Chapter 71 Attack


The sky was bright, clouds lazily drifting over it, the atmosphere in the village peaceful, smiles everywhere.


But suddenly a figure broke through the atmosphere, landing on the mid of the street, black robe, black rods pierced in nose, ears, purple spiral eyes.

"Summoning Jutsu!"

The figure slapped the ground with his right palm, black marking spreading around, with a burst of smoke, five other figures donned in the same clothes, same black rods and same purple eyes appeared.

"Objective Uzumaki Naruto, Spread around!" Tendo Pain, taking the lead said, everyone spreading around in different directions.



In a matter of minutes, the calm village suddenly changed, bursts of explosions everywhere, huge caterpillars, Rhinos, Birds with purple spiral eyes everywhere in the village.

The Anbu, Konoha Genin, Chunin, Jonin everyone was immediately notified of the attack of the Akatsuki, an emergency situation setting up in the village.



Missiles launched from the Ashura Pain fell around one after an another, the screams of Konoha Shinobi echoing in the void.

"Where is Uzumaki Naruto?" All Pain's moved around the village, constantly asking for the whereabouts of Naruto, killing anywhere who doesn't.

"Fire Style! Fire Dragon Jutsu!!" Tendo Pain who was about to kill another Konoha Shinobi along with Preta Path Pain with him, suddenly felt a massive amount of heat from behind, a massive fire dragon whizzing towards him.

"Shinra Tensei!"


Pain calmly turned around, stretching his hand towards the fire dragon, a massive shockwave origination from his palms, colliding with the Fire Dragon, extinguishing it immediately, moving onwards towards the Jutsu owner.


The Shockwave collided with the black hair man with 3 tomoe spinning in his red eyes, but he turned into smoke dispersing, the shockwave creating a long razed ground.

"Itachi…." Tendo Pain didn't attack immediately, as gazing to his left, looking at the man who had just attacked him, he spoke lightly.

"It's been a long time…Leader…" Itachi looking straight into Pain's eyes replied back calmly, but his nerves were tense, he was clearly ready to for any sudden attack.

"Betraying the Organization…you should know about its consequences Itachi…but before I personally execute your punishment, tell me where is Uzumaki Naruto…" Said Pain lightly, his tone devoid of any emotion, like everything was under his control, acting like a true god.

"He is not here…leader…and you shouldn't have come here…I'm afraid you are not allowed to go back…"

Itachi surprisingly told the truth honestly, but the latter part of his words, changed the aura around Pain, smell of gun powder everywhere.

"Is that so? Then I'll kill everyone in this village until he comes back…starting with you…"

"Universal Pull!!"


Saying that Tendo Pain stretched his hands towards Itachi, Itachi frowning, as the next moment, he found his body uncontrollable, sucked towards Pain.


"It's over!"


Itachi like a bullet flew towards Pain, a dark rod from the sleeves of Pain slipping into his palms, as he thrusted it forward, it going through Itachi's stomach, coming out from the other side, Itachi hung on the road with hands down, Pain speaking calmly.

"Think again…"


But at this moment a voice came from behind Pain, as he frowned, and saw the world around him suddenly breaking, in his hands was Preta Path Pain, the one which had been together him from the start.

{AN:- I know visual Jutsu doesn't work on Rinnegan, but since it was Itachi vs Nagato, I wanted Itachi to look badass, but this is the only time I will break the rule}

"Illusion… I underestimated you…Itachi…" Some emotion finally appeared in indifferent eyes of Tendo Pain looking at the other pain that he killed himself.

"Now the annoying chakra absorbing guy is done for…. let's fight for real…leader…" Said Itachi with a calm look over his face, as everything was with in his calculations.

Earlier, rather than attacking Pain immediately, Itachi first watched from the sidelines, and he saw Preta Path Pain absorbing every Jutsu thrown at him, that was truly an annoying ability, Itachi understood at first sight.

So, he first got rid of him and his plan worked, Pain was careless for a moment when he just saw him, at that moment he had launched an illusion on him, resulting in the current situation, Pain killing his own people.

"You have truly angered God Itachi…now bear his wrath…" Tendo Pain calmly placed the corpse of the Preta path pain on the ground, and said calmly.


Next moment, shadows flickered and 3 more pain's appeared around Tendo Pain, as he had called them to launch a siege against Itachi.


"4 on 1, Ha… sorry, I'm no longer alone…" Seeing the other pains, Itachi stayed calm and spoke with some emotion in his eyes, shadows flickering, behind him appearing a silver haired masked shinobi, a watermelon head guy.


But this was not the end, before Itachi, suddenly a small female toad appeared, it making a hand sign, smoke bursting, three huge toads appearing, on top of it stood a yellow haired kid dressed in a red cape, arms crossed, along with him was a long white haired man.

"God's wrath was it? Now, Feel the power of youth!!" Guy broke the silence, as giving Tendo Pain a thumbs up, he roared loudly, the complexions of Pain finally changing.


While Konoha was under attack, at the outskirts of the village was an old temple of Uzumaki Clan, but today at the temple, a cloaked figure suddenly appeared, snake like grey skin, pair of glasses visible on the snake like face, a long tale behind him.

"It's time to get more pawns…" Kabuto looking towards the direction of Uzumaki Temple, spoke in a mysterious manner, a scroll with a Shinigami mask drawn on it in his hands.


"Hehe~ guess they used it"

Smiling Kabuto walked towards the temple, but midway he frowned, but smiled again, as he looked in the direction of Rain Village

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