Chapter 68 Sudden Proposal


Third Training Ground.

"Sage mode?" Said Naruto, looking at Jiraiya with a confused look on his face, as he couldn't understand what this sudden new Jutsu could do.

"Yes, it's a very powerful Jutsu, if you are able to learn it, you can definitely catch up to Sasuke, but it is equally difficult as well, even I haven't mastered it completely. You will have to train hard"

Said Jiraiya, an excited look appearing on the face of Naruto, as immediately he responded.

"Really? Teach me quickly, Pervy sage!" Said Naruto in an excited tone, his face inches away from Jiraiya, the gleam in his blue eyes could be clearly seen.

"Well, let's go than!"



Said Jiraiya in a mysterious tone, naruto frowning, but next moment Jiraiya's hand landed on his shoulder, both of them bursting into smoke, which cleared after a while, no sign of Naruto and Jiraiya anymore.

While Naruto with Jiraiya had gone to Mount Myoboku for learning Sage Mode, at a medical facility in the village, a thorough check up of someone was going on.

"How is it?" On the table lay Itachi with some tubes attached to his arms, around him stood, Tsunade and Sasuke.

Looking at Tsunade, Sasuke inquired a worried look on his face, his tone nervous.

Just yesterday, Itachi told him about his disease, and how he had little time left, unwilling Sasuke brought Itachi to Tsunade for a checkup as he knew if there was anyone who could save him, it was Tsunade.


"It's a very rare Kekkai Genkai Disease…for now I have transfused your blood in him to suppress the disease…but for a permanent cure, I need to do a thorough research…worry not, I will try my best…"

Tsunade who had worn a white coat at this moment, put away the tube containing Itachi and Sasuke's blood, and patting Sasuke's shoulder, she assured him, giving a confident smile.

"How long can Sasuke's blood suppress my disease?" Itachi who was bare chest, sat up and wearing the black shirt, he asked, looking at Tsunade.

"1 or 2 years at most but the premise is that you don't use your Sharingan anymore, it's slowly sucking your vitality…if you keep using your Mangekyo, then it may be over in months…"

Said Tsunade seriously, telling the consequences, she could see that Itachi had over drawn his potential, opening Mangekyo at an age of 12, must have triggered the disease in him, his body may not have been able to handle that much power.

"I'll keep that in mind…" Said Itachi, as for Sasuke's sake, he wanted to live now, because that's what Sasuke wanted.

"After returning from Kage-Conference I'll start researching, for now get ready Sasuke, you'll be going with me at conference as my guard…"


Saying that without giving Sasuke a chance to say anything, Tsunade turned into an afterimage, disappearing from the room.


"Fifth Hokage, she is truly a good person…she's trying to get you merit this way…" Sasuke was confused as to why Tsunade decided to take him as Kakashi or Azuma might have been better choices, but Itachi who saw his confusion immediately cleared it.

Sasuke protected Tsunade on the trip towards Land of Iron, both the brothers have the sympathy of the villagers not admiration, Tsunade wanted to help them in that.


"Then I'll be leaving Ni-San, take care…" To his explanation, finally the confusion of Sasuke disappeared, as with a determinate look on his face, he said goodbye to Itachi and strode out as well.


Outside Azuma's house.

The evening sky was red, the street looked deserted, only two people could be seen standing outside a house, a man and a woman.

"Hehe~ it's really a surprise Azuma-Kun, I never expected you to call me…" Ino casually brushed her blonde hair, and giggling, she asked, blinking charmingly towards Azuma who stood before her, donned in Jonin Attire, the sword on his back.

"I…am leaving on a mission… I wanted to give you this…always keep it with you…" Azuma looked a bit hesitant before he finally took out a golden beautiful ring with a small flower pattern molded on it, and stretched it towards Ino.


"Oh My God!!!"

Looking at the beautiful ring before her, Ino was stunned for a while before she covered her mouth with her hands, her eyes widened, a red glow all over her face.

"Please don't reject it…you have to keep this with you…it's a matter of life and death…" Seeing her stunned like this, Azuma although felt that her reaction was too over, but he didn't want her to reject it.

10 hours ago, Azuma was about to leave for Amegakure quietly, but he didn't know why the face of Ino appeared in his mind, a bad feeling rose in his heart.

Azuma didn't ignore this bad feeling, and decided to leave something with Ino, with which he could return to her side in an instant.

He had already mastered Flying Raijin Jutsu, so he bought a ring and added the Flying Raijin Formula in it, a ring won't get lost and she can always wear it, but he knew girls didn't like ugly things, so he bought a really beautiful ring for her.

Though he could have also used a Kunai instead of a Ring and could have told the truth about why he gave her the kunai, but he didn't want her to feel that he was worried for her, if she asked why he was so worried for her, he didn't know how to answer.

A Ring can be given as a token of friendship, at least that's what the dense sword maniac had in his head.

"Life and death…he likes me so much…. God, Ino are you dreaming!!" His words only increased the red glow on Ino's face, her mind nearly melting, her heart beating fast, excitement coursing through her whole body.

"I'll be going…here don't ever remove it…bye…"


Seeing her still stunned, Azuma didn't think much and shaking his head, he grasped her left hand, and put it on her ring finger, disappearing the next moment.


Azuma turned into an afterimage, Ino finally coming to her senses, as giving the ring on her finger one shocked look, she shouted trying to stop Azuma, but the later had disappeared already.


Ino stood alone on the street, the wind blowing around, as she kept looking at the ring on her finger, but she had no courage to remove it, even if it was a sudden proposal.

Even if the time she has spent with Azuma is too short, the feeling he gave her was different from Sasuke in the past.

Just the thought of seeing him with another girl terrified her.

"God…did I get engaged…and…. at least.... a kiss at the end would have been good" Muttered Ino to herself, a longing expression on her face, as at least Azuma should have completed the ceremony…a kiss was necessary for her, that would have really been romantic.

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