Chapter 66 Purged



Rain continued to pour down, the sky was dark, but the roaring lightning lit up the sky from time to time, a raging atmosphere.

"This man before you, is the one behind everything, all his life using the name of Konoha as a shield, he used the rights granted to him selfishly, my second grandfather, if he was alive today, he would truly be ashamed of accepting someone like him a student" {Tobirama I'm proud of him though}

Said Tsunade, her voice spreading to every corner of the village, the rain and lightning couldn't affect her loud voice.

"Kill him!!"

"Kill this dog!!"

The people who were curious about the identity of two that were holding Danzo, were raged immediately at Tsunade's words, eyes full of anger stuck at Danzo who was on his knees.

"I…all…I did was for Konoha…. I don't deserve this!!!!!!!!!"

Danzo raised his head, and seeing the whole village shouting against him, he couldn't help but bark out exhausting all of his strength, his only eye red with anger, his face full of unwillingness.

"This man drove a clan which could have been a valuable asset to the village to extinction"

"Don't you agree the last two survivors of that clan have the right to purge him?!!"

Asked Tsunade loudly, as she pointed towards Itachi and Sasuke, everyone stunned for a while finally recognizing who were they.

"Kill him Itachi!!"

"Erase this monster!!"

But the crowd was only silent for a moment, before even higher voices than before rang, the pity for Uchiha Clan turning into rage, all shouting madly.


Hearing the crowds voice, Itachi couldn't help but show a complex look over his face, never he had thought, that he would accepted back in the village after what he did.

"Tsunade…. you can't do this to me…. stop this madness already!!" Hearing the crowds voice, Danzo finally couldn't help but panic as he madly shouted looking towards Tsunade, as he didn't want to die like a traitor.

"Do it, Itachi, Sasuke!"


Tsunade didn't care about him and nodded towards Itachi and Sasuke, both of them nodding back.

"No…No…. stop…stop Itachi!!" Sasuke hurriedly put a hand on Danzo's head, keeping it down, exposing the neck of Danzo to Itachi, the mad Danzo shouting to Itachi in panic.

"Have you ever thought this day would come Danzo? Today all the debts will be cleared…after this…I hope father's…mother's…Shisui's soul can be at peace…"

Itachi looked straight in the eyes of the Mad Danzo, and said calmly, all kinds of emotions on his face, how Shisui died couldn't help but come in his mind.

Maybe if Shisui had lived, there might have been another way, and everyone might be still alive today, but this man even took the last hope from him, forcing him to be a butcher, leaving him with no other choice.


"Big brother…"

Hearing Itachi's words, Danzo couldn't even muster up the courage to bark anymore, Sasuke calling for Itachi, pulling out the Kusanagi sword from his waist.

"Wait…use this…" But at this moment, a voice stopped Sasuke, as he saw Azuma who was dressed in a causal white shirt and brown pants walking up to them, the big black blade stretched out towards Itachi.

"Isn't that…Azuma-Sama!!?"

The crowd who saw Azuma appearing couldn't help but point out, as because of his earlier deeds of defeating Akatsuki and saving Kazekage, he was pretty famous in the village, and more or less everyone recognized him.

"There he is…the man behind every change…" In the crowd at a corner, was Kakashi standing with Jiraiya, as seeing Azuma appearing he couldn't help but say, so much change after he appeared.

"Yeah! That kid is really something…I never expected a day where I would see Danzo in this situation…he really made a miracle…"

Jiraiya agreed letting out a long sigh…the boy who suddenly appeared changed everything, but he didn't dislike this change, as he knew Danzo deserved this, after what he did, it was already a concession that he was given a quick death, his crimes demanded a much bigger punishment.

And after Danzo's death, he knows things would truly change for the best, the village will finally walk to a prosperous path.


"Thank You…for everything…." Seeing the blade stretched before him, Itachi didn't grasp it immediately, as giving Azuma a grateful look he bowed 90 degrees to him.

"Don't thank me…just cherish what you have now…. you have lived enough for the village…try living for yourself and your brother…."


Azuma just waved his other hand causally not taking the gratitude and just advised him, Itachi at his words raising his head, nodding with a smile.


Itachi took the blade from Azuma's hand, feeling it a little heavy, but he exerted his strength and was finally able to raise it high, right above the back neck of Danzo.

"Burn in the hell Danzo!"




Everyone held their breaths, Itachi after giving Danzo his last words, finally waved the blade down, bringing an air cutting sound, Danzo shouting madly, but his voice stopped abruptly, a head rolling down, followed by blood.

"It stopped raining…" The head of Danzo rolled down, everyone had only endless relief in their eyes, as Ino in the crowd pointed towards the sky, the dark clouds began to move away, and rays of sunlight fell on the village.


"It's a new beginning…"

The sun rays fell on the Hokage roof, Azuma walked up to Itachi and took the blade from him, and said in a good mood, smiles appearing on the face of Naruto, Tsunade, Sasuke, Itachi, the laughter resounding in the village, the heavy mood by the execution swept away, smiles blooming on everyone in the crowd.

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