Chapter 36 Raging Hawk

Land of Fire.

"Two Akatsuki members got ruffed up by you, why don't you show me what you got?"

Just was Azuma was lost in his thoughts, Sasori's voice pulled out him out of his thoughts, the latter's voice having a hint of expectations.

"Azuma-Kun, he uses poison, you can use this!"

Sakura came forward and stretched out her hand, an injection with orange liquid lying on her palm.

"Give it to her, I'll be fine!"

But Azuma refused shaking his head as he pointed towards Chiyo whose breathing was a bit uneven, the poison affecting her already.

"Haha…don't underestimate me brat, I may have retired but I still have enough left in my old bones"


Chiyo heard his words, as laughing she also came forward standing beside him, and gave him an angry look, the white puppets following her.

"Get ready for a cruel death, but worry not, you will always live as a part of my collection"


At this moment, Sasori finally took the initiative to attack, as all hundreds of his puppets moved towards Azuma, making a spectacular sight.

Sharp weapons like spears, blades, protruded out from the puppets, making them even more terrifying.

"Get ready!"

Seeing the puppets marching towards them, Chiyo shouted as her fingers moved, the ten white puppets behind her, moving towards the hundred puppets.


Sakura also clenched her fists, shouting as she also dashed forward, ready to destroy the puppets with her fists.

"Sigh…move away!!"

Seeing Sakura and Chiyo fighting the puppets, Azuma sighed and said lightly as they were getting in his way to finish things up.

Saying that, Azuma turned his sword to his right, near the hip, the air around him suddenly seemed to be still, a light red aura appeared around him.


Hearing his words, both Sakura and Chiyo were confused, as they looked back, but seeing the sword, a dreadful feeling rose in their hearts.


Immediately, like an Instinct, both Sakura and Chiyo jumped back, appearing behind Azuma, a trace of fear in their eyes.

"Don't even think of running away, you'll all be a part of my collection!"

Seeing Sakura and Chiyo jumping back, Sasori didn't seem to have any intention of stopping, the strings sticking out of him, flickering slightly, all the hundreds of puppets storming towards Azuma and Sakura and Chiyo, who were behind him.

"One Sword Style! Raging Hawk!!"


But at this moment, a hawk's cry sounded suddenly, stunning Sakura and Chiyo but this was just the start, as before their eyes, Azuma waved the sword horizontally towards the hundreds puppets.



Green light blinded the eyes of Sakura and Chiyo for a moment, before they were able to see a sight, a sight that left them stunned completely.

A huge phantom of a hawk appeared on the sky before it went away and a green energy slash, about 100 meters in width appeared, as Azuma had slashed his sword horizontally.


Seeing the wide green energy, even the calm and collected Sasori couldn't help but spit out these words, as he couldn't believe it, was this even swordsmanship?

"Stop it!!"

But he didn't stay shocked for much time, as he shouted in desperation, the shadow of death looming around him, the puppets waving their weapons at the wide green slash.


But Like paper being ripped apart, a similar sound sounded, as all the puppets, suddenly fell down on the ground with a thud, separated from upper body, divided into two from the waist.


But the green slash didn't weaken in the slightest, as Sasori mad in despair tried to outrun it but couldn't as it was too fast and too wide as well, nearly 100 meters wide not enough time for him to dodge.



Sasori could only watch as the green sword energy penetrated him, cutting him into two as well, and the green slash, collided with a raised vertical rocky wall behind Sasori.

An explosive sound resounded, as on the vertical wall, a clean horizontal hundred meters wide slash mark was printed.

"Is this swordsmanship?"

Behind Sakura was left with eyes wide open, her heart beating fast, gazing at divided puppets, Sasori and then the mark on the wall.


"Leaf surely is blessed, even White Fang couldn't come close to this!"

Chiyo who had seen a lot of terrifying sights in her whole life, couldn't help but comment, a helpless look over her face.

Never she had thought before that someone could cause damage equal to a S-Rank Jutsu, using just a sword.

"I leave him to you, I need to look after Naruto!"

Azuma didn't care for their shocked looks and pointed at Sasori who lay divided into two on the ground, but still alive.

As long as his core isn't destroyed completely, Sasori won't die, the slash of Azuma just grazed it slightly so Sasori was still alive.

But his puppet body was scraped completely as he won't be able to reconnect, and could only lay on the ground helpless.

"Thank You Azuma-Kun, leave the rest to us!"

Sakura bowed to Azuma, some respect in her green eyes for this guy around her age, as despite being so strong he wasn't arrogant and would use his abilities to help anyone, worthy of anyone's respect.



Azuma just nodded and disappeared, moving in the direction of Kakashi and Naruto.

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