Chapter 61 Obito's Worry


Rain poured down from the dark sky, towering steel buildings everywhere, a depressive atmosphere like usual enveloping Amegakure.

At the tower in the center of the village,

It was a vast hall, a huge monster with nine eyes half opened was the most prominent in the hall, red energy from the figure in the blue yukata, entering its mouth.


On top of the fingertips of the monster stood some virtual figures, green light surrounding them, all of them in the state of the hand sign.

"It's over…"

Finally, the red energy surrounding the figure in yukata disappeared and he fell down, the virtual figure with shark like features couldn't help but spit out, from the tone he looked pretty tired.

"Sealing one tail beast after one another…. boss we may soon be attacked by all villages" Said Kisame looking at the figure in the center of hall, whose purple eyes had endless confidence in them.

"Deidara was caught by Konoha, our intelligence may soon be leaked, I had no choice but to speed up the plan"

Said Pain, a calm look on his face, the memory of the past couldn't help come in his mind.

{Flashback, after the day Azuma defeated Obito}

In the hall, Pain, Obito with spiral mask on his face, and Konan sat before each other.

"Speed up the plan, why? This will alert every one of our danger, and we may have to bear the siege of every village together"

Asked Konan, looking at Obito with confused eyes, as his plan to speed up the capture of Tail beasts would definitely reveal their threat to the world, and they may be attacked from all sides.

"With Deidara caught, the intelligence about us will soon be leaked, even if Deidara keeps his mouth shut, with Yamanaka Clan, Konoha would soon know everything, even that Amegakure is under our control"

"Before they know everything, I want to catch every Jinchuriki we can quickly, and seal them later together, with White Zetsu's intelligence gathering ability and my Space Jutsu, we can reach any place in the world quickly and catch them silently"

Said Obito one of the reason why he wanted to speed up the plan and kept the other reason hidden from Pain.

He doesn't know why but the emergence of someone strong like Azuma, who didn't give him a chance to fight back made him uneasy.

And most importantly, when he learned that it was Azuma who destroyed the forest in a mile, his dread for him increased.

Only the likes of Hashirama could perform such strong Jutsu, so he decided to quickly capture as many as Jinchuriki he can in a low-key manner, while no one is paying attention.

Konan and Pain could sense that there surely was another reason for Madara suddenly getting so active, it made Konan worried and she wanted to deny his request but Pain agreed.

He was also getting impatient at the speed of the capture of tail beasts, with Madara taking part in capturing the tail beasts, things would definitely speed up.

So, in the end pain agreed with the plan of Obito, unlike in the original, every Jinchuriki from two tails to six tails, couldn't even get a chance to send a report back to the village for help.

Instead of two, three Akatsuki members attacked them together, Obito, Itachi, Kisame or Obito, Kakuzu and Hidan, even Pain acted himself capturing Six Tails.

*Back to the present*

"Hehe~ It seems things are soon about to get lively" Hearing Pain's answer, Kisame smiled knowing the matter of so many Jinchuriki disappearing suddenly would soon be noticed by Mist, Cloud and Stone, and with their record of capturing Kazekage, them tagged as culprits is only a matter of time.

"According to the reports, Raikage and Tsuchikage has already dispatched an elite squad to gather information, we may have to leave relocate the headquarters"

Black Zetsu who stood with Obito, who also took part in sealing the Tail beast, said in a gloomy voice.

"Are we going to fight against great villages now? haha, I have long wanted to sacrifice them to lord Jashin" Laughed Hidan at Black Zetsu's words, a fanatic look in his eyes, couldn't wait to kill.

Even Kakuzu had a money symbol in his green eyes, as many with strong bounties were from the five great villages.

"You have to be careful, with Deidara captured the intelligence about your abilities will be leaked, don't be over confident"

At this moment, Obito spoke, but not in a funny matter like he used to as Tobi, but in a hoarse manner, during the raid to capture Jinchuriki, everyone has seen his abilities, the likes of Kakuzu and Hidan, knew immediately after seeing his abilities that he wasn't just an intern.

Even Pain treated Obito cautiously, they would be fools if they can't guess that Obito or Tobi is not just an intern.

"Hehe~ I have some great news, Itachi you would definitely like to hear it" At this moment, a strange white creature entered the hall through the wall, his laughter echoing in the hall.

Itachi at his words calmly looked at him with his red eyes, no change of expression.

Everyone also looked at Zetsu curiously wondering what news he brought, after all he tagged it as great news.

"Hehe~ Orochimaru was killed in a fight, and try to guess who killed it?"

"What! that snake got killed!"

Zetsu spoke in a mysterious manner, his words bringing great deal of shock to everyone, especially Kakuzu who was eyeing his bounty.

"Was it Konoha's Hawkeye?" Asked Obito, a grim look on his face under the mask, as to him only one person can kill Orochimaru, who is proficient in escaping arts.

The word "Konoha's Hawkeye" brought different expressions on Akatsuki members, as they knew behind the demise of Sasori and Deidara, it was Azuma's hands, and he had also given Kisame a beating in the past.

"No, it wasn't him, it was Itachi's younger brother, Uchiha Sasuke, hehe~ I heard he is looking for you everywhere, Itachi"

Said Zetsu laughing, his eyes focused on Itachi, who hearing the news was slightly shocked for a moment, but it all went away in an instant, the calm look returning.

"So it seems the time has come, Sasuke"

Thought Itachi, his heart slightly beating fast, as he knew the time to be judged for his sins had arrived.

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(AN:- As you can see I have sped up the novel, I don't want to prolong this book much, I want to give time to my One Piece Fiction that I'm thinking about all the time, a little sneak peek. "MC NAME: Connor D. Rox" this fic will be like my first novel and Aokiji Yuki, MC won't get strong at the start, character development and everything else, though I'm a bit nervous since I never wrote any other fic than Naruto and yeah Boruto, I dropped it, the quality of manga is decreasing rapidly, one overpowered antagonist after another, even true Boruto fans are not liking the recent chapters.)