Chapter 56


Entrance Gate.

"It hasn't changed a bit…" Said Sasuke, who entered through the gate, a nostalgic look in his eyes, which gazed around at the familiar village.

"Of course it hasn't changed, how long have you been gone for, just 2 to 3 years, idiot" Said Naruto in a mocking tone, talking down to him like he used to years ago.

"You're right, 2 or 3 years are really not enough, no wonder you are so weak, loser!" Retorted Sasuke back, with an aloof look on his face, turning his head to the side in an arrogant manner.

"Damn Sasuke!"


Being called a weak hit naruto right at the weak part of his heart, as he couldn't help but get angry on Sasuke, like he used to years ago, Sakura behind laughing at their interactions.



But at this moment, took the three's attention, as they saw with Kiba taking the lead, their friends approaching them at lightning speed.

"They are noisy as ever…" commented Sasuke, looking at the group approaching them, the arrogant look from years ago returning more and more.

Naruto and Sakura smiled at his words, but they didn't get to think much as the group had finally arrived.


The group stopped right before them breathing of everyone heavy, but their eyes stuck at the figure in the middle.


All of them pointed their trembling fingers at Sasuke, mouth agape, still unsure whether this was reality or a Genjutsu.

"It seems I would be one to give a report…" Seeing the group looking at Sasuke with astonishment, Azuma decided not to watch anymore, letting them have their reunion.

Taking the scroll out in which the head of Orochimaru was stored, he decided to go and deliver it to Tsunade.

As for Sai, Sasuke due to his fight with him was injured, even with Sakura's presence it took three days for them to come back.

Sai was sent back to the village with Reverse Summoning of Katsuyu, the summoning of Tsunade, along with the report of Sasuke was returning.

As for Orochimaru's death, Azuma didn't report, as it was better to tell it personally, no matter how evil Orochimaru was, he was once of the same squad of Jiraiya and Tsunade.


Picking up the pace, he turned into afterimage, storming towards the Hokage Building.


Hokage Office.

"Welcome Back, Azuma!"

he entered the office was immediately greeted by Tsunade's warm smile, who sat on the seat behind the desk, her assistant Shizune with Tonton in her arms standing by her side.


He nodded towards her, but his eyes quickly moved to the extra figures in the room, an old man and an old woman who sat on the sofa to the side, before them stood another old man with black hair, his right arm was covered with bandages, his chin had a cross mark, his only eye looking him curiously.

"Ahem, meet them Azuma, those sitting are the advisors of Konoha, Homura Mitokado and Koharu Utatane, and the one standing…"

"Shimura Danzo"

Clearing her throat, Tsunade introduced both the advisors but before she could introduce the last figure, Azuma interrupted her, speaking the last figures name.

Tsunade wasn't surprised at Azuma knowing the identity of Danzo, as in the report he send earlier, he had mentioned Sai and Danzo.

"Yoshitake Azuma, I'm very interested in your sudden rise, but before that, you need to clarify something, why leave a rogue who betrayed the village alive, even bringing him back like a guest?"

Asked Danzo, his sinister gaze lingering at Azuma, his voice cold seemed devoid of any emotion.

"I am not obliged to report to a coward who stays hidden in the dark and does nothing…don't act like my superior"

Replied Azuma coldly, Danzo's commanding tone like he was his slave, ticking him slightly.

"Do you know who are you talking to?" Hearing Azuma's words, the face of Shizune, Tsunade, Koharu and Mitokado changed like they had seen a ghost, Danzo on the other hand barely able to keep his anger in check, asking Azuma in a deep voice, his eye squinting.

"Are you deaf? Didn't you hear me calling you a coward" Said Azuma looking at Danzo like he was gazing at the biggest idiot in the world.

"Puch…Haha!!" Tsunade had her hand covering her mouth, her whole body was trembling trying hard to control her laughter, but Shizune beside her couldn't control her laughter, Tonton nearly falling from his arms.

"You disrespectful Child!" Koharu on the side stood up and admonished Azuma, looking at him with angry eyes.

Homura was equally anger, the way Azuma treated Danzo really ticked them off, doesn't he have respect for his elders.


Danzo on the words of Azuma remained silent and just waved his hand, a shadow from the window entering the room, whizzing towards Azuma.



But just when the shadow was a few centimeters away from Azuma, a red aura exploded out of him, the figure with a mask on his face and orange hair, halting before falling on his knees before Azuma, his breathing heavy.