Chapter 58


Hokage Office.

"No, stop Sasuke!!"


Shouted Tsunade, a horrified look on her face, but it was to no avail Sasuke's speed didn't slow down a little, but at the last moment, a black blade came between Sasuke and Danzo, colliding with Sasuke's Kusanagi Sword.

"You…why are you stopping me…?" Asked Sasuke, looking at the holder of black blade that had stopped his attack on Danzo, three tomoe spinning quietly in his black eyes.


The terrified Danzo slumped on the ground, a horrified look on his face, his back soaked with sweat, as he never been so close to death before, if that blade had hit him, he would've died for sure, not even getting the chance to launch Izanagi.

"What are you doing, Uchiha Sasuke?!!"

Azuma quietly put away the black blade away, but just when he was about to answer the question of Sasuke, Tsunade roared, her angry eyes stuck at Sasuke.

Was she really a Hokage? Anyone dares to attack in her presence, what's the point of being a Hokage if other's don't have slight respect for her.


"Damn Uchiha, how dare you attack me!!?"

Sasuke remained quiet at Tsunade's query just looking at Azuma quietly, Danzo finally getting up, shouting his face flushed with anger.

"Tsunade, this disobedient child, throw him in the prison, a rogue doesn't deserve forgiveness"

Koharu spoke to Tsunade in an angry tone, as to them Sasuke attacking Danzo is the same as attacking them.


"All of you just shut up!! Naruto, tell me what is going on?"

Tsunade banged the wall behind her, her head nearly exploding from headache, reason told her to capture Sasuke for his actions, but seeing Azuma in the room, she decided to listen to Naruto, as Sasuke attacked after Naruto said something about Uchiha Clan.

"Naruto…don't tell me…?"

Hearing her words, the advisors and Danzo's face changed suddenly as they suddenly remembered what Naruto had said earlier especially Danzo, a bad feeling welled up inside his heart.

"Calm down, Sasuke, you will surely get justice"!

Seeing Tsunade demanding an explanation, Naruto first assured Sasuke who was still looking towards Azuma for an explanation.


Hearing his words, Sasuke took a deep breath, and put the sword back in the scabbard, and giving Danzo a fierce look, he went to the corner, leaning on the wall, eyes closed, letting Naruto speak.

"Granny Tsunade, Sasuke his whole life has wanted to avenge his clan by killing his older brother who had wiped out the whole clan"

"But there is a big secret behind the destruction of Uchiha Clan, according to Azuma, Itachi killed Uchiha Clan because it was a mission given to him by Konoha"

"This…how…can this matter be leaked…."

His words brought a look of shock on the face of Tsunade, though Koharu, Mitokado and Danzo all astonished beyond words, not understanding how this matter got leaked.

"Don't tell me____?"

Tsunade calming herself looked towards advisors but seeing the looks on their face, she stopped mid-way, the doubt in her eyes turning into a fact.

Tsunade has always been thinking, no matter how powerful Itachi was how could he kill the whole Uchiha Clan alone, but now she understands someone else helped him as well.

"Why didn't you tell me something so important? If things are going to be hidden from me, then there is no need for me to be a Hokage!"

Asked Tsunade gazing at the old trio, a hint of anger in her tone.

"Tsunade…" Mitokado and Koharu wanted to say something but words got stuck in their throats as they couldn't come up with a reason for hiding things from Hokage.

"How…?" Though Danzo who stood eyes closed, his mind working frantically, just how could Azuma know something that only four people were supposed to know.

"Did Itachi tell him? No!" Danzo knew this was not possible, a man who had even killed his parents, he won't put all that work into danger by doing so.

"Continue!" Seeing Danzo not in the mood of speaking, Tsunade snorted and gestured Naruto to continue to speaking.


"In the end, Uchiha Shisui tried to stop the coup but Danzo betrayed him, resulting in Shisui committing suicide, which left Itachi with no choice to kill his clan for the sake of the village"

"All of this happened because of him, Uchiha could have existed now, but because of his greed, it was destroyed, countless innocent children were killed, all because of him"

Said Naruto ending the long story, anger his eyes, as he for the first time in his life he felt such an emotion for someone, the intent to kill Danzo even suppressed his kind nature.

"Sigh~ I have wronged this guy"

Shikamaru who heard the whole story, couldn't help but sigh and give Sasuke an apologetic look, as after learning Sasuke betrayed all the respect that he had for him had vanished.

But now learning the experience of Sasuke, he couldn't convince himself to hate him anymore, as whoever had gone through such a thing was bound to change.

"Big Brother…."

Sasuke on the other hand remained quiet, but memories of training with Itachi came in his mind, his hands clenched into fists, barely restraining himself from attacking Danzo.

"Sigh~" Tsunade who heard the whole thing and no denial from the advisors throughout the story, couldn't help but feel pity for Uchiha Clan, a sigh escaping her mouth.

"What you said about Itachi is true…but the matter of Uchiha Shisui, it has nothing to do with Old man, I did convince Itachi to kill his clan, I won't deny this…but it was for the sake of the village, I am Konoha's Darkness, if killing one person can save two, I'll gladly do it"

Danzo at this moment calmly spoke, though in his heart he was still wondering how Azuma even knew the matter of Shisui, but he knew this much, Azuma or Naruto, didn't have any evidence against him, all he needed to do was deny it.


Hearing his words, the face of Naruto changed as he gazed at Danzo angrily never expecting him to be so shameless, Sakura was equally angry, Sasuke on the verge of exploding.

"How about I give you an evidence?

"What, you have an evidence!"

But at this moment, Azuma spoke with confidence, Tsunade who was feeling down at being helpless to do anything against Danzo, suddenly looking at Azuma with surprise.

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