Chapter 28 Sudden Change

Land of Fire.

From Konoha to Sand Village, it takes three days, of course some speedy Ninja can definitely lessen the time.


In the forest near the borderline between Sand and Leaf, four figures whizzed through the woods, rushing forward constantly.

The eyes of Tenten still followed the sword at the back of Azuma and after holding back for so long, she couldn't hold herself back anymore, speeding up arriving near him.

"Azuma-San, is that some famous sword, it doesn't look ordinary" Tenten pointed at the blade on Azuma's back, a curious look on her face, waiting for an answer.

Tenten loves Ninja Tools, she can tell just by a glance, that this sword is not ordinary, she has seen many Ninja tools in her whole life, but this curved black blade really fascinated her.

The gems inlaid on its hilt is another matter but just from the sword itself, Tenten felt pressure like it had a will of its own.


Jumping onto another tree, Azuma didn't look at her but replied affirmatively: "It is one of the Twelve Supreme Blades, Yoru the Black Blade!"

"Twelve Supreme Blades, Yoru?"

Tenten was suddenly left confused as this was the first time she had heard such a legend; she knows about the legendary Kusanagi Swords.

But not even once she had read or heard anything about Twelve Supreme Swords.

The curiosity of the weapon maniac Tenten couldn't stop her as she asked, a confused look on her face: "I have heard about the Kusanagi Swords, Azuma-San, but this is my first time hearing about Twelve Supreme Blades"


"You can't find the supreme blades if you look for it" Azuma pulled out the blade from his back, holding in his hand and added: "Only a true swordsman is destined for the supreme sword, it's not a big thing if no one knows about them"

"A True Swordsman?"

Tenten became curious as she could tell Azuma wasn't lying, and there was no need to lie anyway, she wanted to see what kind of swordsmanship is required to be able to find the supreme blades.

Azuma had one of them, she really looked forward to his performance with sword.


As they were moving forward constantly through the woods, a shout suddenly halted them on the trunk of tree and saw Guy who was forefront, his hand raised for a stop gesture.

"What happened Neji?" Tenten quickly came near Neji and asked as she couldn't see any enemy or anyone above


"It's a dog" Neji opened the Byakugan and immediately found a small dog talking to Guy, the build of Guy making those behind unable to see it.



Azuma who stopped as well, suddenly frowned and lightning flashed around him next moment, as he disappeared from his place.



Azuma appeared around 50 meter away in the air, his sword sheathed out, an air cutting sound spreading around, as it fell on the branch of tree, cutting it immediately but this wasn't the end as the ground right underneath the branch was divided into two.

A massive explosion was set off, ground cracked, dusting rolling up as a pale white arm flew high in the air, falling far away.


This all happened in a matter of seconds, without giving Guy and other three a chance to understand what happened as they could only look at Azuma who stood near the divided ground, with shocked eyes.

A vertical gully extending up to ten meters appeared on the grassy ground, the ground neatly divided like cut with something very sharp.

"Really slippery!!"

Azuma ignored the eyes of everyone around and picked up the pale arm, a slight surprised look over his face as that bastard Zetsu was really fast.

Though he didn't burst out with his complete strength as the time was too short to think, but his speed still wasn't something that a weak chicken like Zetsu could react to.

But he still escaped deep into the ground and even for Azuma it would take a lot of work to take him out, showing that the third son of Kaguya had a few brushes.


"What happened, Azuma-San?"

At this moment, Guy and others also arrived near Azuma as Lee took the initiative to ask but whether it was him or other three, their eyes were still focused on the neatly divided ground on the ground.

The length of the divided ground was only up to ten meters not worth mentioning, but it's depth scared them too much.

They could see no end to its depth, and only darkness was out there showing how lethal the attack of Azuma was.


"It's around 100 feet' down!!"

Neji checked with his Byakugan and finally saw the end, taking a deep breath, as he couldn't understand what kind of power was required to drill that deep into the ground.

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