Chapter 72 Edo Tensei



The never ending drizzle continued, the dark clouds over the gloomy sky of Amegakure, a restless aura enveloping the whole village.

The streets from before were suddenly deserted, the underground emergency shelters were suddenly full of people, fear in their eyes, that earlier explosion terrified everyone.

"This Monster!!!" Kakuzu cursed inwardly with a fearful look in his eyes, his eyes gazing at Hidan who lay far away in the pit, not moving at all, that kick of Azuma incapacitating him with completely.

"Cough…my organs…inner strong…." Hidan in the pit with disbelief in his eyes coughed out blood, his body completely useless, not moving an inch.

The toe that touched his face earlier, something from that toe seeped into his body that instant, all his inner organs were destroyed, he is immortal, but he can't heal or regenerate…he is completely abolished now, unless new organs are transplanted inside his body.

"One down!"



Murmured Azuma lightly, looking towards Hidan who was incapacitated, and then focused towards Kakuzu, but surprise appeared in his eyes, as soon as he looked over.

Before Kakuzu stood four coffins, with lids down, inside it were four figures with eyes closed, a muscular man with dark skin, a single wound on his chest, a man with blue hair and yellow eyes donned in the white flowing cape, the third one was a tall man with no eyebrows, yellow hair pushed back, a triangular goatee on his chin, and the fourth one had bandages all over his body, like a mummy.

"Hehe~ even you won't live through this…" Seeing Azuma looking at the figures in coffin with a bewildered look, Kakuzu smiled and said in a cruel tone, making a hand sign.



The four figures inside the coffins all opened their eyes, and stepped outside, with confused look on their faces.

"Past Kage…is it Kabuto…behind this….?" Looking at the four reanimated figures, Azuma's earlier surprised went away as he muttered to himself, looking at the scroll before Kakuzu, which had snake patterns everywhere, and was used to carry the already summoned shinobi.

"Where are we…. didn't I die…?" Third Raikage, looking around in confusion spoke loudly, the current situation completely confusing him.

"This weather…these buildings…we are in Amegakure and probably got reanimated…" The Third Kazekage, who wasn't reanimated for the first time was much calmer, as he gazed around and understood immediately where they were.

"Reanimated…so we are back in the world of living…but why did this mummy had to be here?!!" Gengetsu the second Mizukage, yelled with dissatisfaction looking at the second Tsuchikage near him, as seeing the enemy that accompanied him throughout his whole life even after dying, was beyond annoying.

"Shut Up! Let me understand the situation!" Tsuchikage calmly shut Gengetsu and began to look around as well, hoping to find who summoned them.

"No need to look around, the one who summoned you isn't here…but the one who you need to kill is before you…"

But just when the Past Kage were confused, Kakuzu behind spoke, taking their attention, as he pointed them towards Azuma, the enemy they needed to face.

"Hmm~ a Samurai…?" The Past Kazekage looked at Azuma, and seeing the blade behind his back and the sharp aura around him, Samurai of Land of Iron couldn't help but come in their minds, from every angle, Azuma didn't look like a ninja.

"No…that headband and attire…he's a Konoha Jonin…." But Third Kazekage quickly pointed out their wrong guess, his finger towards the headband coiled around Azuma's arm.

"Haha!! Who did you provoke kid? That he even pulled us out of the grave to kill you…" Gengetsu couldn't help but laughing after assessing the situation, as with an amused face, he asked looking at Azuma, who calmly stood at his place, looking at them.

"Just what is happening…Pain isn't here and now Akatsuki is using Kabuto's reanimations Jutsu…Have they allied a lot earlier? Butterfly effect?" Azuma ignored the laugh of Gengetsu and talked to himself, as things were getting more and more difficult to predict, the plot because of him was completely destroyed.

Kabuto who shouldn't have allied with them till the start of the war, had allied a lot earlier and even lend them four peak Kage Rank Powerhouses, and the traps earlier, Kakuzu and Hidan's presence, it clearly looked like they were waiting for the intruder.



"Get ready kid…my body isn't in my control anymore…I have no grudge against you…you can only lament your fate…"

Suddenly all the Kage frowned, chakra bursting out of them without their control, Third Raikage warning Azuma who had woken up from his thoughts due to sudden outburst of chakra.

"Hehe~ Konoha's Hawkeye…worth 200 million…." {AN:- Spoiler Alert!!!! Real Mihawk is worth 3.5 Billion Berries, it's official now, confirming he has Yonko rank strength}

Kakuzu laughed thinking of the upcoming huge money and made a hand sign, his back bulging, four huge black monsters with different masks appearing behind him.



"Here we come Kid" Lightning burst around the Third Raikage, Tsuchikage suddenly vanished, Black Sand began to hover around the Third Kazekage, Gengetsu making hand sign, with a burst of smoke, a huge giant clam appearing behind him, releasing mist in the air.



"Something is definitely fishy…I can't waste time here…time to get serious…" Seeing Chakra overflowing from the five before him, Azuma taking a light breath, pulled out the sword from his back, a serious look like never before appearing on his face.

He could feel that something was fishy, the absence of pain was worrying him, he decided to end things here fast and catch Kakuzu to know what is happening.

Read chapters ahead on

{AN:- The Story has reached till Madara's appearance in advanced chapters}