Chapter 52 Sasuke's Enlightenment


Orochimaru's base.

"Cough…I…lost…what was I doing these two years…"

Sasuke who lay fainted on the ground coughed suddenly waking up, blood spilling out, but his hurt more than the pains from the wound.

"If I can't even defeat a nobody…how can I kill him…how can I avenge you father…mother…" Thought Sasuke, a frustrated look over his face, tears streaming down from his eyes, feeling extremely powerless in avenging his clan and his parents.

He has trained so hard in these two years, he hardly even slept in these two years, grinding his body, breaking through his limits all for the sake of killing Itachi and avenging his clan.

But just like two years ago when he fought Itachi, he found himself extremely powerless again, he couldn't even touch a no body more or less injure him.

"Why is it so hard to avenge his clan? the same sentence repeated again and again in the heart of Sasuke bringing him to tears, ashamed at himself for being so weak.

"If you wish to kill him, you have to kill me first, Azuma…"

"No…if anyone has to die than it's me…it's all my fault…"

But just when Sasuke lying on the ground riddled with wounds was cursing his weakness, two voices with extreme determination fell in his ears, his eyes widening for a moment.

"These two…"

Sasuke with extreme difficulty turned his head to the front and saw both Naruto and Sakura with arms wide standing before him, protecting him from Azuma who had raised his blade high, his numb heart shaking for a moment.

The amount of tears pouring down from the eyes of Sasuke increased suddenly, a complicated look over his face.

"It seems both of you have made a decision" Said Azuma lightly his face devoid of any surprised expression, it seemed he was already aware this would happen.

Hearing his words, both Sakura and Naruto remained silent, still standing before Sasuke arms wide, bent on dying before Sasuke.



Seeing them stubborn, Azuma gazed at them for a second, before he sighed and fixed the sword on his back, eyes of both Sakura and Naruto widening.

Even Sasuke who was watching everything felt another shaking sensation acting on his heart, seeing Azuma putting the blade away.

"Just why don't you leave me alone…"

Said Sasuke in his heart, tears still streaming down from his eyes, he just tried to kill them, but they were still protecting him to the point of sacrificing their own lives from him, he couldn't hate them even if he wanted to.


"Treat Sasuke Uchiha and bring him in…I have something to say to him…" said Azuma to the stunned Sakura, pointing towards the injured Sasuke and walked into the base of Orochimaru with Sai on his shoulders, disappearing from their view.


"Thank You…Azuma-Kun…" Sakura burst into tears, as she said, choking, immense gratitude in her tone.

"Thank you for everything…" Naruto could only say this, as he couldn't find more words to express his gratitude.


Sakura wiping her tears, hurriedly went towards the injured Sasuke, squatting down she placed her hand on his chest, green light appearing.


Feeling the slightly cool feeling from his chest, Sasuke turned his head and seeing the familiar Pink haired girl, his eyes couldn't help but hazy, speaking her name in a trembling tone.

"Don't go Sasuke…take me with you…" the past began to run in the mind of Sasuke, how many times he hurt this girl, but here she was treating him again, forgetting the fact that he just tried to kill her, the feeling of guilt nearly exploding his heart.

"Don't talk, just concentrate on healing your injury…" his voice shook the heart of Sakura, but keeping her cool, Sakura just flashed a teary smile at him, trying to assure him as much as she can.


"Look at you now…weren't you acting all mighty just a while ago…idiot" Naruto also walked up to the injured Sasuke who lay on the ground, and said looking at him with mocking eyes, but his tone didn't have a trace of disdain, only immense relief.


"I couldn't cut my past after all…" hearing his words, Sasuke didn't get angry, knowing Naruto was trying to make him angry on purpose, so that he doesn't think much about what he did earlier.

A strange warm feeling welled up in his heart, as he thought, a smile appearing on his beaten face, ending his resistance, accepting the circumstances.

"Sorry for everything…Naruto…Sakura…" said Sasuke, as after accepting everything his will to be a loner on the road of revenge was completely broken.

If he had just died now, his revenge would have been over, but these two even went to the point of giving their lives for him, the feeling of having someone close outweighing the feeling of his revenge.

(Moral: A good ass beating guides to the right path)

{AN: - "I know people hate Sasuke, but it's also a fact, that no one is more miserable than him in Naruto after Itachi, losing all he had would drive anyone crazy, and in the next chapter Azuma will point Sasuke towards the ...…?}

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