Chapter 35 Retreat

Land of Fire.

The sun hanging on the clear blue sky shone brightly, lighting up the entire ninja world.


Under the sky, at the completely destroyed battlefield, with rocks and broken boulders everywhere, another explosive sound sounded.

"Watch out!"

Seeing someone falling in the mid, from the sky, Chiyo shouted warning Sakura as the latter hurriedly jumped back, distancing herself from the pit with dust rolling up.


Sasori hurriedly brought some red puppets before him as well, looking towards the pit wondering what fell from the sky.


But the mystery was quickly broken as an angry voice sounded from the pit and a figure with a huge slash mark on his back appeared before Sakura and Chiyo.

Blood was seeping down from his back, his black robe disheveled, the orange mask on his face slightly cracked at the end from which red blood dripped down.

The figure cursing stood up, his left arm missing and his steps a bit wobbly, seemed to be badly injured.

"It's that Akatsuki member!"

Even if he looked completely different from before, Sakura and Chiyo still recognized the injured guy before them, the guy who introduced himself as an intern called Tobi.

"Is he the intern that leader talked about?"

Seeing the familiar robe on the embarrassed figure, Sasori concluded immediately that he must be the guy that Pain talked about.


But just when both Sakura, Chiyo and Sasori was confused by the situation, a shadow flashed and a familiar figure appeared before them with a black sword in his hands.


Seeing Azuma appearing Sakura shouted, a lot relieved suddenly seeing him, as things were getting a lot trickier fighting Sasori.

"Sasori of the Red Sand!"

Azuma looked around and immediately spotted the figure with hundred red puppets around him, recognizing him instantly.


But he didn't care much about him and focused again on Obito, as he was the main dish, weaklings like Sasori aren't worth his time.

"Don't tell me this is all Sharingan can do?"

Seeing Obito looking at him varyingly, his body once again missing from the Observation Haki, Azuma tried to anger him again.

No way, even he can't do much against that ability and needed to look for an opportunity.

Earlier by seeing into the future he was able to injure Obito without giving him a chance to turn intangible, he needed Obito to attack him once again.

"Don't waste your energy, the same trick won't work again!"

But Obito seemed to have seen through his plan this time, as talking a deep breath, he calmed himself and said, his voice still hoarse.

"The next time things would be different, be prepared!"

Obito gave Azuma a deep look and his left eye began to spin, the space around him twisting, ready to retreat.

Obito wasn't a fool, his biggest assurance to survive against any opponent, "intangibility" seemed useless against Azuma.

The opponent seemed to be like he was aware of his abilities from the start, making him confused and worried as well.

He has been paying attention to the emotions of Azuma during the fight, but when he used his Jutsu, Azuma seemed to have no surprise on his face, which was very odd to him.

So before investigating things clearly about Azuma, Obito decided not to fight him to death, as unknown is the scariest.

Soon the twisted space sucked Obito in as he disappeared from the sight of Sakura, Chiyo, Azuma and Sasori.

Azuma didn't stop Obito from leaving or more precisely couldn't even if he wanted to, as he can't do much against transportation Jutsu.

"He retreated!"

Sakura was surprised seeing the new Akatsuki member running away as she was expecting a big fight of his against Azuma.

"Pathetic, all are rubbish!"

At this moment, the disdainful voice of Sasori fell in the ears of Azuma, who was cursing Obito who just retreated.

"Is he the only one?"

Azuma looked back at Sakura and inquired pointing at Sasori, as he didn't remember the whole details of this mission from the plot.

After all who has such ample time to watch every episode, he only had a general idea of the mission.

"Kakashi Sensei and Naruto have gone after him, the Kazekage unfortunately…"

Hearing his question, Sakura immediately replied but remembering the corpse she saw earlier, a somewhat sad look appeared on her face and she couldn't complete her words.

"He died, right? Someone who has the tail beast pulled out of him is bound to die."

But Azuma completed her words, with no hesitation in his tone.

For the Sand Village, Azuma had different emotions, and it was because of these emotions that he wasn't that active in this mission.

Otherwise he would have never waited two days in the village and would have saved Gaara already.

He was only doing this mission because the orders of Tsunade, to look after Naruto.

It was the Sand Shinobi who killed his parents in the crush plan, even though he never met them, he still felt a bit uncomfortable.

But Azuma gave up on revenge as it will only lead to deaths of thousands of people, which he wanted to avoid.

And If he had destroyed the Sand Village, his power will only make other villages fear him and they might get together to deal with him, resulting in countless deaths because of a single act.

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