Chapter 42 Return

Land of Fire.


The sun hung at the clear blue sky shone brightly, and the gentle breeze only elevated the mood of everyone in the village.

Hokage Office.


"He is…"

Tsunade looked at the passed out blonde hair figure, thrown on the ground like a dog with a shocked look in her eyes, as she recognized the robe he was wearing.

"Lady Tsunade, his name is Deidara, a member of Akatsuki who kidnapped Kazekage, we were able to capture him alive"

Before Tsunade stood Kakashi, Naruto, Sakura and Guy, with a somewhat tired look over their face.

Just moments ago, they finally reached home from Sand Village after completing the mission, and came straight to Hokage Office to give a report.

Azuma, Neji, Lee and Tenten went back, as the others were enough to file a report and they could go back and rest.


"So tired…"

Sakura beside Naruto put both hands around her waist bending back a little, a tired look over her face as she was literally forced to came here by Kakashi.

"Really, I'm not, though I do miss Ichiraku a little, I'm going to have a big nice bowl first hand"

Seeing Sakura complaining, Naruto was just slightly surprised but his mouth watered thinking of Ichiraku Ramen.

"Lady Tsunade, on this mission we encountered total five members of Akatsuki, Kisame Hoshigaki, Itachi Uchiha, Sasori of the Red Sand, Deidara, and another masked figure with a Sharingan"

"Five Akatsuki members, was it that serious?

Tsunade who heard the report couldn't help but exclaim a little, giving him a surprised look never expecting them to go through so much.

"Lady Tsunade, all of them were equally powerful but the only reason we probably are alive now is due to one man"

"One man?"

"It's true, Lady Hokage!"

Tsunade raised her eyebrows a little to his words, and gazed at Guy who stood beside Kakashi, the former testifying for Kakashi immediately.

"First, on our way to reinforce Kakashi's squad, without us being aware, we were being watched by the enemy, but Azuma sensed the enemy and taking immediate action, he cut an arm of the enemy, but we couldn't see the face of the enemy as he escaped, the arm is stored in this scroll"

Guy took the stage and started narrating the report, and took out a scroll during his talk placing it on the desk.

"Hmm~ so Azuma is also a good Sensory Shinobi, really a talented kid"

Tsunade put away the scroll as she knew this wasn't the time to check its contents, but a smile appeared on her face hearing Azuma performed well.

"This is just the start Lady Hokage, after dealing with the unknown enemy whose arm Azuma cut off, we encountered, Kisame Hoshigaki, but miraculously, Azuma was able to slay the enemy with a single strike, he simply cut him into two "

Guy spoke for a long time from Azuma defeating Kisame to meeting with Kakashi and others, Kakashi and Sakura also chipped in from time to time reporting everything that happened on the mission.

"Azuma, did he really defeat four members of Akatsuki alone, is this even possible?

After hearing the whole report, Tsunade couldn't believe Azuma had defeated four Kage rank powerhouses and according to the report, he didn't get a single scratch on him.

She knew he was strong but defeating four Kage Rank Shinobi one after another is an amazing feat, what kind of stamina, what kind of huge charka is required to fight four continuous battles.

She can't do this, Jiraiya can't as well, nor could her Sensei, maybe only her grandfather can achieve such a feat.

"Lady Hokage, actually there is another matter that I need to report, it's related to Azuma's past"

"His past?"

At this moment, Kakashi seemed to remember something as he stepped forward and said, gaining Tsunade's attention as well.

Naruto and Sakura also focused on Kakashi as they were curious about the past of Azuma as well.

To Sakura, she found it unbelievable that someone so strong and so handsome was of the same generation as hers and she never found him before, it's like he never existed before.

Naruto who has always been chasing after Sasuke, was also curious for this guy around his age who suddenly appeared and had such unfathomable strength, far surpassing Sasuke, Kakashi, Granny Tsunade and maybe even stronger than Pervy Sage.

That forest spanning kilometres was destroyed by his mysterious power; he knows this much that Pervy sage can't do that.

"Lady Hokage, just before advisor Chiyo resurrected Kazekage, she spoke to Azuma, pointing that she had seen some hatred in his eyes for Sand and questioned why he helped them despite that hatred"

"Azuma stated that if he wanted he could have removed Sand Village from the map of the world but he didn't and at the same mysterious dark red power burst out of him"

"The power he used against Naruto?"

Tsunade wrinkled her brows slightly, as hearing that Azuma said he could destroy Sand Village all by himself, she felt a little unbelievable, but her focus was quickly shifted towards the mysterious power.

"Yes, it was the same but it's magnitude was humongous compared to what he used against Naruto, we all saw the forest spanning 1 kilometer was completely destroyed"

"Even the weather was affected by his power and every animal in the forest was found unconscious"

Some lingering fear still flashed in the eyes of Kakashi remembering the terrifying sight, as that was just too much to ignore.

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