Chapter 67 Excited Hidan

Somewhere in a cave in Ninja World.

In the dark gloomy cave, virtual images flickered, at the center stood a figure with orange hair, purple eyes, the meeting of Akatsuki going on.

"Kisame is dead…Itachi killed him…the battle between Sasuke Uchiha and Itachi Uchiha took an unexpected turn…no one expected this…"

Nagato using the Tendo Pain announced the news he received from Tobi, the face of last few members of Akatsuki changing.

"What just went wrong…just how did Sasuke knew the information and Danzo just got executed as well… it's all getting messed up…"

Obito who had the orange spiral mask on his face, thought with a little uncertain look on his face under the mask…not paying much attention to the ongoing meeting.

He was waiting for Itachi to die, as he knew exposing the truth to Sasuke that time would be the most effective but things took a turn he never expected.

Sasuke knew the truth, not only he convinced Itachi to return back to the village, on their way back, outside Uchiha Hideout, both brothers suddenly launched a brunt on Kisame, in the end Kisame was sealed by Itachi's Totsuka Blade.

And on the side of leaf, the guy who has been weakening Konoha for years was also executed, everything was blamed on him, and Itachi's name was restored, it sounded like a miracle to him.

"From the day I fought that guy…all seemed to have started to slip away from my grip…he needs to die!"

Thought Obito, a cruel look on his face, as he would never let anyone interfere in his plan to make a world where he could reunite with Rin and live happily.

"It seems I have to reconsider the offer that guy gave to me…his help is necessary…" Pondered Obito, a guy with scales all over his body and glasses coming in his mind, the guy who was the first to see through his identity as Madara.

He was wary of working with him but now he needs urgent man power, if he can kill Konoha's Hawkeye with his help than he has no problem working together with him.

"First…Orochimaru…then…. Sasori…Deidara…Kisame…Itachi…we are losing everyone one by one Boss, and we haven't even fought the five big nations yet…"

Kakuzu who heard the news, couldn't help but point out with a somewhat fearful look in his green eyes, as what was happening recently really terrified him.

It just seems like that the Akatsuki robe he is wearing is cursed, whoever wears it will surely have an early end.

"Hmph! Are your afraid Kakuzu?! Didn't you boost about fighting the first Hokage…is this all you've got?" Hidan beside Kakuzu couldn't help but snort in disdain, he wanted to sacrifice everyone to lord Jashin, he didn't want a coward as his partner.

"Enough! No need to worry, we already have 7 Tail Beasts in our hands… only two are left and our plan would be complete…and an excellent opportunity has presented itself to capture the last two…"

"A Five Kage Summit is going to be held at Land of Iron, 8 Tails Jinchuriki will definitely be along with Raikage, Tobi will be responsible for capturing him…"

"With Hokage at the Summit, I will attack personally attack Konoha to capture Nine Tails, you two with would go back to our old base Amegakure and deal with whoever is sent there by Konoha…"

"Finally, the sinners will be sacrificed to Lord Jashin!"

Said Tendo Pain, an excited look appeared in the eyes of Hidan as finally he would get the chance to kill big names, but Pain didn't care about him and continued speaking.

"By now, they would have gotten the information from Deidra's mind about our base, they would definitely send someone to take a look first"

"Itachi also would have disclosed the news about my Rinnegan to Konoha, this must have made them wary of me…before complete assurance they won't launch a full scale attack at Amegakure…"

"If I'm not wrong…at the conference, Hokage will definitely disclose our headquarters news to other villages, hoping to gather them and launch an attack on Amegakure together…"

"So before that happens, I want all the tail beast in my hands, and also weaken Konoha if we can…so whoever comes at Amegakure, he should never go back alive…"

"Hidan you are the main force in this attack…with your Jutsu, even those stronger than you would die once caught in it…"


"Just you wait boss, all souls will be sent back to Lord Jashin, though I'll be happier if Konoha's Hawkeye arrives at Amegakure, his sacrifice will surely be accepted by Jashin-Sama!"

Laughed Hidan, licking the scythe in his hands, already imagining the guy who killed so many of Akatsuki members dead at his feet.

"Good, now get to work!"

"Let's get ready, Konan!"

Nagato didn't care for the laughter of Hidan and ended the meeting, a man with red hair far away suddenly lifting his head, revealing purple spiral eyes, calmly speaking to the purple haired woman behind him.

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