Chapter 60 Danzo's Demise


Hokage Office.

"Let me put an end to him, I ask nothing more!"

Everyone stared at the passed out Danzo with anger on their face, as Sasuke, couldn't stop himself, coming forward he asked looking at Tsunade, his hand holding the hilt of his sword, a desperate look on his face.


"What happened to your clan is indeed unjust Uchiha Sasuke, But if you were to kill him now, you will become the murderer of Danzo, and Danzo will become the victim"

"You left the village, to clear you and your brother's name, announcing Danzo's deeds to the village is important"

Said Tsunade giving Sasuke a hopeful, hoping he could understand the situation and control his anger.

"If it's for Big Brother…I'll let this bastard live for a few days…" Said Sasuke letting the go of the hilt of the sword, a longing emotion in his voice, as he couldn't wait to meet Itachi and say everything he had inside his heart.

Sasuke let Danzo live because after hearing her words, he understood Itachi's name needed to be cleared, to others he was still a murderer of his own clan.

About him an excuse can be made that Orochimaru took him forcefully, but about Itachi everything from so many years was clear, only after exposing Danzo, can everything about him be cleared.



"Lady Hokage!"

Seeing Sasuke agreeing an acknowledging look flashed in Tsunade's eyes, as she shouted looking outside the window, two shadows from the window entering the room, on knees before Tsunade.

"Seal Danzo's chakra and hand him to Ibiki, and house arrest the advisors until I order to release them, not a single bird is allowed to flock around them, you get it!"

Said Tsunade, a cold look on her face, the expressions of advisors changing on the side, a struggling look appearing.

"Yes! Lady Hokage!"

Both the Anbu nodded as one of them picked up Danzo like a dog, putting him on his shoulders taking him away.


The other arrived before the advisors looking at them silently, the advisors after struggling for a while sighing, pity for Danzo in their eyes.

They knew their old friend Danzo was truly done for, and they could do nothing to save him, it's already a blessing that they are just put under house arrest, not made a criminal like Danzo.


The Advisors without struggling, heads down walked away under the leadership of the Anbu, leaving Azuma and others in the room.

"You should take a look at this, you may find something unexpected from it" Azuma walked up to Tsunade, waving the arm that he cut before her, an interesting look in his eyes.

"Such strong vitality, Damn Danzo, he even used my grandfather cells!"

Tsunade without any disgust took the arm from his hands, taking a look at it, but was soon shocked by the huge amount of vitality flowing in it but suddenly remembering Yamato, she understood what was the secret behind this huge vitality, an angry look on her face.

"What are you going to do about these eyes?" Inquired Azuma pointing towards the eyes on the arm and the one in his hand, the Mangekyo Sharingan.

"I have no right to decide anything about it, it's up to Sasuke" Said Tsunade shaking her head as she stretched the arms towards Sasuke, who looked at it with complicated eyes.

"Just bury them in the cemetery of Uchiha Clan, this is the best end for them" But after looking at them for a while, Sasuke shook his head and decided to bury them, as it was the best.

"Sigh~" Hearing his words, Tsunade sighed and put away the arm, ready to deal it with just like Sasuke said.

"Sasuke-Kun, what are you going to do now?" At this moment, Sakura walked up to Sasuke, her eyes dodgy, her hands behind her back, a red look on her face.

"I'm going to go out and find Itachi, and bring him back to the village, I want him to execute Danzo" Said Sasuke, a determinant look on his face.

Hearing his words, Naruto and Shikamaru didn't say anything, as they knew bringing Itachi back, only Sasuke could do it.

"Then, can I tag along with you…?" Asked Sakura, her face getting even more red, an anticipated look in her green eyes.


Seeing her like this, Shikamaru couldn't help but sigh, the only thing in the world he couldn't understand, even with his terrifying IQ.


Azuma also had a speechless look on his face, but the face of Ino couldn't help but flashing in his mind, his heart suddenly beating fast.

Soon, the meeting ended, as always, Sakura was rejected by Sasuke, but he did poke a finger at her forehead, Sakura nearly fainting, and Sasuke left the village just hours after returning.

But Azuma did make Tsunade release a rumor that Sasuke killed Orochimaru and was now looking for Itachi, making it easy for Sasuke to find him.

Soon, everyone strode home after a long day, as it was decided to announce the deeds of Danzo the day Itachi returned.

The red glow of the evening sky shrouded the whole village, birds flying parallel to the setting sun.



Azuma who finally reached his home suddenly frowned, a familiar aura entering his senses, but he didn't need to think much, as intoxicating fragrance entered his nose, a familiar soft feeling enveloping his arm.

The girl with blonde hair, looking at him intently with a smile on her face, a light smile appearing on his face as well.

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