Chapter 40 Resurrection

Land of Fire.


"Someone's coming!"

Kakashi and others stood together, looking at Chiyo whose hand was placed on the chest of Gaara, wondering what she was doing.

But suddenly Kakashi frowned as he looked towards the razed ground behind Azuma and spotted numerous vivid silhouette.


"It's Temari-San!"

Soon the vivid silhouette at the front became visible, as Sakura shouted recognizing her immediately.


"Lord Kazekage!!"

"How can this happen?"

Temari also spotted Sakura as she speeded up, but just when she wanted to greet and ask what caused this destruction, she spotted Gaara, who lay eyes closed, skin cracked.

Temari rushed towards Gaara, a panicked look over her face and the same was for the Sand Shinobi, seeing the Kazekage lying still.

"Gaara, get up!"

Arriving near Gaara, Temari on her knees immediately held him from the collar and shook him desperately, her eyes tearful.

"Lord Gaara!"

The Sand Shinobi were also sad as it was like a curse had fallen on Sand Village, every Kazekage was getting killed.

"Haha~ don't cry Little Temari, there's still hope!"


Seeing the sorrowful Temari, Chiyo who was muttering something for so long, finally stopped and said giving Temari a weak but assuring smile.

"Reincarnation Jutsu!!"

Temari was confused but before she could ask Chiyo what she meant, the latter put force on her hand on the chest of Gaara, as a white light surrounded her and Gaara.

"Grandma Chiyo, what's happening to you!!?"

The white light began to repair the cracked skin of Gaara, his face getting rosy but the face of Chiyo on the contrary got paler and paler as time passed.

Seeing this change, Temari was confused, as she asked desperately, wanting to understand what was even going on, she was completely lost.

"She said Reincarnation Jutsu, don't tell me?"

Kakashi on the other hand, focused on her earlier words, as a guess rose in his mind, sharing it loud the next moment with everyone.

"Yes, she is resurrecting him, it's a Jutsu that brings dead back to life, but at the expense of user's life, it's a forbidden Jutsu!"

Azuma who was leaning on the tree, spoke his eyes still closed, the same calm look over his face, explaining the situation.

"Resurrecting, is that even possible?"

Everyone was shocked at his words, as this Jutsu was really terrible, resurrection was a fantasy even in Ninja World.

"Granny Chiyo, you!"

Temari focused more on the latter words of Azuma, as she looked at Chiyo with tearing eyes, knowing she was going to sacrifice herself.

"Haha, don't cry, I already had a leg in the grave, rejoice, you at least have a beautiful future to look up to!"



Chiyo laughed at her concerned eyes, and said her last words, with some emotion in her eyes, before the luster in her eyes vanished, as she fell down with a thud.


Seeing Chiyo not moving anymore, every sand shinobi was in tears and so was Temari who sat near her, with Naruto to her left, still seemed to be in a trance.

But a confused groggy voice, took everyone's attention as they saw Gaara, who was lying cold there, suddenly raising his arm, his confused eyes looking around.

"You really put us in a lot of trouble, Gaara!"


Naruto who was in a trance also woke up the same time, as he lifted Gaara up and said a smile over his face.

Gaara who looked at the somewhat familiar face recognized it after a second thought, confusion written all over his face.

Wasn't he captured and killed, where's he now, he was completely lost.

"Welcome Back, Gaara!"

Naruto didn't clear his confusion, and just raised his hand giving him a little smack on his head, a smirk on his face.


"Lord Kazekage!!"


But at this moment, Gaara was suddenly hugged by Temari who sat near him, a relieved look in her eyes, and was the same for Sand Shinobi who were crying tears of joy.

Gaara looked around, his face placed on the shoulders of Temari, as he finally began to regain clarity, an emotion welling up in his heart, never expecting a day when so many people would be happy to see him.

"All well that ends well!"

Sakura, Lee, Guy, Tenten all had smiles on their face seeing Gaara alive, as Kakashi on the side took a deep breath and said, finally the mission was over.

On the battlefield, with the ground razed to nothing spawning miles, cries of joy rang all around, the dark clouds vanishing.

Gaara was soon surrounded by every Sand Shinobi as well as Naruto and others, smiles on everyone's face.

Even Azuma who leaned on the tree, with eyes closed, unknown to him had a faint smile on his face.

(Next chapter is last of Gaara's arc, a reminder, mc just defeated 4 Akatsuki members)


Read chapters ahead of all three books 📚

Aokiji Yuki (currently 13 chapters ahead)

Naruto: Great Swordsman (currently 13 chapters ahead)

Boruto: Surgeon of Death (8 chapters uploaded till now, regular updates)
