Chapter 44 Famous


The sky above Konoha was perfectly clear, a cool breeze blowing, only adding to the charm of a beautiful day.

The wide streets were filled with people, smiles everywhere, but nearly at the corner of every street in Konoha, a group of people forming a circle stood together.

"That guy who carries that big sword on his back, did he really defeat so many members of that terrifying organization?"

"It's true, Lady Hokage, personally broke this news, not only he defeated four S-class Rogue Shinobi, he also played a big hand in the rescue of Kazekage"

"They all call him Konoha's Hawkeye now"

The group of people talked about the latest news in the village, with excitement on faces, happy that someone from the village finally dealt with that terrifying organization.

"That kid looked extraordinary at first glance, I had a hunch he would be famous one day"

A middle aged man, crossed his arms across his chest, and said with a look of, that I already knew this would have happened.

"Go away, don't brag, weren't you the one who said that kid only has a good face?"

But the others gave him a despised look and chased him away, causing the middle aged man to feel embarrassed a little.


Ichiraku Ramen.

Right outside the famous ramen shop in Konoha, another group of boys and girls stood together, but they were all familiar famous.

A figure with a huge white dog by his side, a gloomy looking guy with glasses covering his eyes, a lazy eyed man, a fat guy with potato chips in his hands, a watermelon head, a figure with white eyes, and another one with blonde hair and whiskers on his cheeks.

Four girls also stood together with them, a girl with pink hair, a girl with blonde hair bangs covering her left eye, a timid looking girl with white eyes, and finally a girl dressed in white with a scroll on her back.

"Damn! Where did this Azuma pop out from and became so famous!"

Kiba with Akamaru by his side cursed a somewhat enviable look in his eyes, as he heard also about the news.

He called everyone to gather here, as according to news, Naruto, Sakura, Tenten, Neji also played a part in rescuing Kazekage, he wanted to confirm it from them.

"It's really surprising"

Shino pushed his glasses and said, with a hint of surprise in his tone, the black glasses making it unable to see what he had in his eyes.


"Is he really that strong? I mean even Asuma-Sensei was injured fighting a member of Akatsuki!"

Choji munched on the chips and asked, still not being able to believe that someone around his age was so strong and they knew nothing about him.

"Of course he is strong, the enemy that me and Granny Chiyo couldn't defeat together, he defeated him with a single slash of his sword"

"Yeah, Azuma-Kun is surely the strongest in our village, two months ago, he even defeated Lady Hokage in a fight easily, defeating some rogues must have been a piece of cake for him"

Sakura told about her experience to Choji's question and Ino beside also chipped in telling what happened two months ago, a proud look on her beautiful face.

"And unlike you lot, he is quite responsible and always does his job with utmost care, that's why he was made a Jonin after his first mission with us"

Shikamaru beside picked his ears with a somewhat annoyed look over his face but didn't refrain himself from sharing his thoughts on Azuma.

"Hey, Shikamaru you are the last person who has the right to admonish us on being irresponsible!"

Naruto beside him couldn't help but shout an angry look over his face, wondering where did this guy get the courage to say that others are irresponsible, when he is the biggest slacker himself.

"Sigh~ what a drag~"

To his yelling, Shikamaru just shook his head in regret, regretting why he even came here.


"Hey, isn't that…"

"It's Azuma!"

Seeing Naruto fighting with Shikamaru, the girls smirked but suddenly Hinata spotted someone from the corners of her eyes as she pointed towards it.

Everyone looked at the direction which she pointed and Neji was the first one to recognize him, a figure dressed in black kimono, holding a plastic bag with groceries inside, walking towards his home.


Azuma with a somewhat annoyed look over his face due to sudden popularity, was on his way home with some groceries but suddenly he frowned as he sensed some familiar auras near him.


With his superior eyesight, just like a hawks, he immediately recognized the group of people standing outside Ichiraku Ramen as the girl dressed in purple waved her hands towards him, her voice high.

"Kyaa!! Azuma-Sama!!"

Just when Azuma was thinking whether he should go and greet everyone, a loud voice sounded from behind him causing him to look behind and so did Shikamaru and others.

A group of girls with flowers in hands were rushing towards Azuma, rolling dust behind them, an excited look on their faces, eyes with a heart pattern stuck at Azuma.




A stunned look appeared on the face of Azuma before he came back to his senses and immediately had a single thought: run.

Purple lightning flashed around Azuma as in the stunned eyes of Ino and others including the fan girls, he disappeared leaving a purple trail in the air.

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