Chapter 57


Hokage Office.



Seeing the mask shinobi on knees before Azuma, Tsunade felt insulted, how dare he attack someone in her presence.

The desk broke from the punch of Tsunade, her raging eyes stuck at Danzo, it seemed she could attack him any moment.


Danzo looked back and forth at Azuma and Tsunade, shocked by the strength of Azuma who incapacitated his one of the strongest Root Shinobi so easily and a bit angry at Tsunade talking to him like this, he was generations above her, she should treat him politely.

"Ha…. what is with this guy…" Fu, who was on his knees before Azuma, was sucking much needed breaths, sweat rolling down from his brows under the mask, an unbelievable look on his face.

Just when he wanted to attack, a force seemed to act on his mind, making him want to submit to Ryuma, only due to being from Yamanaka Clan and having strong will power, he was able to resist that force somewhat.

"Ha… Fu retreat!" Controlling his anger, Danzo waved his hand towards Fu, knowing his presence would only anger Tsunade even more.

"Yes…" Trembling Fu, stood up and walked towards the window wobbly, so different from how he entered the room.

"Lady Tsunade, Sasuke would be soon here, but before that you should take a look at this…"

Azuma with a calm look on his face ignored the raging Danzo on the side and took out the scroll in the curious eyes of Tsunade, unsealing it the next moment.


"This…Orochimaru…" A head with a long neck appeared on the ground, the eyes of Tsunade widening for a moment, her whole body trembling a little.


"Lady Tsunade!" Tsunade slumped back to her seat, a somewhat sad look in her eyes, Shizune seeing her condition couldn't help but speak.

"Orochimaru was killed…. this kid…" Koharu and Mitokado were looking at Azuma like they had seen a monster, someone who Sarutobi couldn't kill seemed to have been done in by this kid.

"Ha…" Danzo's breathing was also a little heavy, his fearful eyes stuck at the head on the ground, not being able to believe that Orochimaru was really killed.

"Sigh~ how did this happen?" There was a silence in the office, some time passed as Tsunade finally heaved a deep sigh and asked looking at Azuma, the sad look from before replaced by the sense of duty.

Though Orochimaru was indeed her comrade once but now he was the killer of countless innocent children's, civilians, she can't pity him, his ending was what he deserved.

"After reaching the Tenchi bridge…"

Azuma began to narrate everything in details, from reaching the bridge, encountering Sai, him fighting Orochimaru and killing him, and also how he fought with Sasuke at the base of Orochimaru.

"Sigh~ deliver this to information department, Shizune" After hearing he whole story, Tsunade let out another sigh, and ordered Shizune to hand the head of Orochimaru to information department to handle it.



Shizune nodded and putting the head in a seal scroll she strode away leaving Azuma, along with other four in the room.

"What does this have to do with the matter of bringing back Sasuke like a guest, Azuma, you should know no matter what reason he was indeed someone who left the village and went to a rouge"

The matter of Orochimaru was dealt with, so Tsunade inquired about the matter of bringing back Sasuke like a guest instead of a prisoner, as she couldn't understand why he did so.

If he had defeated Sasuke, just capture him and bring him back chained, that's how rouges are dealt with, but the way Sasuke was treated confused her a little.

"There's a long story behind it, lady Tsunade…it's better if you hear it in the presence of the victim himself…"


Saying that Azuma stepped to his left pointing towards the door, it being pushed open, four figures entering the room in the eyes of Koharu, Tsunade, Mitokado and Danzo.

"Granny Tsunade!"

"Lady Tsunade!!"

Naruto who entered first immediately greeted Tsunade in a cheerful manner, Sakura and Shikamaru greeting her politely.

"Welcome Back…"


Tsunade greeted back with a smile, but the sound of footsteps took her as well as advisor's attention, a figure entering the room.

"Sigh~ here I am again" Sighed Sasuke looking at the familiar room, the memories of past coming into his mind.

"Lady Hokage!"

But quickly he composed himself and spotting the big jugs lady sitting on the seat, he calmly greeted her.

"Uchiha Sasuke, welcome back to the village!"

Seeing the boy who had changed so much in two years, Tsunade was slightly surprised but for Azuma's sake, she had to greet him back politely, as Azuma was the one who had requested her to welcome Sasuke.


Seeing Sasuke, Danzo who stood on the side couldn't help but snort in anger, feeling bad at how a rogue was welcomed in office.


But just at this moment, Naruto who heard something from Sakura, roared in anger his fingers pointed at Danzo, his eyes turning red, his nails getting long, so does his teeth.

"Naruto calm down…"Tsunade stood up in surprise and tried to calm him down, not understanding why he suddenly got angry at Danzo but Naruto didn't listen to her at all

"You bastard, how dare you…how dare you do that to Uchiha Clan, how dare you betray that Uchiha Shisui!!"


"Die Danzo!!"


Naruto roared towards Danzo, his words like a bomb exploding in the mind of Koharu, Mitokado and Danzo, eyes widened, but Sasuke at this moment suddenly pulled out the blade from his sheath, rushing towards Danzo at an incredible speed, his blade thrusted towards him, anger on his face.

Everything happened in an instant, whether it was Danzo or Tsunade they could only watch Sasuke attacking in astonishment as no time was even left to dodge

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