Chapter 75 Defeat of The Past Kage



The usual dark and gloomy sky of Amegakure was even darker today, with lightning flashing illuminating the whole village, creating a dreadful atmosphere.

At the center of the village, where a towering tower used to be and had crumbled minutes ago, right there, a huge gully on the ground could be seen, continuing up to 500 meters, neatly dividing the ground into two, rubble around it, a cut into two Kakuzu also at the center, not breathing anymore, dead.

"This... monster." Hidan, who always won't put anyone in his eyes, lay in the pit and, seeing the destruction caused by that slash, as well as the divided corpse of Kakuzu, couldn't help but mutter to himself in fear. For the first time, he felt that someone might be able to kill him.

The reanimated corpse of the third Kazekage also lay on the ground, neatly divided into two, dust swirling around it, starting to recover.


"Oi~ now I understand why someone called us all together to deal with you…you really are a monster…no one surpasses you in the skill of sword…" Azuma dealing with Kakuzu looked towards the past Kage, Gengetsu sensing his gaze, couldn't help but speak out in a funny matter, but the admiration on his face for Azuma's skill was real.


"Yeah, you deserve our full effort." Raikage also walked out of the pit, the thunder around him intensifying, his hand stretched out, 1 fingers pointed towards Azuma, already using his strongest move.





As Raikage finished his words, a white light suddenly fell from the sky towards Azuma, who seemed to have expected it already, moving back, the light hitting the ground, a smooth pit appearing on the ground.


Azuma, who had just dodged, only felt a shadow flashing across his eyes, a finger with thunder around it, only a few centimeters away from his neck.



Azuma's yellow eyes calmly traced the finger about to pierce his throat, at the last moment, an extremely dense black and red matter covered his neck, the finger bouncing back, Raikage's pupil shrinking from shock. This was 1 finger Hell Spear, his strongest attack, it could even have damaged a Tail Beast, yet it bounced back after touching his skin like it was no big deal.

"A fist is more suitable for you..." Azuma ignored the shocked eyes of Raikage, and let go of the blade in his hands, it drilling in the ground, a dark red matter covered his fists, thrusted towards the stomach of Raikage.




But the fist stopped at some distance from the stomach of Raikage, puzzling him but his face changed next moment, his back bursting open dust rolling around, Raikage falling on the ground with a thud.

"How…he was clearly in front…did he…attacked my insides…what fearsome ability…" Raikage who lay on the ground with a huge hole in his back, muttered to himself in shock, he has always been renowned for his unbreakable defense, but the opponent just bypassed his defense and attacked him from the inside, incapacitating him with a single hit.

"Making me use advanced armament…that should be enough for you…to move on…" Saying that to the unbelievable Raikage, Azuma raised his head, a huge shadow covering him, a funny looking huge clone that was somewhat similar to Gengetsu overlooking him.

"Haha…even that guy got done in…you really are a monster…but don't underestimate me…" Gengetsu who stood on the side, spoke while laughing, his fearful eyes stuck at the incapacitated Raikage.

"It's taking too much time…Shadow Clone Jutsu!!"


Azuma ignored Gengetsu and muttering to himself, he made a hand sign, smoke erupting around him, 2 more Azuma's appearing.

"Deal with the Tsuchikage and the clam, leave the big guy to me" Said Azuma to his clones, his eyes focusing on the big funny looking clone of Gengetsu, who had raised his massive hand with a sharp weapon attached to it, ready to attack.



Purple lightning flashed around the clones of Azuma, one of them leaving a purple trail, rushed towards the air, the other going towards Gengetsu's clam, purple light flashing all around the sky next moment.


The massive funny clone of Gengetsu moved at this moment, the weapon coming down from above, bringing with the sound of compressed air, definitely a strong blow.



Azuma suddenly turned into afterimage, the massive weapon falling where he just stood, the ground cracking completely, but Azuma had already appeared above the head of the massive clone.

"Armament Infusion! Internal Destruction!!"


Muttered Azuma in the air, his Haki infused falling on top of the Clone head, booming sound resounding everywhere, the clone suddenly motionless.


Next moment, it burst open completely, water splashing everywhere, steam wafting in the air as well, the clone of Gengetsu deflated like a balloon, getting thinner and thinner before lying on the ground like a piece of paper.



But just when Azuma defeated the clone of Gengetsu, two more exploding sounds spreading the void, from the sky like a cannon a figure with bandages all around it's body fell down, sunk into the ground, stuck in it.

The clam of Gengetsu also burst open, leaving a purple trail in the air, both clones of Azuma appeared around Gengetsu.

"Oi~ ganging up, it's not fair!!" Gengetsu dodged the fist of first clone with difficulty cursing, but second time he wasn't that lucky.


A Haki coated fist hit him right in the back neck, his head blown up, his voice stopping, falling on the ground with a thud, dust swirling around.


Both clones of Azuma vanished the next moment, on the battlefield filled with potholes and slash marks, under the dark rainy sky, only one figure was left standing.

In five different pits, five figures all lay motionless, shock and awe for strength on their face, the calm yellow eyes flashing in the dark surrounding, a calm look on the face.

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