Chapter 51 Decision


Orochimaru's base.

"Aghh…what's this… just what's happening. Why am I the one on knees!" On his knees was Sasuke, his hand clutching the long wound on his chest from which blood poured out constantly, but in his red eyes was endless confusion.

He trained so hard in these two years, his strength increased at an astonishing rate, even Orochimaru now seemed weak to him.

But what's happening now? Why is he getting beaten? Why couldn't he last more than two rounds before this unknown guy he never saw before, was he really strong or not.



Naruto and Sakura behind Azuma both cried at the same time, a panicked look on their face, seeing Sasuke with a gruesome wound on his chest kneeling before Azuma.


Swish… Boom!!

Naruto couldn't control himself anymore seeing Sasuke on the verge of death, hurriedly he stood up pushing Sakura away, but just when he took the first step, a green slash roared past him, stopping Naruto in his tracks, his eyes widened.


"Stay where you are, you haven't made a decision yet!" Azuma didn't look back, just taking the blade back, he calmly said to Naruto, his back facing the teary Sakura and the stunned Naruto.

"Ahhh!! How… How can I lose!!!!" Just when Azuma took his blade back, Sasuke who was on his knees before him, suddenly roared, his voice reaching the heavens.

The black curse mark on Sasuke's shoulders suddenly began to burn spreading around, soon covering Sasuke whole.


Suddenly Sasuke before Azuma who calmly looked at his transformation jumped back, keeping a certain distance from Azuma.

"I am not weak…I'll prove that!!" Sasuke who had grey skin and currently two wings on his back said looking at Azuma, unwillingness in his tone, seemed to be fighting with himself.


Black lightning appeared in the right hand of Sasuke, the sound of thousands of birds chirping together resounding everywhere.


"Don't give me that look!!" Seeing the black lightning the calm look in the eyes of Azuma didn't go away, angering Sasuke reminding him of someone.

Leaving a black trail in the air, with strands of black lightning flashing in the air, Sasuke appeared before Azuma at an unimaginable speed, like he had blended in the air.

"That's some speed…but…" a hint of surprise flashed in the eyes of Azuma, as the current angry Sasuke was really fast, even in pirate world, it could make a billion berries pirate somewhat troublesome.

"Die!!!" In extreme anger, Sasuke thrusted his right hand with black lightning around it towards Azuma's throat.

"No matter how fast you are, it's useless before me" Said Azuma, his world suddenly turning black and white, every move of Sasuke in the next three seconds being displayed before his eyes.


Azuma suddenly tilted his head to the left, Sasuke's hand passing by his throat, but Sasuke thrusted the sword in his left hand in the ground, and using its hilt as a platform to step on, he spun in the air, his right hand this time moving towards the back neck of Azuma.


But like he had known before hand, Azuma this time just stepped to the left, the whole Sasuke passing by him due to the force of inertia, a stunned look in his red eyes, not being able to understand how Azuma responded to his well thought attack.



Azuma let go of the sword it drilling in the ground, a hint of red appearing on the black matter of on his right hand, as it thrusted it towards Sasuke right before him, completely in a vulnerable position.



The punch of Azuma fell on the bloody chest of Sasuke, the latter's eyes nearly popping out, the impact sound spreading around, followed by the groan of Sasuke, who coughed blood and flew back at an astonishing speed.



At the raised wall, about fifty meters away, Sasuke crashed straight on it, etching his shape into it, coughing another mouthful of blood, before falling down on the ground the next moment, not moving any more.

The grey curse mark around Sasuke began to recede as soon he returned to his original form, laying quietly on the ground, fainted blood pouring out from all over his body.

"It's time end this…"


Seeing the fainted Sasuke, Azuma was quiet for a moment, before thinking of something he pulled out the blade from the ground, pointing it towards the fainted Sasuke.

"One Swor____"


Azuma raised the sword high, but at this moment a shadow flashed and the figure of Naruto appeared beside the fainted Sasuke.

"If you want to kill him, kill me first Azuma…I know you are doing nothing wrong…so kill me first…I can' watch Sasuke being killed"

Said Naruto, his determinant eyes looking straight into Azuma's, his arms wide open, his chest puffed up, ready to take Azuma's slash.


"No…you don't need to do this Naruto…sob…I was the one… who was fixated on finding Sasuke…the one who should die is me"

But before Naruto, the teary figure of Sakura appeared as just like Naruto, she also opened her arms wide, protecting both Naruto and Sasuke behind her.

(AN:- sorry I made a mistake, next chapter will show signs of plot change as an apology I will upload the next chapter as well)