Chapter 39 Aftermath

Land of Fire.

"Hurry up, we can't waste any more time, they might need our help!!!


Around 20 to 30 Sand Shinobi collectively moved through the woods, moving forward at a constant speed, as the girl forefront with sandy blonde hair, with a big fan on her back, shouted, an anxious look on her beautiful face.

"You can count on us, Temari-San, we will never let anything happen to Lord Kazekage!"

The shinobi behind seemed like minded as they speeded up even more gritting their teeth, and spoke, expressing their intentions and loyalty for Gaara.


"What's that?"


Suddenly one of them stopped and pointed towards the sky about 1 kilometer ahead, which suddenly darkened.

"How can the weather change so suddenly?"

Temari raised her hand motioning others to stop, as she spoke with a bewildered look over her face, as this just doesn't seem right.

"What's that red light?"

"Hurry up and move back!!"


Suddenly, a dark red light flashed on the dark sky ahead enveloping the forest next moment.

Temari immediately had a bad feeling, as she shouted hysterically, as others listened to her commands moving back at a high speed.

Just as Temari and others moved back a little, the forest covering an area of 1 kilometer ahead suddenly burst open, booming sounds everywhere.

The towering trees were pulled out by an invisible force, the ground splitting open, cracks everywhere, like a natural disaster had stuck, clouds of dust everywhere.


Temari and other sand shinobi were at a safe distance but the mysterious force still seemed to have effected them a little.

Everyone fell on their knees, sweat rolling down their brows, as they nearly passed out just now, just from being affected a little by that mysterious force.

"How is this…how can this happen?"

Temari's eyes were blank as she stared at the completely razed land ahead of her, numerous animals lying passed out, as it was the first time she has seen such a devastating sight.

Once One Tail rioted suddenly, but it even it never caused such damage, like this sudden mysterious force had done now.

Razing a forest spawning an area of 1 kilometer, it's no longer a S-Rank Jutsu, it's something else, something way beyond the scope of the Jutsu.

"Are you alright?"

Suddenly, Temari seemed to remember something as she looked back and asked with worry, seeing everyone on their knees, panting for breath.


"We are fine, Temari-San, but what was that, some kind of natural disaster or something, humans can't do this. Right?"

One of them took a deep breath, and assured her as they were only mentally hit a little, but the impact of destruction still remained, as he couldn't help but ask, a hopeful look over his face.

He is just an ordinary Jonin, the strongest Jutsu he has seen or heard about is some S-Rank which can make a big pit or something, but this before him, it's like the whole world fell on the forest.

His will to continue as a Ninja would be seriously affected if this was man made, who would ever think of fighting such an enemy.

"That red shockwave originated from the direction we were going to; I can't say if it is man-made but we have to take a look, maybe Lord Kazekage is there"

Temari didn't want to think who did this, all she had in mind was Gaara, she didn't want to lose her brother, this shockwave only increased her fear.

"Let's go!"


Some reluctance appeared on the face of some Ninja as they didn't want to go ahead, but orders were orders they had to go.

Temari took the lead once again as the scared Sand Shinobi, not as determinant as before followed her dejectedly.



"You are no less than Senju Hashirama, Konoha really is… blessed"

Chiyo who had her hand placed on the chest of Gaara for reviving him, sighed at the destruction caused by Azuma, as such power to change the landscape she had only seen in one man, Senju Hashirama.

"But you are right about one thing…this does assure me…cause if you wanted…Sand may truly have been removed from the map…"

"It's farewell then, Hawk-Eyed Swordsman"

Saying that without giving the still shocked Kakashi, Sakura and others a chance to speak, she muttered and a white light enveloped Gaara.

"What are you doing, granny?"

Naruto who was shocked by the destruction, also woke up from the trance and putting the destruction caused by Azuma to the back of his mind, he focused on Gaara.

He didn't forget his business to come here he wanted to save Gaara, but couldn't, now this move of Chiyo confused him.

"Haha…don't think much... I'm already at the end of my road…this is my parting gift…"

Said Chiyo laughing giving Naruto an acknowledging look, as the latter suddenly frowned finding himself in the spiritual plane of Gaara.

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