Chapter 32 Appearance

Land of Fire.

Outside Akatsuki Hideout.

"Late as usual, Kakashi!"

Seeing the familiar silver hair figure, guy took the initiative to greet, a smile appearing on his face.

"Sorry, we encountered a little trouble on our way."

Kakashi replied causally, the same lazy eyes as he looked at the boulder with a seal tag placed on it.


"Is that really you Naruto?"

Lee spotted the somewhat familiar figure behind Kakashi and hurriedly came forward greeting with a wide smile on his face.

Tenten was surprised as well, as the last time she saw him he was really too short, his growth surprised her.

"Bushy Brow, Tenten, Neji."

Naruto greeted them back, but his face didn't have a smile as his eyes were red looking at the boulder before him.


Sakura spotted Azuma standing on the side looking at the seal on the boulder carefully, and greeted him politely.

Hearing her words, Naruto also looked towards the figure with a sword on his back, a complex look on his face, remembering his earlier defeat.

He has never lost so badly in his life, the opponent just glared at him and he passed out, making him think was he really strong or not.

Azuma's strength made him doubt whether he had really improved in these two years, except for the increase in height.


Hearing her greeting, Azuma just nodded lightly looking at her before focusing back on the boulder.

"He reminds me of White Fang of Konoha, sharp as a sword just like him"

Beside Sakura was also an old woman with short grey hair, wrinkles on her face, a bag hanging across her shoulders, as she commented looking at Azuma, with hatred and regret in her eyes.

Had she stopped her son from going to a war, that tragedy shouldn't had happened, and White Fang wouldn't have killed her son.

"Like father, huh"

Kakashi wasn't much surprised at her words as he knew his father was best in swordsmanship, and Azuma looked like a swordsman as well.

Though what's interesting is that whether it is Tsunade or anyone else in the village, they haven't seen Azuma use that black blade on his back even once.

Against Tsunade he won the battle due to Lightning Style, against Naruto he ended the fight with a single glare, making them curious of his sword abilities.

"So what's the situation, Guy?"

But he didn't think much and looked towards guy hoping that he would fill him with details.

"They are inside, this boulder is blocking the entrance."

Guy pointed towards the massive rock at the entrance, with a white paper with a Japanese word meaning "Forbidden" plastered on it.

"So what are we waiting we for, lets break it, hurry up!!"

Shouted Naruto his eyes turning even more red just imagining how much pain would Gaara should be at the moment, inside this cave.

"Leave it to me!"


Shouted Guy, flashing a smile at Naruto, his teeth glistering as he turned into an afterimage, appearing before the boulder the next moment.


The punch of Guy fell on the boulder making a booming sound, but it didn't break instead ripples appeared on the boulder, absorbing the attack force of Guy.

"What happened?"

Guy jumped back looking at the intact boulder as he couldn't understand why didn't it break, the power of his punch seemed to be absorbed by something.

"It's a Five Seal Barrier, breaking it with force is nearly impossible!"

Kakashi and Chiyo were looking at the boulder, trying to understand what kind of seal was placed on it while others like Sakura, Naruto and others were completely clueless.

But just when Kakashi and Chiyo were guessing, Azuma on the side spoke, as after thinking for a while he finally remembered this seal from his memory of the plot.

"Five Seal Barrier?"

Sakura and others were confused as they didn't know a thing about his seal so they looked towards Azuma for an explanation as he seemed to know about it.

"Five Seal Barrier is sealing Jutsu, it creates a barrier around a place by placing four tags in different locations, and the final tag is placed on the place to be protected"

"Like Azuma said, breaking it with force is impossible, we need to find the other four tags and pull all the tags simultaneously, only than this seal will break"

But Kakashi didn't give Azuma a chance to explain and spoke, eliminating the doubt of everyone around, as he knew about seals a lot.

"Neji look around for the tags, hurry up!"


After explaining, Kakashi motioned Neji to work as the latter immediately opened Byakugan veins appearing around his eyes, looking around.

"Found them!!"

Quickly Neji found the place at which all the tags were placed, and immediately told the location to everyone around.

"Leave the removing of Tags to our squad, and we will use these wireless microphones to communicate"

Guy hurriedly took the responsibility to remove the tags and took out four microphones to be able to communicate later.

"Use a clone to remove the tags, there's a trap placed on the tags, be careful!"

But just when Guy, Lee, Neji and Tenten were about to go and remove the tags, Azuma spoke as he knew these tags had a trap placed on them, and quite a deadly one.

"Got it!"

Guy and others didn't dare ignore the words of Azuma and went ahead, with a cautious mind now.

"You seem to know a lot about Seals, Azuma!"

Kakashi came near Azuma and asked, as even he didn't see a trap placed on the tags, but Azuma did, showing his study in Fuinjutsu.

"I just know a fur."

Replied Azuma causally, the same poker look over his face, as he couldn't say right that he knew from the plot.


Sakura jumped on the boulder, putting a hand on the boulder, holding the microphone near her ears, waiting for the signal of Guy and others.


"Wow!! it seems a party is going on here!!"

But right at this moment, Azuma frowned slightly as he looked towards the cliff, and seconds later the space around it was twisted and followed by a teasing voice, a figure with an orange spiral mask appeared before everyone.

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