Chapter 73 One Sword Style



The black blade of Azuma appeared right before him, pointed towards the four figures and four monsters a little ahead, a serious look on his face.

"Good! Not many would have been able to even stand calm at this situation…now get ready"

Seeing Azuma pointing his blade towards them, a look of acknowledgment flashed in the eyes of Raikage, as 99% Shinobi in the world would have already died from despair if they ever found them in the same position as Azuma, facing five Kage Rank Powerhouse.



"What speed!!"

Massive blue thunder appeared around the Raikage, him disappearing in a blink of an eye, his fist coated with thunders centimeters away from Azuma's chest, the other Kage couldn't help but compliment his speed.

But the uncontrolled bodies didn't let them think too much, as automatically they also rushed in the direction of Azuma.



Just when it looked like Azuma would be hit by the thunder fist of Raikage, the former at an incredible suddenly stepped to the left, an afterimage like a clone left where he stood, Raikage due to inertia going through it, his eyes widened.



Raikage passed by him, Azuma didn't look back and just backhanded the sword, the hilt of the sword which was currently black, hitting the back of Raikage, Raikage flying away like a bullet.


Raikage flew upside down, but the attack on Azuma was far from over, his blade suddenly began to tremble a little, like it was being pulled towards somewhere, a huge square shaped black spear whizzing through him as well.


Azuma feeling the restless sword just snorted lightly, a red energy appearing around it, the blade immediately getting quiet, not affected by the magnetic release of Third Kazekage.



The huge Iron sphere released by Kazekage, drifted through the air, reaching Azuma in an instant, but purple lightning flashed at the last moment, Azuma disappearing, the iron sand hitting nothing.

"So fast!!" Mizukage, Kazekage and Kakuzu were stunned, as it felt like Azuma had nearly teleported, the speed was way faster than Raikage.

"Huh? Not good!!"

"Iron Sand! Iron Sphere!!" Suddenly Kazekage due to his vast combat experience, immediately noticed some light noise behind him, immediately he made one hand signs, black sand covering him completely, turning into a black sphere, the Kazekage enclosed inside.


"One Sword Style! Flying Dragon!!" The moment the sphere enclosed Kazekage, a purple light flashed under the dark sky near the sphere, Azuma appearing and without any hesitation he slashed the sword towards the Sphere.


"Damn!! Is this even swordsmanship!!"

Green light blinded the eyes of everyone before they saw a phantom of a huge green dragon appearing in the sky roaring towards the heaven, before it turned into a huge 100-meter-long and wide green energy slash, Kakuzu with his mask monsters who happened to be in the range of the attack, cursing in despair.



The green energy slash fell on the Iron sphere, like butter it immediately divided into two, the blue haired figure inside also divided into two, falling on the ground like a rag doll.



Earth Style!! Great Mud Wall

"Fire Style! Searing Migraine!!"

"Wind Style! Great Wind Vortex!!"

"Lightning Style! Pseudo Darkness!!"

But the huge green energy slash didn't diminish the slightest, continuing on its path, leaving a massive smooth gully on the ground, approaching Kakuzu and his monsters instantly, Kakuzu crying out in anger.


Kakuzu made hand signs quickly, a huge Mud Wall around 30 meters high rose before him, the mask monsters behind him running forward, landing on top of the earth wall, all spat towards the approaching green slash, fire, wind and lightning, all rushing towards the slash.

The Fire complemented by Wind increased, a massive sea of fire rushing towards the green slash, light the lightning flickering between it.

"What a fearsome attack…that guy is done for…"

Mizukage who was some distance away, looked at the huge green slash with solemn eyes, some pity in his eyes for Kakuzu though.

"This kid…he is definitely stronger than me…" Raikage who was sent flying earlier, walked out of a huge pit with dust flickering around him, as looking at the huge green slash about to collide with the sea of fire, he admitted his weakness honestly.

"Time sure passed…to think swordsmanship could cause such large scale damage"

Tsuchikage who was invisibly floating high, also sighed gazing at the energy slash, as such a scene he had never imagined, never he had thought that swordsmanship could cause such damage.


Green light flickered on the battlefield, soon running into the sea of fire, but without any resistance, it cut right through it, dividing the fire into two, instantly reaching the huge earth wall.


"I…. regret wearing this robe!!!!" The mud wall immediately upon coming in contact with the slash shredded into nothing, the mask monsters disappearing into nothingness, powdered completely, Kakuzu at the approaching slash cursing loudly, looking towards the gloomy dark sky.


The slash continued a long distance before finally dispersing, from Azuma to the next 500 meters, the ground was neatly divided into two, hundreds of meters deep as well.


Finally, the dust rolled around by the slash dispersed, the divided into two Kakuzu fell on the ground, all the Past Kage quiet at the sight.