Chapter 43 Azuma's Past

Land of Fire.


Hokage Office.

"Destroying a forest spanning kilometers so easily…only grandfather could do such a thing..."

Tsunade couldn't help but remember her grandfather as in her memory only he should be able to cause that much damage to surroundings using his Jutsu.

That is the power of gods, Shinobi like her, Kakashi or anyone else has only heard about it, but now seeing that power dwelling in a seventeen something kid, was amazing.

"Yes, Lady Tsunade, Advisor Chiyo before her death did mention that Azuma was no less than first Hokage, Senju Hashirama"

"And when we were about to depart, the Kazekage himself apologized to Azuma by bowing before him and thanked him for helping the sand despite having an enmity with them"

"Sigh…I won't be surprised anymore in the future, that kid is the strongest in the world now, really unbelievable!"

Hearing that even Kazekage bowed to Azuma, Tsunade sighed as today she had received too many surprises all revolving around a single man and she had already prepared herself for future surprises.

"The strongest…"

Sakura and Naruto gave each other a look, extreme emotions in their eyes, never expecting someone around their age to be the strongest in the world.

"Lady Hokage, if it's not inconvenient, I would like to know about Azuma's past, why someone so strong was so transparent before, what is his enmity with sand, he is a part of my squad I need to be aware of his past"

At this moment, Kakashi asked about the past of Azuma which has been ticking him for a while now.

"His past, well~ it is necessary for you to know!"


Tsunade thought for a moment, before she decided to tell Kakashi every information she had on Azuma's past, and took out a file from under the desk.

"Yoshitake Azuma, he is 17 years old, one year older than both of you Naruto, Sakura, his days at the academy were pretty transparent, he always ranked in last 10 in the class, the same class as Neji and other two"

"His resume was pretty ordinary till the incident two years ago during the Chunin exam?"

"Orochimaru's attack?"

Naruto, Sakura and Kakashi raised an eyebrow knowing the main turning point of Azuma's life may be related to that incident.

"Actually, I just learned about this matter two day ago and I even regretted sending Azuma to your aid, it must have been really tough for him to help his enemies"

Said Tsunade, a sad look appeared on her face as when she learned the complete truth two days ago, she had a headache for a whole night.

But in her heart the respect of Azuma also rose to another level, as he didn't even hesitate a little to help his enemies on her orders, showing how tough and a forgiving heart he had.

He didn't even complain a little to help his enemies, even she was fooled, thinking that he was perfectly fine with the mission.

"What matter?"

Seeing the somewhat sad look on Tsunade's face, Naruto and others knew immediately that the matter might be even more serious than they had thought

"Two years ago, when the village was attacked, both of Azuma's parents were killed in the fight, and according to the report of the shinobi who saw them getting killed, Azuma was present there, his parents were killed right before his eyes"

"And it was a Sand Shinobi who killed his parents, according to him Azuma tried to fight back to get revenge, but was severely injured in process, the slash mark on his left cheek is also due to that fight"


"How hard would it have been for him to help those who killed his parents and still smile in the end, he is a true shinobi, someone worthy of respect"

"Such people are rare, he has lived alone for too long, try to cherish him, he may smile before you but behind that smile is boundless loneliness"

Tsunade took a deep breath, and spoke, a look of extreme respect in her eyes, her eyes stuck on the picture of Azuma on the file, a smile on his face.

Kakashi who heard the whole story couldn't help but sigh as it was the same for Guy who stood beside him, as to them this was just another tragedy of the many.

Sakura like always was already in tears, and Naruto though had a regretful look on his face, cursing himself for not being able to understand the pain of Azuma.

"Well, anyway, this is his past, but past is always something that one has to leave behind and look ahead, like Azuma did, he was weak and couldn't protect his parents, so he made himself so strong in just two years "

"Don't pity him, that would just be an insult to his struggle, what he needs is closed ones which arouses his desire to protect them, what he failed in two years ago"

"Yes, Lady Tsunade!"

"You can count on me Granny; I'll make that paralysis face guy smile for real!"

Hearing her words to not to pity Azuma, Sakura finally wiped her tears and nodded and Naruto also smiled assuring her.

"That's good, now I'm going to announce the matter of Azuma defeating four members of Akatsuki alone and playing a big part in rescuing Kazekage to the whole village"

"Since he likes to stay alone, hehe, we won't let him and will make him famous throughout the village, adding his looks to the equation, he will be the perfect lady killer"

Seeing Sakura and Naruto back to good mood, Tsunade, Kakashi and Guy and smiled and suddenly Tsunade smirked, a plan appearing in her mind, which she shared the next moment.

"Hehe~ that would be good, Lady Tsunade, but Ino might mind"

Hearing her suggestion, Sakura laughed as well as she knew Tsunade was right, Azuma with his looks and these achievements will definitely be a lady killer, though she felt a little bad for Ino.

"Hmph! Now don't brag too much him, he's only a little handsome than me, one day, I'll be even more famous than him"

Naruto felt happy for Azuma from the bottom of his heart, but him being the focus of ladies ticked him a little as that has been one of his dream, which even seemed harder than being a Hokage.

"Yeah~ Yeah~"


A speechless look appeared on the face of Sakura as she waving her head she chased him away, getting a few laugh again from Tsunade, Kakashi and Guy.

(AN:- Now I will lower the chapters on people acting shocked on MC's strength and move towards the story, and I had missed chapter 41 before, I have uploaded it now, please read it)


Read chapters ahead of three 📚

Boruto : Surgeon of Death

Naruto: Aokiji Yuki

Naruto: The Great Swordsman