Chapter 25 Return


The night is like ink and countless stars dotted the sky with a full bright moon hanging brightly.

Under the silvery moonlight, the village hidden in the leaves was brightly lit, the flow of people in the streets still immense.


At the entrance gate of Konoha, three figures appeared, two men and one women and they all seemed to be in a hurry.

The girl wore a red kimono with maple leaves patterned on them, one of the men wore a black kimono his short black drooped, the sharp and handsome face had a calm expression and his yellow hawk like eyes shone slightly in the dark night.

"Follow me!"

The last man with a mask covering his face looked around for a while and after confirming something, he motioned Azuma and Ino to follow him.


"I wonder what happened?"

Ino along with Azuma followed the Anbu jumping from building to building moving towards the Hokage Building,

They ran straight from the Tanzaku town to the back of the village without any break.

It's not that she didn't want to take a break but the Anbu didn't let her as Tsunade required them back at the village urgently.


"My mission is over, Lady Hokage is waiting for you at the office"

The three of them finally arrived outside the Hokage Building as the Anbu motioned them to go in, and from his tone he seemed pretty tired as well.

"Thank You!"


Ino politely thanked the Anbu for his hard work as the latter flashed disappearing from their vision.

"Let's go Azuma-Kun, Lady Tsunade must be waiting"


Ino turned to Azuma who stood beside crossing his arms across his chest as the latter nodded and strode towards the office.


"Come in!!"

Walking through the corridor the two of them arrived outside the office as Ino politely knocked on the door and a shout came from inside.

"Hehe…Lady Tsunade seems pretty worked up!!"

Laughed Ino, gazing at Azuma a slightly terrified look in her eyes as just from the voice she could tell that Tsunade was in a bad mood.

"Don't worry!"


Seeing the terrified look in her eyes, Azuma calmly assured her, the poker expression still there as he pushed open the door and Ino timidly followed him.

The door made a creaking sound and a woman with blonde hair and big jugs, sitting on the seat looking straight towards the door came in their sight.

"Finally, you___ well~ what do we have here?"

Seeing the figures entering the room, Tsunade recognized them immediately and wanted to admonish about their absence but seeing there attire she was left stunned.

Azuma wore a black kimono, his hair dropped down and Ino wore a red Kimono, her complexion slightly rosy, no matter how you see it, they don't look like someone who came back from a mission.

"I am getting burned by all the work here, and you two were having a date, brilliant!"

Said Tsunade a slightly gloomy and envious look in her eyes, her voice terrifying yet helpless as well.

"D-date??, it's not like____"

Hearing her words, Ino's face turned red and she wanted to deny it, but something stopped her suddenly as intervening her fingers, she looked down on her toes but kept sneaking glances at Azuma from the corners of her eyes.

"It seems she is bent on that we were on a date"

Azuma wanted to deny Tsunade's words, but seeing the look in her eyes he knew no matter what he said she won't believe him.

And he could understand why she thought so, they were both dressed in a beautiful outing attire, anyone will think that way.

Actually, he did once thought for a moment whether they are really on a date or not, as during the day Ino acted too real, but then he rejected the thought bcz if his guess is true, then won't Ino like him as she had invited him out.

He knows about one of the three major Illusions of a men's life *she likes me!*, he didn't want to raise his hopes only to be disappointed later.

"I asked her out, it's not her fault, Lady Hokage!"

Though he could clear the misunderstanding by saying he went on a mission, but the problem is he still doesn't know what mission they went on.

If Tsunade asked what the mission is and he doesn't know, then she might get angry at Ino who invited him out.

So he simply didn't clear the misunderstanding, anyway it didn't matter to him what she thought about his relationship with Ino, even a Hokage can't interfere in someone's private life.


Hearing his words, Ino was moved as she raised her head to look at him, her green eyes shining brightly, gazing at the side face of Azuma.

Ino could see that Tsunade was angry on her for taking Azuma out of the village non-officially but Azuma took the blame on himself, how can she not be moved.


Hearing her voice, Azuma turned his face looking at Ino who was also looking at him and smiled slightly, giving her an assuring node.


"You two stop for me!!!!"

Seeing the two figures looking at each other with pure eyes, a single woman like Tsunade couldn't handle the impact and shouted angrily, banging the table.

"Don't act all affectionate before me, here, take a look Azuma"

Her loud voice gained the attention of Azuma and Ino as they looked at her as after reminding the two with a little envious look in her eyes, Tsunade handed a scroll to Azuma.

"Huh, so it has started!"

Azuma took the scroll and opened it and soon read its content, a slightly surprised look flashed in his eyes before it went away.

Gaara was taken away, he knew this would happen soon after Naruto returned and as expected it did occur, the plot moving.

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