Chapter 62 Decision


Hokage Office.

"One trouble after another…six tail beasts have disappeared, what do you say?" Asked Tsunade, looking at Azuma who stood before her, Jiraiya who recently returned standing beside him.

"No need to think it twice it must be Akatsuki, maybe something forced them to act so high profile, every Jinchuriki disappeared without even getting a chance to report back, they must have acted with their full strength"

Said Azuma, as he had a hunch his strong strength must have scared Obito, forcing him to act so high profile, catching so many tail beasts knowing it will make them the enemy of the whole world.

'Tsuchikage, Mizukage, Kazekage and Raikage, they have sent a letter, about a Five-Kage Conference to discuss the matter of Akatsuki, I plan on going and exposing the location of Akatsuki's hideout to everyone after the matter of Danzo is settled"

Said Tsunade taking out a letter, handing it to Azuma, Jiraiya also taking a look.

After countless days of effort, Konoha was finally able to break the seal protecting Deidara's brain and was able to read his mind, knowing the location of Akatsuki's hideout.

But before going she wanted to solve the hidden danger of Danzo, all that was left is for Sasuke to return with Itachi, and they can end Danzo's life.

"How about I go first and examine the situation at Amegakure? it will be easy to raid later!" Asked Jiraiya, a thoughtful look on his face, his eyes stuck at Tsunade.

"No, it's too dangerous, we don't know the strength of Akatsuki's leader, and other S-Rank Rogue Shinobi are dangerous as well, you will definitely lose your life"

Tsunade wasting no time rejecting his suggestion, sending Jiraiya to Amegakure when they know nothing about Akatsuki's leader, it's simply asking for death.

"But without gathering intelligence about enemy, we can't attack them on their turf, it will be dangerous" Said Jiraiya trying to pursued Tsunade, speaking with facts.


"Well~ there shouldn't be a problem if I go right?" Tsunade wanted to say something, but Azuma spoke cutting her off, the face of both Jiraiya and Tsunade changing at his words.

Azuma knew Pain was in Amegakure, so he simply wanted to go there and end everything with his own hands, even if the whole Akatsuki attacked him together, he still wasn't afraid.

"No…not you either…I won't send anyone to that place, it's too dangerous" Tsunade hurriedly shook her head in denial, even if Azuma was strong, the strength of Akatsuki's leader was unknown, she won't send him on such a dangerous mission.

"Trust me, no one is more suited than me for this operation, you are a Hokage, don't just worry about me, think about the village as well" Said Azuma lightly, a light smile on his usual poker face, giving her an assuring look.

"But…if something happened to you…how will I face others…Ino…Naruto…Shikamaru…what will I say to them…" Said Tsunade a worried look on her face, as much as she admired Azuma's strength, it also increased her worry, if Azuma was this strong, how strong would the unknown Akatsuki's leader will be.

"I will go, and about your worry I can only say this much, even if god comes down from the sky, I will still prevail"

Said Azuma, and turned around, leaving a strong back for both Jiraiya and Tsunade, both looking at his back with complicated faces.


Konoha Third Training Ground.

"Hey do it quickly!!"

"Don't slack off!"

Leaving Hokage Office, Azuma arrived at the Third Training Ground, Naruto with a Rasengan in his hands, doing something with it.

Azuma will leave for Amegakure after the matter of Danzo is solved, so he decided to use the time he had to guide Naruto.

By the side under the shade of the tree lay Kakashi holding the same orange book in his hands, reading with utmost care.

Sakura also sat a little away from him, a basket full of rice ball placed by her side, looking intently at Naruto who was practicing hard.

"Hey, Azuma, it's too difficult," Seeing Azuma arriving, Naruto pointed at the Rasengan in his hands, a troubled look over his face.

"Sigh~ this guy…" Sighed Azuma, looking at the unchanged Rasengan in Naruto's hands, as teaching someone without a brain is really a drag.

He guided Naruto to add Wind change in chakra nature to Rasengan to evolve the Jutsu, but this guy has made no progress.

"Don't think too much, I'm still surprised how he learned Rasengan in the first place" Kakashi arrived near them and said to Azuma in a funny tone, pointing at Naruto with unsure eyes.

"Don't gang up on me! I'm trying my best already, but it is really difficult to control both change in chakra form and change in nature form at the same time"

Complained Naruto, giving both Azuma and Kakashi an angry look, he was already trying his best, rather than appreciating they were making fun of him.

"Sigh~ it seems I should give him a hint after all" Seeing him like this, Azuma decided to give him a hint after all, at first he wanted him to figure out himself, but now there isn't time left to waste, Akatsuki has started to act way faster than original, Naruto needed to grow.

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