Chapter 24 Urgent Orders

Land of Fire.

Tanzaku Town.

"Ah, that was delicious!"

Ino walked out of the restaurant and said cheerfully, patting her slightly bulging belly as she really ate a lot today.


Azuma also walked out of the restaurant and stopping beside the cheerful Ino, he asked his tone a lot softer than before, but the poker face was still there.

This mission is too strange, until now he still can't understand what there target is.

"Our next destination____"


Ino had already planned the whole day so hearing his question, she answered but a sudden voice interrupted her.


Ino turned to look towards Azuma who was looking ahead as he seemed to have spotted something but just when she wanted to ask, a shadow flashed and a figure wearing a mask appeared before them.


Seeing the masked figure, Ino was surprised as she recognized him immediately.

Anbu Black Ops an organization under the orders of Hokage, all the members of it are elite Shinobi who have received tough training.

"Yoshitake Azuma, Lady Hokage has summoned you back to the village, it's an urgent order!"

The Anbu didn't let Ino inquire why he was here and said to Azuma, his voice indifferent.

"Urgent Order!"

Hearing his words, Azuma was slightly surprised as he couldn't help but fall into thought wondering what had happened.

"But I have a mission to complete"

But Azuma looked towards Ino as he was here to help her complete the mission, he can't leave her mid-way.


The Anbu was surprised, and turned to Ino as from the information he received Azuma left with Ino in the morning, both of them weren't on a mission.

"Mission, Is Azuma-Kun thinking we are on a mission?"

Hearing Azuma's words, Ino thought about the behavior of Azuma from the start of the day and indeed he was a bit too cooperative.

She was afraid he would refuse when she invited him to Kimono shop but he agreed easily, now she understands everything.

"Aww, so dense!!"

Ino yelled in her heart, her face getting slightly red as it was too embarrassing, she had thought Azuma should be aware that they are on a date.

"Cough, you don't need to worry, Azuma-Kun, we can complete the mission some other day, it isn't that important, let's go back!"

But Ino didn't clear the misunderstanding, and said to Azuma putting an understanding look on her face.


To her words, Azuma nodded agreeing with her to go back, since this mission isn't that important, they can complete it some other time.

"Let's go!"


Said the Anbu as the three of them turned into afterimages, rushing back to the village.



"A little after Ino and Azuma left the village in the morning"

Hokage Office.

"Lady Tsunade, we have received a message from Sand Village!"

A Woman in glasses entered the Hokage Office, her breathing a bit shallow as she presented the note in her hands to Tsunade who sat on the seat before her.

"A message"

A curious look appeared on the face of Tsunade wondering what Sand had to say, just a little while ago, Temari left, what else they have to convey.


Tsunade read the note and an astonished look appeared on her face, her eyes widened slightly.

"What happened, Tsunade-Sama?"

Shizune who stood beside holding the pig in her arms, asked seeing the astonished Tsunade.

"Shizune, we have no time to waste, hurry up and call Team Kakashi, immediately!!"

But Tsunade didn't satisfy her curiosity and said hastily since if what is written is true, then they have no time to waste.


Shizune didn't expect such a response but she didn't waste time and hurried outside, performing her duty.

"What happened so early, Granny Tsunade?"

Soon Naruto arrived with Kakashi and Sakura behind him, and asked a little annoyed look over his face, since he was woken from deep sleep.

"Where's Azuma?"

Tsunade didn't answer his question and asked spotting one less person, a frown on her face.

"Lady Tsunade, he isn't in the village, he left with Ino Yamanaka just an hour ago!"

Shizune naturally had asked the gate duo, after not finding Azuma back home.

"Damn, what bad timing!"

Cursed Tsunade, a little annoyed as he was her assurance of being able to protect Naruto from danger.

"Just what happened, Granny Tsunade, tell us?"

Seeing the angry Tsunade, Naruto couldn't wait to know what happened that caused her to worry so much.

Even Kakashi and Sakura were curious, as it had been a while since they saw her so riled up.


"Last night, Akatsuki attacked the Sand Village and Kazekage was taken away!

Hearing his words, Tsunade took a deep breath calming herself and said what was written on the note.

"What! Gaara was taken away by Akatsuki!!"

Naruto was stunned hearing the news before a look of anger appeared on his face, as Gaara was one of his close friends.

"You three leave quickly for the sand village, I'll send a suitable squad as reinforcements later, hurry up"


"Just wait for me Gaara!"

Said Tsunade as Kakashi and Sakura nodded heeding her words and Naruto clenched his fists in determination, as there was no way he would let anything happen to Gaara.


"Shizune, order the Anbu to investigate about the whereabouts of Azuma and Ino, I need them back at the village as soon as possible"

"Yes, Lady Tsunade!"

Naruto and others left, but Tsunade still didn't give up on Azuma and ordered Shizune.

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