Chapter 34 Fight

Land of Fire.

On the cliff,

"That's one cool sword, ya know!"

Seeing Azuma pointing his blade towards him, Tobi spoke in a frivolous manner, as he wasn't joking that sword really looked cool, the coolest he has ever seen.



Azuma didn't care about the ignorant behavior of Tobi and raised his sword high, as the next moment a purple light flashed and an arm flew high in the air.


The teasing voice of Tobi changed into a hoarse one as he turned back looking at Azuma who stood behind him, a stunned look.


But he didn't get a chance to say anything, as the edge of the black blade was near his neck now, just centimeters away from cutting his throat.

But at the last moment, the eyes of Tobi changed into another pattern as the sword went through him, along with Azuma moving through him due to inertia.

"What's with this guy?"

Obito had sweat rolling down from his brows under the mask, his heart beating fast, as he stood looking at Azuma, clutching his right shoulder with his left hand, as his right arm under it was completely missing.

He has only been so close to death before only 1 time, when he was submerged under the boulder, and today he felt the same feeling again.

His Sharingan couldn't even see the figure of Azuma, first his arm was severed, even the pain came seconds later, then his throat was almost slit, he has never seen anyone so fast other than him.

The moment his throat was about to slit, he relied on bodies instinct to make himself intangible, as his body didn't have the time to move at all.

"Really tricky ability!"

Seeing Obito saving himself at the last moment, Azuma had to admit it, this ability of Obito was really one of the greatest life saving abilities.

Even if he goes all out and attacks him with his strongest slash ever, he knows Obito can still save himself from that easily.

"Someone like you was hiding in Konoha, looks like we need to work a lot on our intelligence ability"

After being shocked for a while, Obito finally calmed himself down, his voice hoarse this time, no longer acting frivolous.

"No longer in the mood to play around anymore, huh"

Hearing his voice that resembled Madara, Azuma spoke not in the mood to attack anymore, a somewhat mocking look in his hawk like eyes.

His Observation Haki can't sense the aura of Obito's body, showing he is in the state of intangibility, so attacking him was useless now, so he wanted to agitate Obito, to let him attack.

"You seem proud of your abilities, then let me show you the terror of Sharingan!"

Seeing the somewhat mocking look in the eyes of Azuma, Obito who was acting all mysterious these years felt a little uncomfortable.

Even Pain looks at him vigilantly, but in the eyes of Azuma, there was no fear for him, upsetting him slightly.


A long chain suddenly appeared in the only hand of Obito, chakra appearing around him as he was going to teach Azuma a lesson.


Obito turned into an afterimage appearing before Azuma, who horizontally slashed the sword towards him.

Seeing the blade about to pierce him, Obito's red eyes flickered and the blade passed through him.


But just when Obito after bypassing the blade, raised his chains high to entangle Azuma, the latter turned into purple lightning.

All the actions of Obito seemed to be in the calculations of Azuma.


"Damn! so fast!!"

Blood splashed as Obito groaning in pain cursed in his heart, as he didn't even get the time to make him intangible.

A big diagonal slash mark appeared on his back, as with to the force of the blade, he shot down towards the hideout under the cliff.


The hideout of Akatsuki was completely destroyed already as among the numerous broken rocks, Sakura and Chiyo were fighting a figure with red hair.


Only his face was human as his complete body had joint locks everywhere and on the chest a mass of flesh with the word Sasori on it, was stuck.

"What's the matter Grandma Chiyo, are you tired already?"

Sasori asked looking at Chiyo who was panting due to his poison, a calm look over his face and a blue-haired broken puppet was lying beside him, destroyed by Sakura.

"Grandma Chiyo, here I have the antidote, please take it"

Seeing the condition of Chiyo, Sakura with a worried face took out the last injection with a yellow liquid inside it.

"Haha, I'm not that vulnerable, you keep the antidote, I can hold on for a while"

Said Chiyo laughing as she took out a scroll from her backpack, a determinant look in her eyes.

"White Secret Technique: Chikamatsu Ten Puppets"


Without waiting for the response of Sakura, Chiyo opened the scroll and with a burst of smoke ten white puppets appeared around Chiyo.

"It's been a while since I used them!"

Blue chakra threads appeared around the fingertips of Chiyo as the ten puppets around her moved slightly.

"Chikamatsu Ten Puppets, you used them to take down a castle, Granny Chiyo?"

Seeing the white puppets around Chiyo, Sasori was calm as he spoke looking at Chiyo confusing her why he brought this up now.

"But I use them to bring down a whole nation!"

"Red Secret Technique: Performance of a Hundred Puppets"


Sasori said lightly as he took out a few scrolls and threw them upward as white smoke covered everywhere.


A shocked look appeared on the face of Chiyo and Sakura as in the air and ground, about hundred puppets appeared, chakra threads connecting to them from all over Sasori's body.


But at his moment, the silence in the battlefield was broken, as a figure fell from the sky in the middle of Sasori and Sakura, blood leaking down from his back, his black robe from the back destroyed, a slash mark clearly visible on his back.

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