Chapter 29 Akatsuki

Land of Fire.

The 100-feet deep ground, just by a causal swing of a sword was too much for everyone to ignore.

This has easily surpassed the category of A-Rank Jutsu, and is approaching the S-Rank Jutsu, is this even swordsmanship?

"Azuma-Kun, what just happened?!"

Lee was the first one to break the silence, wondering why Azuma made such a move suddenly, others were equally curious as well.

"It's because of this" Azuma raised the pale white arm in his hand and said: "Someone was spying on us, he is good at escaping, I could only take an arm"

"Could it be Akatsuki?" Said Guy looking at the strange pale white arm, as it didn't look like a human's at all, only Akatsuki has strange monsters.

"It was Akatsuki, I did saw the cloud patterned robe" Said Azuma lightly, the usual poker face and added: "Deal with it!"



Azuma threw the arm towards Tenten who subconsciously caught it and enduring the nausea, sealed it in the scroll.

At a single glance, this arm looked inhuman, back in the village it could be researched.

"Let's go, Pakkun will lead towards the enemies' hideout, hurry up!!" Guy pointed towards the anxious dog, as they were delayed too much already.


Giving each other a glance, everyone followed the trail of Pakkun, storming towards enemies' hideouts.


Akatsuki Hideout.

It was a vast dark cave and a huge monster with ten close eyes was clearly visible in the dark.

On fingertips of both of its colossal hand, 10 green lights shone brightly and a figure floated in midair, red blue chakra roaring out of his mouth, moving towards the mouth of the huge monster.

"Konoha Reinforcements are approaching us!"

Ten figures were clearly visible in the green light on the fingertips of the monster as one of them with an odd shell around him spoke.

"We can't be interrupted during the sealing process, we have to stop them!"

The vivid figure who stood on the ground with purple patterned eyes spoke, his voice calm, devoid of any emotion.

"Hehe~ Konoha Reinforcements, is a thick eyebrow part of the squad?"

The figure with a massive bandaged blade on his back, shark like face, said laughing hate visible in his merciless eyes.

"There are two squads that are approaching us, the one near us is headed by Copy Ninja Hatake Kakashi, the Nine Tails Jinchuriki is with him as well"

"And the other squad is quite far away, and a strange thick eye brows is leading them, but they seem more tricky to me"

Zetsu gave the intelligence he had gathered surprising everyone when they heard the name Copy Ninja as he was not easy to deal with.

But the last words of Zetsu surprised everyone even more as they clearly spotted a trace of fear in the eyes of White Zetsu.

"Interesting~ looks like something interesting happened to you"

Kisame let out a gloomy laugh, curiosity in his eyes as it was the first time he saw Zetsu like that, this guy is always fooling around without the knowledge of the word "Fear".

But today he saw it, making him look forward to what happened with White Zetsu, was it that strange beast of Konoha.

"Haha!! Don't tell me you got your butt kicked, Zetsu, hmph!!"

Deidara who was physically present taunted Zetsu while laughing, as he always wanted to make fun of this weak chicken.

Everyone present also looked at White Zetsu with curious eyes, couldn't wait to know anymore.

"I was spying on their squad but one of them suddenly sensed me, and before I could understand what happened one of my arms was missing"

"If it wasn't for the shell covering us, we might have really been divided into two"

Black Zetsu who was attached with White Zetsu spoke this time telling everyone clearly what happened.

"What! someone located you!?"

Everyone looked at them with shocked eyes as they are aware of the spying abilities of Black and White Zetsu.

Except for leader, no one among them can sense White Zetsu, proving his abilities, but now someone was not only to able to sense Zetsu but also injure him.

If Zetsu's spying abilities are categorized at Lvl 100, than his escaping abilities can be said to be at Lvl 1000.

"Who is it?"

Tendo Pain who has been quite the whole time asked, his voice still calm, like nothing that happened had fazed him.

"I don't have information about him, but he carries a big sword on his back and also uses lightning style, his speed is exceptionally fast, he may not be less than Raikage of the cloud"

Said Black Zetsu whatever he knew about Azuma, and he didn't brag about his speed as he didn't even notice what happened until his arms was severed.

Maybe only Raikage of the cloud can make him feel so helpless, having such terrifying speed.


Hearing about his speed, everyone couldn't help but take a deep breath, as they knew Black Zetsu unlike White Zetsu won't make jokes during a serious discussion.

"Haha~ is someone willing to stop them?"

Kisame was the first one to break the silence as laughing he looked at the others wondering whether anyone had the courage to fight such an enemy.

Though his own eyes revealed massive fighting intent as he couldn't wait to go and fight.

"Itachi and Kisame, you both will stop each of the squad separately, there's no need to engage in a big fight, just delay the time until we're done"

"I will take 30% of your chakra and make a clone that will be enough to fend of the enemy, get ready"

Just when everyone was thinking whether they should volunteer to fight, Pain decided the two who will fend of both Squads.


Both Kisame and Itachi nodded and immediately shared 30% of their chakra with Pain, needed to perform the Jutsu.

"Will both of them be enough, that guy is not easy!"

Black Zetsu was not assured by just two of them going to stop the reinforcements of Konoha.

If they were at their full strength, than Zetsu naturally wouldn't have any problem, but the problem was they only had 30% of their fighting strength, which worried Black Zetsu.

"Worry not, I will send someone else to deal with the guy you mentioned, he's an intern, you don't know him yet"

Pain didn't want an accident to happen, so he decided to send him, the big boss behind the scenes, which no one except Itachi, Zetsu were aware of.

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