Chapter 31 Defeat

Land of Fire.


Kisame flew upside down hitting a boulder far away, a sunken wound on his stomach, spitting blood the next moment.

"Cough…what strong physical ability!!"

Coughing, Kisame stood up and said, his hand covering his stomach as waves of pain continuously transmitted through out his body.

He is not an idiot, after thinking for a while he understood how he was injured, Azuma punched towards him and then he flew back.

His physical strength is so strong that he can send compressed wind just relaying on physical force, terrifying.

"Using a simple punch to generate wind pressure…Unbelievable!"

Guy who was a Taijutsu expert also understood how Azuma was able to deflect the water wave and injure Kisame, without moving from his place.

He could do this as well but he needs to open five gates at least to reach that point, but Azuma did it so casually.

What did this prove?

"Azuma-Kun, he is stronger than Guy-Sensei in physical strength!"

Lee, took a deep breath and said, a shocked look in his eyes as he never expected someone stronger than Guy in terms of physical strength to exist.

He has trained under Guy and knows how strong Guy abilities, in normal condition, Guy is nowhere close Azuma.

"Just what the hell is this guy?"

Lee's words only made Neji and Tenten confused, as they couldn't understand why didn't they found this guy during academy days.

Neji has seen Azuma during the academy days and knew he was of the same class as his, but he never knew he was strong.

He remembers fighting Azuma once during the academy days in the monthly exam and he defeated him with relatively ease.

Was he hiding his strength or something else? Neji had no idea, all he knew is that the current him can't last two moves against Azuma.

"Are all Konoha Youngsters such monsters these days"

Kisame stood up and spoke with difficulty, a helpless smile on his face, his breathing shallow still feeling the pain from earlier.


To his words, Azuma remained silent and put his hand on the hilt of his sword fixed at his back, ready to finish Kisame.

"Hehe~ I look forward to fighting you at my full strength"

Seeing him holding the hilt of his sword, Kisame smiled and had no idea of resisting as he knew about his current situation.

That punch from earlier has exhausted his body completely, there was no way he could fight Azuma without being at his full strength.

So, before dispersing, he wanted to leave a statement for Azuma, that it was far from over and he would meet him next time at his full strength.



Azuma's expression remained the same as he disappeared from his place and appeared behind Kisame the next moment, a flesh cutting sound spreading, his hand still on the hilt of his sword fixed at his back.

Before the eyes of everyone, Kisame who stood intact suddenly separated into two, falling on opposite sides, blood spilling everywhere.

But a sudden change occurred, as the divided corpse of Kisame suddenly began to change turning into another person completely.

"He killed an Akatsuki member so easily!"

Neji and others couldn't help but say as Azuma didn't even sweat a little while fighting Kisame, as it seemed too easy for him.

"What happened to his corpse?"

Suddenly, the eyes of Tenten were attracted by the sudden change of the divided corpse of Kisame, which turned into a completely person.


Guy, Lee, Tenten and Neji gave each other a look before flashing appearing beside the neatly divided corpse.

"It was the enemies Jutsu, he was using someone else's body to fight us, his purpose was just to delay us"

Neji and others were confused seeing the changed corpse as they couldn't understand what had happened.

But Azuma arrived near them and quickly cleared their confusion as he knew it was pain's Jutsu that he used to delay time.

"So that guy isn't dead yet?"

Hearing his words, Neji looked at Azuma confirming whether Kisame was still alive or not.

"He is alive, this was just a dummy, now we should hurry up!"

Nodded Azuma confirming his guess before he pointed at the anxious Pakkun who stood waiting for them to leave.

"Let's go!!"

Everyone looked at each other and nodded, and flashed following the lead of Pakkun, once again on the way towards Akatsuki's hideout.


This time there was no obstruction as quickly they arrived at a cliff, a river flowing underneath and a cave before them with a huge boulder closing its entrance.


"They are inside!!"

All of them jumped down standing on the water the next moment, as Pakkun pointed towards the cave enclosed by the boulder.

"Yosh!! Let's break it open!!"

Guy was the one to volunteer to act as he raised his leg high ready to destroy the boulder.

Everyone moved back giving Guy the room to prepare a big move to destroy the obstruction.


But at this moment, some shadows flashed and four figures also landed on the water, headed by a familiar silver haired masked shinobi.

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