Chapter 59


Hokage Office.

"Don't think that you are strong you can do anything kid, stop messing with me"

Said Danzo spatting towards Azuma, him claiming he had evidence only increasing the bad feeling in his heart.

"Yes, I do have evidence, not it only it will prove that Danzo tried to kill Shisui Uchiha, it will also show us why Danzo wanted to kill Uchiha so badly"

Azuma ignored the mad Danzo and looking straight into Tsunade's eyes, he spoke calmly, his tone full of confidence.

"Why do I have a feeling that the time of this old man is coming to an end?" Hearing his confident words, Shikamaru looked towards Danzo with some pity, as he had a hunch that Danzo was done for.

He has never seen Azuma proved wrong when he speaks with so confidence.

"Well~ where is it?" Calming her surprise, Tsunade stretched her hand out towards Azuma, asking for evidence.

"Does this kid really have something?" Seeing Azuma so confident, Danzo couldn't help whisper, his eyes dropping, his mind working frantically.

Koharu and Mitokado also looked at Azuma curiously, they knew their old friend had done a lot of bad deeds in the past, but no one has ever been able to prove them, would this kid be really the downfall of Danzo.

"It's the first time I will go all out, I hope it doesn't cause any trouble" Thought Azuma, a serious look appearing on his face as what he was about to do, required perfect execution, no mistake could be made.

"For the sake of evidence move back a little"

"Huh?" Said Azuma suddenly, his words confusing everyone in the room but the next moment everything that happened astonished them too much.


A large amount of red aura burst out of Azuma suddenly, red lightning flickering around him, cracks appearing on the walls of Hokage Office, even the weather outside began to change, dark clouds appearing on the sky.


The next moment, amid the red aura, a purple ray enveloped Azuma, turning red next second as well, as Azuma suddenly vanished from where he stood.


The world turned black and white, everyone in the room all staring at the place where Azuma just stood, everyone's blinking speed too slow, like time truly seemed to have stopped.


Suddenly, the world returned to its original appearance, a bang resounding in the office, a human shape pit on the ground of Hokage office, cracks everywhere.

Near the pit squatted Azuma, his hand covering the face of the figure etched into ground, passed out completely, endless confusion in the single visible eye of passed out Danzo, not understanding what just happened.

"Azuma!! What are you doing!!?"

The exploding sound made everyone's head turn towards the source of explosion, everyone staring wide eye at the passed out Danzo on the ground and Azuma beside him.

Tsunade after being stunned for a moment cried out in a loud voice, looking at Azuma like she had seen a ghost, not being able to understand why he did so.

"I know perfectly what I'm doing Lady Tsunade, Evidence is on the body of Danzo, he wouldn't have cooperated if I had asked nicely"

Seeing everyone staring at him wide eyed, except two advisors who were too stunned to even raise their heads, Azuma lightly pointed at the passed out Danzo under him.

"You…what a mess" Tsunade was left speechless by his words, as he shook her head in annoyance, she considered him the most reliable man of the village, why he was making trouble suddenly for her.

Koharu and Mitokado wanted to admonish Azuma, but seeing the etched passed out figure of Danzo, unconsciously the image of themselves etched into ground appeared in their mind, not daring to speak at all.

"Haha great job Azuma!!" Naruto on the other hand suddenly began to laugh and praise Azuma, not caring for the atmosphere in the office, the passed out Danzo, really calming the rage in his heart.

"Stop Naruto, where is the evidence on his body, Azuma?" Said Tsunade admonishing Naruto, focusing back on Azuma, now that it had happened there was no point in talking over it, she wanted evidence otherwise Danzo after walking up would definitely make trouble.

"Look carefully, the remains of Uchiha Clan"


Said Azuma, every eye focusing on him as he first removed the bandage on Danzo's right eye, and opened his eyelids for everyone the next moment.


"Damn Danzo!!"

A red eye with a windmill pattern appear before everyone, all of them shocked beyond words, Sasuke who saw the eye exploding in anger.

"This is the Sharingan of Uchiha Shisui, Mangekyo Sharingan, the one that Danzo stole from him, and this is not the end"


Saying that in the wide open eyes of everyone, Azuma began to remove the bandage on the right arm of Danzo, a steel like locks appearing which he easily cracked with force, and nine closed eyes appearing on the white arm of Danzo.

"Damn…how cruel…"

"That's an eye of every Uchiha"

Azuma opened the eyelids of every eye a red color flashing, the anger on the face of everyone in the room increasing.



Taking the small dagger out of his pocket, Azuma slashed it towards Danzo's right arm cutting it immediately, and pouched out his right eye also, Danzo passed out not moving at all.

"Is this evidence enough?

After doing all this, Azuma stood up and said looking at Tsunade and everyone, who were all except advisors were staring at Danzo with eyes full of anger.

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