Chapter 74 Pain

Land of Fire.



Explosive sounds rang throughout the village, dust covered the sky, smoke rising out from the houses, numerous huge monster could be seen in the village wreaking havoc in the village.


"Fire Style! Phoenix Flower Jutsu!"

"Please this way!!"

Shadows flickered, all the shinobi in the village did their duties trying their best to stop the beasts, while also trying to evacuate the civilians the same time.

At the north of the village, chakra flickered in the air, seemed to be even distorting the space, as from afar several huge chakras' could be sense.

"Sage Art! Rasenshuriken!!"

Naruto who had orange shadows around his eyes and also toad like pupils, raised his hand, a huge blue ball with fast rotating spinning ends condensed above his hand.


Naruto immediately threw the Rasenshuriken in his hands towards the orange haired pain, who was currently fighting with Kakashi.



Purple lightning condensed in the hands of Kakashi, leaving a purple trail in the air, he appeared before Tendo Pain, the lightning clad hand thrusted towards him.



Tendo Pain calmly stretched his hand towards Kakashi ready to blow him away but the huge charka behind him, immediately stopped him from talking anymore, a curse escaping out of his mouth.

"Shinra Tensei!!"


In desperation, Tendo Pain changed the course of his hand, pointing it downward, a massive repulsive force pouring out hitting the ground.


With a bang, the ground completely burst open, Tendo Pain due to recoil was pushed upward in the air, dodging the attack from both sides using his brain.


Large chunks of earth due to massive repulsive force were forced out from the ground, the Rasenshuriken hitting one of them and so did the Raikiri of Kakashi.

"Damn, he escaped!!" Naruto looked at Pain the air and cursed with an annoying look on his face, as he had expected that attack to take down the Tendo Pain.

"Don't worry too much, he made the biggest mistake attacking our village, he won't be lucky for long" Kakashi pulled out his hand from the boulder his Raikiri penetrated and with a somewhat pale face due to excess chakra consumption, he said to Naruto, assuring him.

"I…underestimated…Konoha…. more importantly, the strongest guy hasn't even joined the fight yet…" Tendo Pain floating in the air muttered to himself, looking down at the people who had suppressed him completely.


Itachi put his hand around his eyes, blood leaking down onto his cheeks, a black fire immediately enveloping the pain with six arms, burning down in a matter of seconds reduced to nothing.

"Eight Inner Gates! Sixth Gate of Joy! Open!!"

"Huh? Guy san is really strong!!"

Itachi who finally dealt with Asura pain suddenly felt the ground shaking as he looked towards its source and saw Guy surrounded by massive green energy, impressing him.


Instantly Guy appeared before the Naraka Pain, the latter stunned by his speed, couldn't even move, a punch with fire around it, immediately falling on his stomach.


With a bang, the Naraka Path Pain flew upside down colliding with the wall of a house, destroying it as well, the rubble falling on it, not moving anymore.

"Odama Rasengan!!"


Jiraiya was not to be undone, a big spinning blue ball falling on the stomach of the Animal Path Pain, destroying it immediately, all the summoned animals in the village disappearing.

Six Pain's may be strong, but one on one, they could never hope to last long against the likes of Itachi, Guy, Jiraiya or Naruto.

"Nagato why are you doing this, just what happened after I left!!?" Jiraiya after dealing with the animal pain, shouted while looking at Tendo Pain who was floating high in the air, a pained look on Jiraiya's face,

Those three kids who he once took under his care, just what the hell happened to them? Jiraiya couldn't understand, how did they become like this, intending to destroy everything.


"You know him, Jiraiya-San…"

"Yeah…he was once a student of mine…. that puppet he is controlling also used to be a student of mine…"

Itachi, Naruto, Kakashi and Guy arrived Jiraiya as Itachi hearing his words inquired, Jiraiya replying with a pained look in his eyes.

"Pervy Sage's student…how can he do this…." Hearing his words, everyone was surprised and Naruto looking at the destruction caused in the village, where corpses were everywhere, couldn't help but speak to himself in disbelief.

"Guess I have no choice than to use that…." Tendo Pain ignored the shout of Jiraiya and seeing all the pains except him down, he knew he had no choice but to use that Jutsu to take them down.


"Know Pain…Understand Pain…."

Pain began to float high, his voice echoed by chakra echoing all around the village, everyone's eye immediately focused on the dark figure climbing high and high, soon about to reach the sun.

"I have a bad feeling!!"

"Nagato…what are you doing?!!!" Seeing Tendo Pain climbing high, a bad feeling rose in the heart of Itachi, Naruto, Guy and Kakashi and Jiraiya couldn't stop himself and shouted in a desperate manner towards Nagato.

"Only when you know true pain…only then will you understand the worth of peace…" Tendo Pain soon came parallel to the sun, his voice still ringing throughout the village, a heavy feeling filling the hearts of everyone.

"Azuma-Kun…Just where are you?"

In the interrogation department, Ino with with her father by her side, murmured in a sad tone, her eyes stuck at the dark shadow parallel to the sun.



"I'm here!"

But at this moment, a shadow flickered behind her and Ino felt a hand tapping her shoulders, the familiar voice entering her ears, her eyes widening.

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