Chapter 70


The sky was covered with dark clouds, never ending drizzle continuing, behind the dark clouds was hidden the high hanging sun, which could not pierce through the clouds.


"This is it…" Water splashed around from the footsteps, as outside the biggest building in the village, a figure appeared, as gazing at the statue with Rinnegan pattern in it on top of the building, he spoke lightly.

With a huge black blade on his back, Azuma dressed in standard Konoha Jonin Attire stood outside the main base of Akatsuki in Amegakure, a calm look over his face.


"It's time to end everything…" Said Azuma lightly, as he took the first step towards the building, a serious look like never before appearing on his face, as here he will end everything.



But just as Azuma took the first step inside the building, he frowned a little, next moment, the ground under him burst open, explosion sounds sounding from every corner of the huge building.


The big steel building couldn't withstand continuous explosions, it tumbling down completely, on to Azuma who seemed to have taken the earlier explosion head on.

The ground collapsed, shockwaves spreading all over the village, it seemed like an earthquake had hit the village.


"What's happening!!?"

"Please, Not another war!!!"

The huge building falling didn't get unnoticed as well, fear spreading in the hearts of every civilian, the memories of past war, coming back scaring them.


"Someone triggered the trap… as boss expected…someone came here to investigate…" After a few seconds of the building fall, shadows flickered, two figures appeared near the collapsed battlefield, both dressed in black robe with red clouds, the guy with green eyes and a mask covering his face speaking lightly.

"Hmph! These weaklings, and I wanted to sacrifice him to lord Jashin!" Looking at the wreck of the building with no sign of life, Hidan beside Kakuzu snorted with disdain, clearly thinking whoever came here died by the trap.

"But this shows our base is truly exposed, boss did good to evacuate early…" Said Kakuzu looking at Hidan, a somewhat relieved look in his eyes, as fortunately they evacuated earlier on, now he will leave and would never come back here, he didn't want to face a Whole Ninja Army.


"Hmm?" But just when Kakuzu and Hidan were about to retreat, the ground began to tremble, all the wreck of the collapsed building trembling as well, Kakuzu stopping, raising his eyebrows a little in confusion.




Next moment, a red light burst out from the wreck of the building everything blown away, the rain increased suddenly, the clouds getting even darker, yellow lightning flashing, both Hidan and Kakuzu covering their face, saving themselves from the rolling wreck, the latter cursing.

"Well~ I wasn't expecting that" From the collapsed building under the dark sky, a figure with slightly dusty clothes walked out, a red aura hovering around him.

Looking at his slightly dusty clothes, Azuma shook his head, as he was never expecting a trap at the first step in, he wasn't injured at the slightest, but his attire got a little dirty, well a price for mistake has to be paid.

"Hmm~ Hidan and Kakuzu…where's Pain…?" Looking at the undead duo a few meters away from him, Azuma murmured lightly, the absence of Pain confusing him slightly, even his Observation Haki couldn't find any strong aura around.

"Konoha's Hawkeye…." While Azuma was confused, both Hidan and Kakuzu were also looking at the guy who walked out intact of that trap, Kakuzu whispering the name with an ugly face, his hand automatically slipping into the ninja bag, taking out a scroll with a snake pattern on it.

"Kakuzu…why take that out…I am enough to deal with him…." Seeing Kakuzu taking out the scroll, Hidan spoke to him with an arrogant expression, pointing the sickle in his hand towards Azuma.

"You may have a death wish…I still haven't earned enough…I need to live…" Kakuzu didn't take his words seriously, opening the scroll next moment, spreading it on the ground.

"Hmph! Coward!!"


Hidan spat in disdain and not caring about him anymore, he turned into afterimage, rushing towards Azuma, appearing before him in an instant.


"Haha get ready to meet Lord Jashin, Hawkeye!!" Hidan without wasting a breath slashed the sickle towards Azuma who was confused about the absence of Pain.

"Huh? Weakling!!"


But the wind pressure brought by the swing of the sickle pulled Azuma out of his thoughts, as looking at the sickle approaching him, he snorted slightly, instantly spinning 360 degrees, the leg with dark matter on it reaching the face of Hidan.



Azuma's leg seemed to be hundred times faster than the sickle of the Hidan, the toe of Azuma hitting the face of the stunned Hidan, his face getting thrusted into, didn't even getting a chance to scream, shooting back at an incredible speed, hitting the ground far away, not moving anymore.

While Azuma had just drawn the first blood in Amegakure, outside Konoha's Wall, to the northwest, stood 7 figures, all dressed in black robe with red clouds patterned, the one leading them having orange hair with purple spiral eyes.

"Let's start!"


Tendo Pain looking at the village ahead said lightly, the summoning pain shot towards Konoha by Ashura Pain, instantly entering Konoha from air, appearing on the streets next moment, the attack of Pain on Konoha starting.

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