Chapter 22 A Day Out


Entrance Gate.

At the entrance of Konoha, stood a figure wearing a black jacket and brown pants held by a black belt, his chest was bare and abs were clearly visible, a short dagger was hanging across his chest.

A big black blade with a yellow hilt was fixed on his back, as he stood with eyes closed, arms across his chest, gaining the attention of everyone who passed by.

The sun lit the sky brightly and the cool breeze elevated the mood, all in all it was a brilliant day.

"Sorry for the wait, Azuma-Kun!!"

A shout from afar caused Azuma to open his eyes as a girl waving her hands with a big smile on her face running towards him.


But when the figure finally reached him, a slightly stunned look appeared on the face of Azuma as Ino looked completely different from before.

A red Kimono with maple leaves patterned on it and it was tied with a red waist band, it reached her knees exposing the creamy white long legs.

Her light blonde hair, were in the usual style, bangs covering her left eye but her face was rosier today and eyelids seemed to have a different touch as well.

"Hehe~ all that effort was worth it!!"

Seeing the slightly stunned Azuma, Ino laughed brightly and fireworks started in her heart, as all that effort of getting dressed was worth it.

"Let's go!"

But shaking his head, Azuma quickly returned to his poker mode and said lightly as the reason why he was surprised was somewhat different from what Ino imagined.

To him, since she had him tagged along it must be a difficult mission, but her dressing surprised him.

But thankfully, he didn't have the habit of talking too much, otherwise he might have said his thoughts directly to Ino, causing emotional damage.

"Hehe~ follow me, Azuma-Kun"

Ino in a good mood spun before Azuma holding the cuffs surprising him again and began running towards her planned destination as Azuma followed her.


Tanzaku Town.

The most prosperous town of the land of fire as it used to be famous attraction point for tourists because of the Tanzaku Castle.

But more than two years ago, it was destroyed in a fight, affecting the town's popularity a lot, but with the efforts of Daimyo and Hokage, the work to rebuild it started and in just two years a huge castle stood tall again.

The cool breeze is blowing and cheery trees are lined up everywhere as the whole town wafts a cheerful atmosphere.

Today is the day of the yearly Tanzaku Festival, and a lot of people from all over the nation are gathered here and different stalls on both sides of the road attract them.

"Wow!! It's so lively!!"

Two figures appeared at the town entrance as the girl with blonde hair donned in Red Kimono exclaimed looking at the lively town before her.

"Follow me"

Said Ino expectantly as she motioned Azuma who stood behind with a poker face to follow her.

"Here we are!"

Following Ino, Azuma arrived outside a Kimono shop with a few eye catching Kimono hanged outside.


Azuma was a bit confused as he wondered whether the mission of Ino was related to this shop.

"Come in, Azuma-Kun"

Said Ino to Azuma as she entered the shop and the confused Azuma had no choice to follow her.

"Here Azuma-Kun, try this…"

Ino without any problem, brought Azuma to the men side and picked up a Black Kimono and said, handing him the Kimono.

"Is it a mission that requires disguise?"

Thought Azuma looking at the Kimono in his hand and absent mindedly went to the changing room.

"Wow!! So cool!!"

Soon, Azuma donned in the Black Kimono arrived before Ino causing her to nearly go mad, as she shouted wildly in her heart.

Azuma's short hair were now dropped down, the sharp handsome face with a small slash on his left cheek, increased his charm to a new level and those indifferent yellow hawk like eyes, took things to a new level.

Azuma's blade was missing as he had put in it in scroll since it was mostly likely a mission that requires disguise, his blade would attract attention.

"Let me do it"

After being stunned for a while, Ino brought him to the counter and took out her pink flower patterned wallet, but he stopped her as it was against his dignity.

Though this was a mission, he didn't want to be misunderstood to be someone who was being supported by a rich woman, so Azuma took out his wallet and asked about the price.

"Azuma-Kun is so considerate!!"

Thought Ino, blinking her eyes cutely, looking at the side face of Azuma, who was talking with the counter lady about the price.

"Now let's go eat something!"

After leaving the Kimono shop, Azuma who was thinking that it is finally the time for the start of the mission was brought outside a Restaurant.

"What kind of mission is this?"

"Don't just stand there, let's go in."

Looking at the restaurant, Azuma couldn't help but think so but just when he was about to ask, his hand was grasped suddenly and the stunned Azuma was pulled inside the restaurant.

"AN:- I decided to write a few light chapters, as fight fight and fight can get boring some time"

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