Chapter 41 Leaving

Sand Village.

Entrance Canyon.

Near the big entrance rock, at the endless yellow sand, stood some figures, with backpacks, seemed ready to leave.

"You have saved me once again, Uzumaki Naruto,"

Gaara donned in black shirt and pants, with his red hair scattered around his forehead, said looking at Naruto who stood before him.

Behind Gaara was Temari and Kankuro who were out to see them off, and behind Naruto was Guy, Lee, Tenten, Sakura, Neji and Azuma.

"Hey, let go of me!"

On Azuma's shoulder was a blonde tied figure struggling to free himself, but the seal tags all over his body made it unable to do so and he could only cuss.

"Shut up!"


"Aww, he fainted again!"

Seeing Deidara whining near his ears, Azuma frowned, a little displeased, and he gazed at him with his hawk eyes, Deidara fainting the next moment.

Tenten on the side, couldn't help but exclaim as this was the third time during two days they rested in sand village after returning from saving Gaara, that Deidara the captive fainted.

And coincidentally, it was Azuma who fainted him every time, just giving him a look, Deidara fainting the next moment.

"The next time we meet, I hope it will be as fellow Kage, Uzumaki Naruto!"

Gaara ignored the happenings behind Naruto, and kept focusing on the latter, flashing him a smile and extending his hand towards him.


"Of course, you don't have to wait long, I'll catch up to you in no time and become a Hokage, believe it!"

Naruto looked at the hand extended before him in a trance before a wind blew taking his hand towards Gaara's, a smile appearing on his face.


Naruto shook the hand of Gaara, and returned to his usual self, reminding him of his motto, smiles appearing on everyone's face.

"Then, Lord Kazekage, we'll take our leave!"

At his moment, Kakashi came forward and expressed his intentions, as they were already late and needed to go back.


Everyone turned around and just when they took the first step towards home, Gaara from behind shouted, stopping them in their tracks.

In the curious eyes of everyone, Gaara went straight towards Azuma who stood on the side, with the passed out Deidara on his shoulders.

Kakashi had left Deidara to him, as he was the strongest among them, and would be able to protect him from enemies who might try rescuing him.

"Yoshitake Azuma!"

Arriving before Azuma, Gaara called out his name, raising his head to look at him, his height far less compared to 1:87m Azuma.

Azuma looked back, gazing in his eyes, a confused look on his face, wondering what this guy had to say to him.

"After returning to the village, two days ago, I learned everything that happened, including what Advisor Chiyo said before she revived me"

"I don't know why you helped us despite having an unknown enmity with us, but as the Kazekage, this is the last of my gratitude towards you"

Saying that in the unbelievable eyes of everyone around, Gaara bowed before Azuma, completely 90 degrees, his hands straightened on the side.

"Gaara, what are you doing!?"

Everyone was shocked as Gaara was the Kazekage, him bowing before someone represented something far greater, he was the representative of his village.

Kankuro behind couldn't control himself as he shouted and came near him, trying to raise his head, but sand rose up from the ground, holding his ankles in place, stunning him completely.

"Gaara, you…"

Even Temari felt a little uncomfortable, she didn't come forward like Kankuro to stop him, but she still had concern over her face.

Sakura and others looked extremely concerned as well by this sudden turn of events.


Seeing Gaara bowing before him, Azuma who had practiced his Observation Haki to the limit, couldn't help but sigh, as he could tell that Gaara wasn't putting a show fearing his strength and his every word was true, from the deepest part of his heart.



In the unbelievable eyes of everyone, Azuma suddenly put his hand on the hilt of his black sword fixed on his back, pulling it out, scaring everyone around, Naruto coming forward, wanting to say something.


But before he could complete his words, Azuma raised his sword high, thrusting it towards Gaara, who didn't move an inch from his place, still heads down, but the blade passed by him, drilling in the sand beside him.


A red shock wave emitted from the black blade, as Gaara who was 90 degrees, seemed to be hit by some invisible force, his head raising automatically, before he stood completely straight, looking at Azuma with shocked eyes.

"I once did think of sinking this village, using the black blade but once the previous owner of this blade gave someone a chance to prove himself"

"I decided to give you a chance as well" saying that Azuma came forward and pulled out the blade from the sand, a smirk appearing on his face as he turned around his back facing every eye present, adding

"It seems it wasn't a bad bet after all"




Said Azuma, his words shocking everyone, before smiles bloomed on their faces including Gaara's, but Azuma didn't care for anyone and turned into purple lighting storming back towards the village, Deidara on his shoulders feeling a strong current, cursing him inside his heart.

"Haha, then it's farewell, Gaara!!"

"Stop Azuma, let 'show him our youth Lee!!

Naruto let out a loud laughter, waving his hand towards Gaara before he turned into an afterimage, following in the direction in which Azuma disappeared.

Sakura and others with smiles also followed him, and Guy raised his hand high shouting, Lee following him.

"They really a bunch of weirdos"

Temari who stood beside Gaara, with arms across her chest, couldn't help but laugh and say, looking at the back of leaf squad.

"Let's go back!"

Gaara looked at the back of leaf squad for a while until they eventually disappeared, as he turned around, walking back towards the village, a smile on his face.

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