Chapter 65 Trial


Today the sky above Konoha was covered with dark clouds, rain pouring down heavily, puddles of water at every corner of the streets.



But despite such heavy rain, all the civilians as well as Shinobi, all walked under the rain, all moving in the direction of Hokage Building.

"Hey, do you know what happened?"

"Why did Lady Hokage summoned everyone?"

"I have no idea"

A huge crowd was gathered outside the Hokage Building, the rain pouring down, a curious look on everyone's face, eye's stuck towards the roof of the Hokage Building waiting for the appearance of Tsunade.

"She is here!" Suddenly someone pointed towards the roof, a blonde woman with a hat on her head, and big jugs, dressed in a green haori walked up to the edge of roof, near the fence, every eye focusing on her immediately.

"I know everyone is curious about the reason of this gathering, but before I tell the reason, there is something that I would like everyone to know, some may be aware of it, but most of the new generation is unaware of it"

Tsunade raised her hand and spoke, her voice ringing in everyone's ears, the curiosity increasing from her words.

"63 years ago, The Village Hidden in the Leaves was established, countless lives were sacrificed to make a safe haven for people"

"Most people know that it was Senju Clan who established the village, but most do not know this, that Uchiha Clan had an equal part in the establishment of the village"

"Those arrogant guys, did they really had a part in making the village?!"

A heated discussion set off at her words, as most people especially those under forty, were truly surprised and those who had seen Uchiha Clan couldn't believe that those arrogant guys were equal to the kind Senju.

"After the establishment of the village, Uchiha fully gave their service to the village, war after war, Uchiha equally fought together with others on the battlefield and sacrificed their lives for the village"

"But due to the presence of a certain man, Uchiha and Konoha could never truly understand each other, most of the older generation should know how Uchiha lived at the outskirts of the village, and how they were treated, and how Uchiha treated others"

"Uchiha were comrades in arms, but due to constant misunderstanding developed by a certain man, the differences between the village and Uchiha continued to increase"

"Uchiha were framed of the crimes they never did, their image in the village was completely destroyed, so many loyal to village Uchiha were killed by that certain man"

"Uchiha Shisui….

Tsunade kept on talking, as little by little she exposed everything related to Danzo, from framing the Uchiha Clan, to how he killed the guy who tried to stop the war between Konoha and Uchiha.

"That man's last crime was to force a 12-year kid to kill his whole clan with his own hands, on the condition of leaving a single one alive"

"That 13-year-old kid killed everyone in his clan with his own hands including his own parents, leaving a little brother alive, today that kid is known as the most notorious criminal in the world, but the truth is, even today he has been protecting Konoha"

" Yes, he is the brother of Uchiha Sasuke… Uchiha Itachi!"

Said Tsunade loudly, her voice clear, as from the corners of her eyes she looked towards person who stood some distance behind her with other five other people.

A badly bruised Danzo with a single arm was on his knees before the figure with Onex eyes, eyes that seemed to have every emotion in it from her words.

"This…how is this possible…?"

"Who is this guy…who did such a thing?"

Tsunade was the Hokage and the Granddaughter of First Hokage, everyone trusted her, her words only brought immense shock to everyone who heard the whole story, the anger for the man who was behind everything burned in the heart of everyone.

"The lists of the crimes of the man who did this just doesn't stop at harming Uchiha, he even colluded with Orochimaru to experiment on children, children that were kidnapped from within the village"

"Damn! Who is this bastard!!"

Tsunade continued telling the crimes of Danzo, the anger of the people only increasing, a fire seemed to burn, even the continuously pouring rain couldn't extinguish it.

"The reason why I have called you today is to bring that man to justice before everyone, for everyone he harmed, he will be judged before you"


Saying that in the angry eyes of everyone, Tsunade waved her hands and two figures holding a ugly person appeared beside her.

"Who are they?"

Itachi and Sasuke holding the sealed Danzo like a chicken appeared before everyone, eyes of everyone widening.

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