Chapter 30 Kisame

Land of Fire.


Five figures and one dog whizzed through the dense woods, leaping from tree to tree moving forward constantly.

The dense forest finally began to decrease as with intense sunlight hitting the face of the five figures, a rocky small hilly land appeared before everyone.


No one stopped, moving forward constantly but suddenly the dog leading the squad frowned, causing everyone to look at him.

"What's the matter?" Guy shouted coming near him quickly.

"Someone is coming!"


Said Pakkun as his words came true the next moment as a bandaged blade swimming in the hard ground, like a shark rushed towards them.

"Move away!"



Shouted Guy as everyone jumped and the bandaged blade collided with a boulder, destroying it immediately.

"What was that?"

Safely landing on the ground, Tenten asked quickly a worried look over her face, as she couldn't understand what was that.



Neji hurriedly opened his Byakugan and a speechless look appeared on his face, as he spotted a terrifying figure.

He has never seen someone with this ridiculous amount of chakra except Naruto.

"Hehe~ looks like I made in time!"

With a burst of light laughter, a figure walked out of the dust with a bandaged sword on his neck, a shark like face, sharp teeth, fins on his cheeks.


Guy looked at the figure a solemn look appeared on his face, sweat rolling down his brows.

"Do you know him Guy-Sensei?"

Seeing the face serious look on the face of Guy, Tenten guessed guy might know this guy, as she looked at him for an answer.

Others except Azuma also looked Guy for an answer, as they couldn't recognize the guy before them.

"You…who are you?"


Guy took a deep breath, and just when everyone was excepting an answer, his words destroyed the scary atmosphere immediately, Tenten and others speechless.

"Hehe~ it seems the beast's intelligence is also at the level of a beast"

Kisame who made a sudden entry was also speechless as he couldn't help but doubt the intelligence of Guy.

"Tenten, Lee, look at his robe, he is from Akatsuki!"

At this moment, Neji gained the attention of everyone as he pointed towards the clothes of Kisame, easily recognizable.

"Today…I'll take revenge of that kick…get ready!!"

Kisame didn't care about Neji recognizing him as he brought Samahada before him, looking at Guy with dangerous look in his eyes.

"Get ready to fight!"

Shouted Guy, as everyone put on a fighting stance, ready to deal with Kisame, the enemy from Akatsuki.


Azuma who stood at the last, seeing the fight about to start took out a Kunai and threw it towards Kisame lightly, as it whizzed towards him.


Kisame only heard a wind cutting sound, before a kunai was before him, a few centimeters away from his face, but at the last second he managed to bring his sword before his face, stopping the Kunai as it fell down making a harsh sound.


Guy and others who were about to fight looked towards the source of Kunai and saw Azuma walking forward calmly, the same poker look on his face.

Everyone didn't know why but they gave way to Azuma as he finally arrived forefront as few meters away from Kisame.

"What just happened?"

Everyone had the same question in their mind, with a puzzled look over their face as they wanted to remind Azuma to be careful but their bodies seemed to be out of control and gave way to Azuma, like welcoming a king.

"Hehe~ so you are that guy!"

Kisame looked at Azuma who appeared before him curiously but the big sword behind on his back made him recognize his identity, the guy who injured Zetsu.


Immediately, Kisame jumped back keeping a distance from Azuma as he clearly remembered what Zetsu said.

He didn't want to take a risk against him Azuma who even Black Zetsu praised due to his speed, so keeping a distance from him is safe.


Seeing Azuma facing Kisame alone, Guy wanted to say something, but Azuma just raised his hand without looking back, making a stay put gesture.

"Hehe~ I don't like your eyes!"

"Water Style! Great Exploding Wave!!"

Kisame made a single hand sign as he spewed out a massive amount of water towards Azuma, colossal waves storming towards him.

"What a strong water style!!"

Said Neji, a shocked look over his face looking at the high waves on which Kisame stood, as the water had completely covered the dry land turning it into a pool.


But Neji wasn't shocked for much longer as he jumped back, Guy and others copying him as waves were about to reach them.


Azuma didn't back down and looking at the 20-meter-high wave about to drown him, he took a light breath and raised his arm clenching it into a fist.


Veins appeared around the fist of Azuma as he punched in the direction of the water wave, the air making a booming sound.


The next moment, Kisame who stood top on the water wave shouted in disbelief, coughing blood as he flew back at an incredible speed, a sunken wound on his stomach.

The water wave seemed to have been hit by something invisible also dispersing it immediately and Kisame who had stood on top was also hit on the stomach by an invisible force.

{AN:- Just the wind pressure created by Azuma's punch, due to his strong physical abilities no Haki, remember this his physical qualities are even stronger than Whitebeard or Roger at their peak, only less than Kaido.

(Even Zoro during the Albasta arc while fighting Mr.1, was able to lift a stone building, no one can do that in Naruto.}

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