Chapter 33 Tobi

Land of Fire.

Akatsuki Hideout.


On the fingertips of the monster stood ten figures, a figure with red hair still floating in the air, as chakra roared out of his mouth, entering the mouth of Gedo Statue.

But suddenly at this moment, a booming sound interrupted everyone as pain the leader looked towards the boulder, blocking the entrance.

"It's a lot noisy this time, Deidara."

Said Tendo Pain looking at Deidara with a somewhat displeased look in his godly eyes, as they were interrupted too much this time.

"The Jinchuriki was quite strong this time, hmph!"

Deidara just snorted at his complain, as being stubborn he would never admit his mistake openly.

"Kisame and Itachi, weren't you able to stop the enemy!?"

Tendo Pain didn't care for the rebellious attitude of Deidara and focused towards Itachi and Kisame as it was there was duty to take care of leaf squad.

"Hehe~ we miscalculated big time, Leaf has a monster with them, I couldn't last two rounds against him"

Kisame replied to his words, openly admitting his defeat, a look of fear in his eyes appearing remembering what happened earlier.

"Is it the same guy that injured Zetsu?"

Asked Pain his brows furrowing, guessing who might have made Kisame so helpless in a fight.

"Yes, it was a guy with a big blade on his back, he is a real monster, I suggest not messing with him"

"Hmph! I expected much more from you Kisame, getting so scared by a Konoha brat!"

Kisame confirmed the guess of Pain, fear evident in his tone, as Sasori who stood on the stood couldn't help but mock him.

He never expected the monster of Mist to be so scared of someone else, disappointing him completely.

"You have to be careful, Sasori-San, you are physically here, it will only weaken Akatsuki if a member is lost"

To his words, Kisame just laughed and looked at Sasori with pitiful eyes, as he had a hunch that this might be the last time he sees Sasori.

"Enough, Focus on the sealing of One Tailed, it's soon going to end and someone will take care of that guy, I have sent the intern."

Seeing Kisame and Sasori about to start a fight, Pain motioned them to stop talking and focus on the sealing.

Through Zetsu, he had already notified Tobi, he might be out there already fighting the enemy.


Outside Akatsuki Hideout.

On the cliff above the river, followed by a teasing voice, the space on the cliff twisted and a figure appeared.

He wore a black robe with red clouds printed on them and an orange spiral mask covered his face completely, his left eye visible through the hole on the mask.

"Another Akatsuki member!!"

The complexion of Naruto and others changed immediately seeing the robe, never expecting a sudden meeting with another Akatsuki.

"Ohh!! Don't be so tense, I'm Tobi, an intern of Akatsuki, please carry on, I'm just here to take a look!!"

But the sudden tense atmosphere was broken suddenly, as they saw the orange mask figure hopping around, his playful voice falling in their ears.

"Bastard, where is Gaara!!?"

Naruto couldn't bear his teasing attitude, as he shouted looking at him, his eyes turning red, some orange aura appearing around him.

"Wow, so scary!!"

Seeing the orange chakra around Naruto, Tobi wasn't afraid as he hopped around even more, his teasing attitude still there.

"You guys open the seal; I'll deal with him!!"


But at his moment when everyone was thinking whether they should launch an attack, Azuma came forward walking on the water moving towards the direction of Tobi.

"Ohh!! Are you the guy Kisame-Senpai mentioned, you really seem strong!!"

Seeing Azuma coming forward, the teasing attitude of Tobi remained but before everyone, a crimson look appeared in his left eye.

"That's Sharingan!!"

Kakashi's complexion changed as he immediately recognized the familiar red eye, the eye that can hypnotize the soul.

"Focus on unlocking the seal: do you want the Kazekage to die?"

Seeing everyone staring at the Sharingan of Tobi with shocked eyes, Azuma stopped and motioned towards the boulder.

"Ah, then I'll leave him to you, thank you Azuma!!"

Hearing his words, Naruto and others finally came back to their senses, as the former looked towards Azuma with a look of gratitude in his eyes and thanked him.


Azuma didn't care for the gratitude of Naruto and just waved his hand, before turning into an afterimage, appearing few meters away from Tobi on cliff.

"Leave that guy to him, Azuma's not weak, we should do our part as well!!"

Seeing Naruto and Sakura still looking at Azuma's back with a worried look, Kakashi reminded them as they needed to do their own job as well.

"Let's go!!"

Naruto gave Sakura a determinant look, as the latter nodded back at him and pulled the seal away as Neji and others hearing the command from Microphone also pulled it at the same time as well.


On the cliff,


Underneath the cliff was a river, and behind the masked figure was a dense forest, two figures standing on the cliff, the cool breeze swaying their hair.

"Are we about to fight?"

Seeing Azuma before him, Tobi asked teasingly but his body was slightly tense, seemed ready for a sudden attack.



Azuma gave him a deep look, before he took a breath, and pulled out the black blade on his back, pointing it towards Tobi.

(Two chapters)