Chapter 69 -------------》 《-----------


Hot Springs.

The sky was dark, the lanterns in the hot springs were brightly lit, steam wafting out in the atmosphere, a pleasant scent in the air.


"Ha…so good…It's been a long time since I last soaked in hot springs…" The girl with brown hair tied into two buns entering the hot water took a deep breath, a relaxed look on her face, her fragrant shoulders bare under the moonlight, whole body till chest dipped in the water.

"Yeah, you really did a good job Sakura-San…everyone was really stressed out…so much happened recently…."

The girl with white eyes whose big melons were completely exposed, seeing Tenten so relaxed couldn't help but praise the girl with pink hair, who had a white towel on her head, dipped completely into water, only her face out.

"Ha…ha… you're making me embarrassed… Hinata…I just thought we could relax…" Said Sakura laughing like it was not a big deal but her eyes from time to time were looking at Hinata's mounds with some envy

"Damn…what does she eat… and would Sasuke-Kun like a flat girl…" Murmured Sakura looking down at her flat road, a sad look on her face.

"Hey, what's the matter with you Ino, why are you so quiet today?" Suddenly Sakura spotted the blonde girl leaning on the edge of the springs with her arms, proudly flashing her curves but her face had a lost look, gazing continuously at the full moon above.

"Ha…nothing…I was just thinking of something…" Ino yelped at the sudden voice, and waved her hands like everything was fine, but a red tinge on her face could be seen clearly.

"Hmm~" Sakura gave her a suspicious glare, dropping her eyes a little, as she could see that something was definitely fishy.


"Hey Ino, what's that on your left hand?" Suddenly Tenten who had also noticed her suspicious behavior, felt a yellow gleam flashing, as she pointed towards her left hand excitedly.


"Ah…Nothing…nothing at all…" Ino yelped even louder this time, but quickly calming, she waved her right hand like it was not a big deal, but her left hand was dipped into the water.

"Hehe~" Sakura and Tenten seeing her like this, gave each other a look before their lips curved up in a devil's smile, eyes curving as well.

"Catch her!" Sakura suddenly shouted, as she immediately swam towards her, reaching her in an instant, Tenten following her as well.



"Hehe~ you act so suspicious and expect us to ignore you… still too naïve Ino pig" Tenten appearing behind Ino, stretched her hands from behind, catching something, Ino yelping and pleading, Sakura just smiling at her behavior.

"So scary!" The innocent Hinata seeing them attacking Ino was immediately scared, as moving back a little she immediately sank into water, a terrified look on her face.

"Hehe~ let's see what you are hiding…" Ino was incapacitated by Tenten's sudden attack from behind, Sakura laughing grabbed her left arm, taking out the left hand from the water.

"Aww…I shouldn't have agreed to come here…" Thought Ino at the current situation and covered her face with the other arm, hiding the blush on her face.

"Huh! A ring? and so beautiful…" Sakura looked at Ino's left hand and immediately spotted a ring on her ring finger but was mesmerized by its beauty, the small flower molded on it really impressing her.

"'s just a ring why were you so flustered…don't tell me someone gave you this...hehe" Tenten also saw the ring but seeing Ino hiding her blush, and the fact that the ring was on the ring finger on her left hand, made her guess something, as she spoke to her in a mysterious manner, an excited smile on her face.

"Yeah…now that I take a look at it…it's totally an engagement ring…Ino…you are so hidden…" Tenten's words woke Sakura from the charm of the ring and connecting all the pieces together, she also came to same guess as Tenten, her shocked eyes staring at Ino.

"Aww…they found out…" Thought Ino as she quickly jerked her left hand, and covered her face, not even daring to look at them.

"Hehe~ come on… tell us Ino…who is he…"

"Yes~ don't hide it from us…aren't we good sisters…?" Sakura smirking, tapped her with the elbow, speaking in a soft voice, trying to make her talk, Tenten joining her as well.


Even Hinata swam to their side as she was also shocked by what she saw and wanted to know who it is.

"Come on Ino!"

"You won't go home without telling us"

"Come on Ino-san"

The three of them surrounded Ino, Sakura and Tenten constantly bickering Ino, even Hinata sometime chipped in.

"You…won't give up…guess I have no choice..."

"It's…Azuma-Kun…he proposed me… this evening…" Said Ino in a mosquito voice, her face getting redder and redder as she spoke, and finishing her words, she turned to the left, a sweet smile appearing on her face.

"What… Azuma…God!!…Ino you hit the jackpot!!" Hearing the name, Sakura covered her mouth in disbelief and said in an excitement, her face beat red.

"Really Azuma!!?" Unbelievable… he seemed more like a conservative type to me…never expected him to be so initiating… so romantic!!" Tenten also exclaimed with a red face, looking at Ino with eyes full of envy.

"Would…Naruto-Kun…ever do the same? … no…what am I thinking…so embarrassing!" Hearing it was Azuma, Hinata was also surprised, and Naruto couldn't help but come in her mind, smoke wafting out of her ears the next moment, her face beat red, nearly fainting.

"Hehe~ tell me Ino how it happened?"

"Okay…Okay…don't make a fuss…"


"Finally here"

While Sakura, Tenten were trying to extort everything that happened from the shy and happy Ino, the man of the topic, under the moonlight stepped outside Amegakure, looking at the gloomy village ahead, his yellow hawk like eyes clearly visible in the night.

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