Chapter 45 Mission

(Please read the AN at the end of chapter)

Village Hidden in the Grass.

At the center of the dense green forest that spawned miles, was a small dusty road, that leaded straight towards Tenchi Bridge, one of the iconic places of Village Hidden in Grass.

On the road, three figures walked steadily, moving forward at a constant pace, towards their destination Tenchi bridge.

"Hey! Azuma, what are you doing?"

The figure with blonde hair and blue eyes with whiskers on his cheeks, walked beside the tall man with a sword on his back, and asked, looking at the scroll that Azuma was continuously reading since the start of journey.

In the last mission, right before his death, Sasori revealed information to Sakura, that he was to meet his spy placed at Orochimaru's place, at Tenchi bridge, in Kusagakure Village.

Naruto and Sakura were desperately looking for any news of Sasuke, so they wanted to go, despite knowing it could be a trap.

Tsunade had no choice but to send Azuma with them to keep an eye on Naruto, as she believed with his strength nothing dangerous will happen to Naruto.

Kakashi was exhausted in his fight with Deidara who was captured and was currently being tortured at leaf interrogation department to gain information.

Kakashi currently was in the hospital, so Tsunade made Azuma the team leader, and unlike in the plot, Sai didn't tag along with them.

Danzo did introduce Sai to Tsunade as he wanted him to keep an eye on Naruto as well as Azuma, since such a strong guy appearing suddenly piqued the interest of Danzo.

But Tsunade rejected saying Azuma alone was enough to protect them and if something happened, she will take complete responsibility, expressing her trust in Azuma.

"It seems some kind of Jutsu"

Sakura who walked to the left of Azuma, with her hands behind her back, leaned forward and took a look at the scroll on which Azuma was focused on.

"You're right, It's Flying Raijin Jutsu and Eight Inner Gates of Guy-San, but as expected of Forbidden Jutsu's they are quite difficult to learn"

Azuma confirmed the doubt of Sakura, an interesting look in his hawk eyes, as S-rank Jutsu were really hard to learn.

When Tsunade requested Azuma to go with Naruto and Sakura, Azuma demanded to study Jutsu on Seal Scroll.

Azuma was interested in Flying Raijin, as it was the perfect Jutsu for someone who was lazy and didn't want to move much.

Eight Inner Gates, Azuma first didn't plan to learn them but in the end he decided to learn it, as even though he wasn't afraid of anyone with his strength, but more the merrier.

"Flying Raijin, isn't it the Jutsu of Fourth Hokage, I heard it is super difficult to learn it"

A surprised look flashed in the green eyes of Sakura, as she shared the history of this Jutsu which she learned from Tsunade.

"Fourth Hokage, he must really a genius, even the Rasengan I use is the Jutsu of Fourth Hokage"

Naruto beside commented, feeling a little envious of Fourth Hokage who could come up with so many amazing Jutsu's.

"Everyone has things in which they are good at, Naruto, you should try finding what you are good at"

Feeling his envious tone for his father, Azuma decided to cheer him up, as Naruto may not have inherited the intellect of Minato, his unpredictability was one of his good points.

"What am I good at, hmm~ it's really confusing…"

Hearing his words, Naruto thought deeply about his good points but except for being able to eat Ramen at high speed, he didn't find anything worth mentioning.

"As expected…"

Seeing Naruto confused, Sakura sighed knowing Azuma was just wasting his energy, naruto doesn't have the brain, required to find his shortcomings.

"I have a suggestion, although it's up to you to try it"

Seeing Naruto confused, Azuma also sighed forgetting that he was Naruto, but he didn't mind lending Naruto a helping hand in getting stronger.

Anyway if he gets stronger, Tsunade would be assured that Naruto can protect himself, and the weight on his shoulders can be lessened.

"Really? Quickly tell me Azuma!"

Naruto was ecstatic, as his leaned forward, his face a few centimeters away from Azuma, his gleaming eyes looking at Azuma.

"Keep at least a 1-meter distance from me in the future!"


Azuma felt a chill seeing Naruto so close, a terrified look appeared on his face, as he remembered immediately how much Naruto cared for Sasuke, and moved towards his left a little leaning towards Sakura who laughed at his words.

"Ah, Sakura-Chan, I don't swing that way, believe me!"

Seeing Azuma looking at him with a vary look and Sakura laughing, Naruto understood he might have been misunderstood and hurriedly tried to prove he was straight.

"We are here!"

While Naruto was trying to assure Sakura, Azuma with his superior eyesight, spotted the bridge as he alerted both Naruto and Sakura.

"It seems I would have to wait for a while"

Azuma decided to tell Naruto the method to get stronger, after the mission, as now the mission was the top priority.

(*AN:- This isn't just a cannon rehash, I won't mine and your time with that, plot will change a lot after this mission.)

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