Chapter 26 Joining


Hokage Office.

"Kazekage was taken away, you want me to join the rescue squad, Lady Tsunade?"

After reading the scroll completely, Azuma put it back on the desk and asked, raising his eyebrows a little, the same poker look..

"Right! I wanted to send you together with team Kakashi, but you went out and it was not possible"

"I have already told you how dangerous Akatsuki is and them kidnapping Kazekage before the whole village proves there strength"

"I have confidence in Naruto, Kakashi and Sakura and they should be able to rescue the Kazekage but you saw it yourself, in extreme conditions Naruto goes berserk"

"You were able to stop him effortlessly in the berserk state and I need you together with him"

Said Tsunade her both hands supporting her chin, a solemn look on her face, as she hoped Azuma could understand the gravity of the situation.

"It takes around three days to reach Sand Village; do you want me to depart now?"

Asked Azuma a calm look over his face, since he is a shinobi of this village, he would complete the task given to him unless it doesn't go against his bottom line.

"No, you must be tired after your date, go back and rest, I'm planning on sending another squad with you, I'll notify you when they return"

Said Tsunade with a gloomy look in her eyes gazing at Ino who stood behind Azuma causing Ino to blush a little but Azuma remained calm.

"I see, then excuse me, Lady Tsunade"

Since she didn't want him to leave now, Azuma didn't have any problem so he calmly retreated.

"Wait for me, Azuma-Kun"

Shouted Ino as she followed Azuma's footsteps and left the office together with him.

"Sigh~ It's nice to be young~"

Sighed Tsunade looking at the couple leaving, an envious and a nostalgic look over her face.

Once she also had someone who she would act girly before, and would love his attention.


"Thanks for your time, Azuma-Kun, I really had a good time today!"

Walking out of the Hokage Building, Azuma who was planning to go back was stopped by Ino gazing at him with grateful eyes.

"No…need…I enjoyed…the day as well…"

Azuma was silent for a moment, intently gazing at the blonde girl before him who under the moonlight, looked even more gorgeous before shaking his head, he spoke, his expression the usual.

But his tone was a lot softer and was filled with gratitude as Azuma really enjoyed the day and his heart seemed a lot lighter.

Training, Fighting, living alone, Azuma was tired by the same schedule so this little outing with Ino was a good breather.

Hearing his words, a surprised look appeared on the face of Ino and clasping her hand she said looking at Azuma "Really? Then I look forward to the day when Azuma-Kun teaches me to cook"

"Now I'll be going back, Azuma-Kun, Good Night!!

To her words, Azuma remained silent and didn't refuse as he had promised her earlier, and he naturally won't go back on his words.

Seeing the silent Azuma, Ino knew it was the time to retreat and waving her hand she ran in the opposite direction to Azuma.

"Take care!"

Looking at the graceful back of the blonde girl, Azuma move his lips a little before a word squeezed out of his mouth.

"Take care, Azuma-Kun!!"

Ino didn't look back but waving her hand high she shouted a smile on her face and soon disappeared from the sight of Azuma.



Watching the girl completely disappearing, Azuma let out a sigh and turned into afterimage, storming back towards his home.

(AN:- This ends the romance now time to fight)


Two days later.

Konoha Entrance.

The endless blue sky was above the head as the sun shone brightly all over the world.

"Azuma, you'll be joining Team Guy, they may not look like but they are reliable, and won't hold you back"

"I leave Naruto in your care but be careful yourself as well and return back safely otherwise that girl won't forgive me if something happened to you"

At the entrance of Konoha. Stood five figures two woman and three men.

Tsunade gave Azuma blessings, who donned in green flak jacket of Jonin, shinobi gear underneath, with the big black blade on his back stood before her.

She knows how much that girl Ino is clingy to Azuma, she doesn't want him to have an accident, Azuma is strong, but Akatsuki is extremely mysterious as well.

All the members of the organization are S-Class Rogue Shinobi, and their leader must be terrifying since he can discipline so many strong shinobi.

Maybe the leader of Akatsuki is even stronger than Azuma, so she didn't want him to be too confident of his strength and advised him to be cautious.


Azuma nodded heeding to her advice, the usual expression still plastered on his face.

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