Chapter 50 Sasuke's Despair


Orochimaru's base.


The sudden black blade appearing made Sasuke jump back, making a distance from the sudden enemy, who he currently was looking at.

"Are you alright, Naruto?"

Seeing Azuma making a timely save, Sakura's hanging heart finally fell, as giving Azuma a grateful look, she strode towards Naruto, who still stood in a trance, couldn't believe that he was nearly killed by Sasuke.

"I'm fine…Sakura-Chan…"

Her words brought woke Naruto up, as he replied in a low voice, his vertical red eyes struck at Sasuke, who was sizing Azuma.

"Azuma, how did he appear so quickly?"

Sai on the other hand was stunned seeing Azuma appearing, he was thinking of retreating seeing his strength not equal to Sasuke, meaning mission failure.

He didn't believe Naruto and Sakura would be able to stop him from leaving, once he returned to Danzo safely, even Hokage won't be able to question him about anything.

But now Azuma appearing here means his chances of escaping have decreased a lot.

"It seems in my absence a lot of new faces have appeared in the village!"

Said Sasuke looking at Azuma, a red glow appearing in his eyes.

"Naruto, Sakura, do you want him to live or not?"

Azuma just gave Sasuke a pitiful look, before he focused on Naruto and Sakura, and asked an astonishing question, his finger pointing at Sasuke.


"Azuma-San…. You don't mean to…?"

His words left Naruto astonished, who looked at Azuma with a complicated look in his eyes, while Sakura did manage to build up the courage and ask, her whole body trembling.

She has seen the strength of Azuma many times, and even if she didn't want to admit it, the current Sasuke did look strong, but he didn't give her that suffocating feeling that Azuma did.

Even if she didn't want to admit it, a fight between Azuma and Sasuke, would only end in the death of the latter.

But she didn't' have the heart to stop Azuma, as Sasuke was a rogue, Azuma was doing nothing wrong, and this was the reason for Naruto's complicated eyes as well.

He wanted to stop Azuma as well, but the facts were before him, Sasuke just tried to kill him, if it wasn't for Azuma, he would be dead already.

"You have only few minutes to make a choice, it will end fast"


Seeing both of them looking at him with complicated eyes and not daring to answer, Azuma's expression remained calm as he pointed his blade towards Sasuke.


"Want me to live or not, ha, do you have the power to back those words?"

Chuckled Sasuke at his words, a dangerous glow flashing in his red eyes, his sword pointing at Azuma as well, the smell of gun powder everywhere.

"This is my chance…"

Seeing the fight between Sasuke and Azuma about to begin, Sai on the side cautiously put his hand in backpack, ready to escape.



Sasuke removed the bandage on his wrist, with a burst of smoke, Shurikens appearing in his hands, as he whizzed them towards Azuma.


But this was just the start, as a thin wire was connected to every shuriken, blue thunder appearing around Sasuke's hands, channeling into the wire and then to the shurikens.

With a crackling sound, the shurikens with blue light flickering around them whizzed through the air, and with Sasuke's wire control, they sealed every escape way of Azuma, surrounding him completely




Seeing Azuma surrounded completely, Sai knew this was the chance, he hurriedly took out a scroll and a brush, but at this moment, a red aura burst out of Azuma, the shurikens around him getting blown away, and Sai on the side, suddenly fell down, eyes white.


The shurikens were blown away, but Sasuke disappeared from where he stood and a wind cutting sound fell in Azuma's left ear.


With a calm look over his face, Azuma rolled his wrist, the big blade turning to his left, stopping Kusanagi sword of Sasuke, making a metal colliding sound.

"You have some ability…"


"Chidori Stream!!!"

Sasuke whose attack was blocked, was slightly surprised but that's it, Sasuke pulled the blade back and thrusted it into the ground, blue light surrounding his blade completely, spreading all around in a radius of 50 meters.


Azuma commented lightly, his body suddenly being surrounded by a dark matter, the lightning of Sasuke, couldn't faze him slightly.

"Defensive Ninjutsu…"

"Lightning blade!!"

Seeing the black matter surrounding Azuma, Sasuke wrinkled his brows slightly, suddenly founding the situation a bit difficult but not out of control, at least to him.

Pulling out the blade from the ground, Sasuke channeled even more chakra into it, blue lightning extending from the tip of his sword, turning into a 5-meter-long lightning blade.

"Be gone!!"


The next moment, standing where he was, Sasuke just slashed the blade towards Azuma, due to its long length it reaching Azuma easily, parallel to his throat.

"Too weak…"

The dark matter around the hand of Azuma, darkened even more, his hand calmly in the way of the lightning blade, grasping it the next moment in the stunned eyes of Sasuke.


Holding the flickering blue lightning in his hand, Azuma just applied a little force, the lightning like glass make a breaking sound before scattering completely, vanished.

"It's my turn now…"


Said Azuma to the stunned Sasuke, red light flashing, him appearing before Sasuke, his blade moving towards the latter's throat.



Seeing the blade about to pierce his throat, Sasuke cursed inwardly, as exhausting his full strength, he ducked, the blade passing over his head, the clouds on the sky behind him suddenly moving away.

Azuma seemed to have anticipated Sasuke dodging his move already, as he rolled his wrist, the currently black hilt of his blade, hitting the chin of Sasuke, the latter feeling a terrifying pain, blood coming out of his mouth.



But this wasn't the end, as Azuma before him spun 360 degree, and slashed the blade towards Sasuke's chest, blood splashing around, a gruesome red diagonal slash mark appearing on his chest.


Sasuke roaring in pain, fell on his knees, right before Azuma, clutching his chest, an unbelievable look in his red eyes.

(AN:- This isn't just strength show, in next chapter, something will change the plot completely)

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