Chapter 64 Dumbfounded Kisame

{This chapter will be like before, Itachi portrayed as a victim but I don't think there should be a problem now, since those who don't like Itachi might have dropped from that previous chapter already, only Itachi lovers had stayed behind, so enjoy}


Uchiha Hideout.

"These eyes…they can see the truth!!" Sasuke's voice fell, reaching every corner of the hall, a complete silence the next moment.

"No…how can he know… and that's Mangekyo…what is happening?" Itachi's whole body shook, a chill going through his whole body, his calm look long since lost, the dilated pupils gazing at Sasuke's eyes, voice seemed to be stuck in his throat, couldn't speak in a loud voice.

"What happened now?!! Where did that calm look go?!! Are you too ashamed to even talk now?!!!" Seeing Itachi completely lost, Sasuke shouted in anger, his voice shaking Itachi to core, his heart trembling.

"Sasuke…you…" Itachi was completely lost at Sasuke's question, as on one hand he wanted to deny and continue pretending like a real villain, but the eyes with which Sasuke looked at him currently, made him unable to do so, as in them he could see endless pity, relief and so other emotions.

Even if he wanted to, he just couldn't act anymore, lying before those eyes felt even more tough than killing his own parents.

"Why? Why didn't you tell me!!? Who are you to decide my life?!!" Seeing him silent, Sasuke felt even more angry as he roared at him again, taking out all he had in his heart at him, he knew Itachi wanted to die in his hands to make him a hero, but who is he to decide his life.


Itachi at his words remained silent, keeping his head down, all kinds of emotions appearing on his face, regret the most obvious.


"Sigh~ since you know it already…than there is no need for me live anymore…anyway…you have gotten strong enough to protect yourself…"

"My reason to live has been fulfilled, and don't ever feel pity for me, you don't ever have to forgive me!"

But Itachi didn't stay silent for a long time, as finally letting a long sigh, he stood up and walked up to Sasuke, giving him the familiar smile of years ago, Itachi closed his eyes.

"Come on, do it Sasuke, judge the sinner who even killed his own kin…" Itachi opened his arms wide before Sasuke, and said lightly, the kind smile on his face.

"Father…Mother…Shisui…I guess… this is the end for me… but I hope I don't see you… hell is my deserved destination"

Thought Itachi in his heart, a relieved feeling enveloping, finally he can leave this hell and go to another, every moment here was a like constant torture to him, he can finally leave now, his brother has gotten stronger, everything worked out in the end.


But just when Itachi was waiting for a kunai or something to go through his heart, his forehead was suddenly banged, him unconsciously opening his eyes.


"Don't run away again…come with me…I don't care for revenge anymore…just come back…"

Itachi opened his eyes and saw his forehead connected with Sasuke's, the latter with eyes down speaking in a trembling voice, tears running down, his lips parting in surprise and shock.

"I am a traitor who killed his whole clan…this world has no place for me Sasuke… do it, don't forgive me" Itachi couldn't help but tear up slightly as well, but he knew him dying was the best in interest for everyone.

"No…you have a home… I returned to the village and have already talked with Hokage about you…and the true culprit behind Uchiha's demise is already caught, here take a look"


Saying that Sasuke in the shocked eyes of Itachi took out a flask, an eye ball swimming in it, Itachi subconsciously looking at it, his eyes widening even more.

"That…it's Shisui's eye…" Seeing the pattern on those eyes, Itachi was shocked as he had immediately recognized them, they are his best friend's eyes.

"How did…you?" Asked Itachi with a flabbergasted expression, since as much as he remembers, this eye was in the hands of Danzo.

"Didn't I say, Danzo the true culprit behind the demise of our Clan has already been caught by 5th Hokage, she herself saw Shisui's eyes on him, a lot happened, she sent me to find you, you will execute Danzo before everyone for his crime, this is her message for you"

Sasuke finally seemed to have calmed down, and started explaining everything that happened, in the end he took out a scroll, on which the apology of Tsunade was written for Itachi.

"This…was Danzo really defeated…"

Itachi trembling took the scroll and opened it, first he saw the apology of Tsunade for putting him through so much, and after it the crimes of Danzo as well as the details of his public execution were written and how his innocence will be announced to the world.

Itachi couldn't believe that Danzo was really defeated so easily, his strength wasn't a problem, his organization Root was the main problem, how did Tsunade quell them all.

"Sasuke…I…" After reading everything on the scroll, there was another silence, as it was the moment for Itachi to announce his decision, whether to return or not.

Itachi felt scared of the thought of returning to the village, even if Sasuke had forgave him, so had the Hokage, he still felt a bit uneasy, not knowing what to say.

"If you really want to repent on what you did, Itachi, then come back and live, I ask noting more!"


Sasuke seeing his situation spoke with a serious expression on his face, and turned around, walking towards the exit.

"Sasuke…." Itachi was once again shaken by his words, his eyes getting hazy, as looking at Sasuke's back, he murmured, a warm feeling finally seeping into his numb heart, a smile appearing on his face.


"Guess…I am still Itachi Uchiha of the Leaf" Said Itachi shaking his head.

Itachi removed the robe with red clouds around him, his black attire under being revealed, as removing the ring from his finger, he threw it on the ground, and walked towards Sasuke.


Both brothers walking shoulder by shoulder with smiles on their faces walked out of the hideout, Kisame who stood outside looking at them with a stunned face.

"Guess~ we still have to move our muscles Sasuke"

"Right, Ni-San"


Said Itachi pointing towards the dumbfounded Kisame, Sasuke agreeing with a grin on his face, pulling out the sword from his waist, Kisame feeling cold all over.

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