his day was booked.


Konoha Hospital.

"How is he?"

In the ward full of smell of disinfectants, Naruto lay on the bed eyes closed his breathing peaceful.

Beside the bed stood two figures, Jiraiya and Tsunade as the others after knowing he was fine went away as they had work to do as well.

"He's just exhausted, he'll soon wake up!"

To his question, Tsunade replied confidently as Naruto was really just exhausted and would wake up soon.

"Who is that kid?"

Seeing Naruto was fine, Jiraiya exhaled in relied before he turned to Tsunade and asked the question whose answer he couldn't wait to know.

"Yoshitake Azuma…an orphan..."

To his question, Tsunade answered causally as there was nothing to hide about Azuma from Jiraiya.

"I'm not asking about his name, his strength…you should know that even we won't last two rounds against that kid…"

Said Jiraiya a solemn look on his face as that strength had left him completely baffled, a kid around the age of Naruto had such strength, scaring him completely.

To his questioning, Tsunade finally told him everything she knew including how she lost to him two months ago.

(Two chapters)