Chapter 37 Helpless Deidara

Land of Fire.

"Come down you bastard!!"

On the countless logs stuck between the deep ravine, two figure jumped forward, chasing the blonde figure floating above, sitting on the back of the white bird.

Between the claws of the white bird, was a figure with red hair, his skin broke, and his heart still, clearly dead.

Naruto with red vertical pupil shouted towards Deidara who quietly floated above, extreme anger could be sensed from his tone.

"Haha, you should care for yourself first!!"

Seeing the angry Naruto, Deidara laughed, feeling a bit funny seeing him trying so hard, but his bad attitude pissed him slightly.

Deidara put his hand in the ninja bag, a mouth between his palms, as a tongue protruded out, eating the white clay inside.

"Those spiders....hurry up and dodge!"

The white clay soon transformed into countless white spiders as Deidara let them fall down, him being right above Kakashi and Naruto.


Kakashi had naturally seen this explosive clay before, so he reminded the enraged Naruto and jumped ahead, as Deidara above made a hand sign, the spiders exploding.


A booming sound spread around from the explosion of white spiders, some logs drilled between the ridge getting destroyed, smoke all around.


"Persistent Bastards, hmph!!"

But from the smoke two intact figures of Kakashi and Naruto ran out, causing Deidara above to snort in anger.

"Kakashi Sensei, are we going to just keep chasing him like this, we have to do something!!"

Naruto looked towards Kakashi for a solution as they have been chasing Deidara for a while now, but they couldn't do anything to him, due to his flying ability.

"I have a plan, just stay calm Naruto, I'm looking for an opportunity!"

Kakashi put his hand around his left eye and assured Naruto, as all of his hopes were placed on this eye.

"I have only one more shot worth clay left, I should have listened to Sasori and brought more clay!"

Deidara put his hand in the ninja bag, but a distress look appeared on his face, seeing the amount of clay left.

"It's time to retreat."

Deciding about something, Deidara lowered the bird and changed its trajectory, towards the forest, on the right side of the ravine.

"It's now!"

"Shadow Clone Jutsu!!"

Seeing Deidara lowering himself, Kakashi shouted to Naruto as the latter hurriedly made a hand sign, smoke erupting around him, countless Naruto appearing.



Kakashi also didn't waste any time and put his hand around his left eye, the pattern in his eyes changing.

"What's this?"



Deidara who had lowered himself, suddenly frowned a bad feeling rising in his heart, but before he could do anything, the space around his left arm began to twist.

Before Deidara could figure out anything, a heart wrenching pain came as his left hand exploded, blood spilling around, his screams resounding.


But this was far from the end, as the clones of Naruto, held the real Naruto and threw him in the direction of falling Deidara.


"This is for Gaara!!!"



Naruto whizzed through the air, towards the falling Deidara on the back of white bird, and before the poor Deidara could do anything, an angry shout fell in his ears, followed by Naruto appearing before him, a blue sphere in his hand.


The Rasengan fell on the stomach of Deidara as he screamed again feeling the pain, blood coming out of his mouth, a spiral pattern appearing on his stomach.


From the back of the White Bird, Deidara shot down at incredible speed towards the forest underneath.


Naruto didn't care about Deidara who fell down and hurriedly caught from Gaara from the claws of birds.

Holding Gaara in his arms, Naruto jumped down from the back of the birds back and soon landed on the branch of a tree.

"Naruto, we don't have time, come with me, we have to catch that guy!"

Naruto wanted to check the situation of Gaara, but Kakashi came near him and reminded him, as he didn't want to let Deidara escape.


"Hehe, you don't need to look for me, I won't go back before killing you both!"

Naruto wanted to argue but his words were cut in half, as a voice fell in the ears of Kakashi and Naruto, and Deidara with his left arm missing, blood leaking down from his mouth, a spiral pattern on his stomach appeared before them.

"He can still walk!"

Kakashi was shocked seeing Deidara as his injuries should have long incapacitated him, how can he still walk.

"Let me show you the real Art, C3 Exploding Dragon!"

Deidara didn't care for the shocked look of Kakashi and took out the remaining white clay from the ninja bag, gnawing on it immediately.

Deidara spitted white clay as it quickly gathered, forming a huge twenty-meter-high and equally wide white dragon, with white wings on its back.

"Haha!, explode!!"


Immediately, Deidara made a hand sign as the dragon opened its wings, storming towards Kakashi and Naruto.

"My chakra...!"

Cursed Kakashi seeing the white dragon, as his charka was not enough to launch another Kamui as he could only watch it approaching them.

Naruto was too busy checking Gaara as even for him it was too late to launch a attack.




Seeing Naruto and Kakashi helpless, Deidara laughed and made a hand sign ready to explode the dragon, but at this moment, a crackling sound resounded.

An air cutting sound was heard, as purple and green energy suddenly enveloped the dragon, cutting it neatly from the middle, stopping it from exploding.




Seeing his dragon cut into two without exploding, Deidara shouted refusing to believe it but a purple light flashed before Deidara, and then next moment, he found himself lifted in the air, a hand grasping his neck, yellow hawk like eyes meeting his. (AN:- Deidara Captured)

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