Chapter 76 Arrival


The sky was dark, but from time to time the roaring lightning illuminated the village underneath it, at the center revealing a destroyed battlefield.

Rain poured down at the center of the damaged battlefield with pits, rubble everywhere, stood a single figure, around him lay five motionless figures, dust swirling around them.



Walking forward, Azuma arrived near Hidan who lay in the pit, grabbing him from the neck, lifting him high in the air, Hidan groaning in pain.

"Tell me what is happening, where is your leader…what are you lot planning?" Asked Azuma in a chilly voice, his cold hawk like eyes stuck at Hidan, waiting for an answer.

"Ughh…. you think I'll tell you…monster…" Hidan proved out to be a hard mouth, despite feeling the gradually tightening grip on his neck, he didn't sell out his leader, as giving information to someone due to fear of death was an insult to him, a shinobi.



Seeing him like this, Azuma sighed and just let go his hand holding Hidan's neck, the latter falling down.

Even he knew no matter how he tortures Hidan this guy won't open his mouth, rather than wasting time, let's find another way.

"Hehe~ you have exceeded my expectations again and again…Azuma-San, even the past Kage couldn't faze you a little…maybe you already rival the once revered Ninja God…"

But just when Azuma was thinking of from where to start gathering information from, a voice from the pit in which the second Tsuchikage lay, took his attention.



With a serious face, Azuma walked towards the pit, in which lay the Second Tsuchikage embedded into ground, dust swirling around his both missing legs, recovering but the speed was too slow.


But the eyes of Second Tsuchikage were hollow this time and an aura somewhat similar to Orochimaru was hovering around the second Tsuchikage, Azuma immediately understanding who just spoke to him.

"Ho~ you know me~ guess that's an honor for me…" Kabuto who was controlling the second Tsuchikage laughed and said in a somewhat respectful tone.

"What are you up to? Joining hands with Akatsuki…?" Asked Azuma, ignoring his words, as he really needed information now, his foresight of the plot was completely destroyed.

"Hoho~ what am I up to? I just want to learn all the secrets of the world carrying Orochimaru-Sama's wish and get the body of Uchiha Sasuke by the way…but for that I needed the help of Akatsuki…"

"Though you shouldn't worry about this now, Azuma-San…currently I am watching the success of something in which Orochimaru-Sama failed two years ago…haha…It's really lively out here…"

"Huh? Don't tell me…" The laughter of Kabuto rang in the surroundings, Azuma's face changing at his words, a guess immediately coming in his mind.

"Shadow Clone Jutsu!!"


Without wasting a second, Azuma immediately made hand signs, a single shadow clone appeared around Azuma.


"Return back to the village…take this with you…I'll go check on Hokage…" Immediately Azuma removed the black blade from his back, handing it to his shadow clone, giving him instructions.

"Hn, leave it to me…"

"Swoosh" Azuma's clone took the blade, fixing it on his back and nodded back at him, closing his eyes the next second, then disappearing completely.

"So he undid it…" Seeing his clone vanishing, Azuma looked down towards the pit but only corpse of white zetsu with dust around it could be seen, the other Kage had also turned into white zetsu corpses, clearly Kabuto undid the reanimation Jutsu, knowing the current cards were useless against Azuma.




Seeing the reanimation undid, Azuma had no reason to stay here, immediately arriving beside the powerless Hidan he picked him up, putting him on his shoulder, the latter groaning in pain due to movements, Azuma just closing his eyes, next moment disappearing, appearing in a land where snow rolled down from the sky.


Interrogation Department.


"I'm here…leave everything to me…" Ino who cried out looking at the figure who floating high near the sun, suddenly felt a hand tapping her shoulder, the familiar voice entering her ears, her eyes widening.



Immediately turning around without caring for her father who was looking at them with wide eyes, Ino latched on to him, hugging him tightly, surprising Azuma a bit as well.


"Don't worry…I'm here…" Azuma could think of nothing else but to pat her on the back, trying to assure her, but the heavy pressing feeling on his chest, made his lips twitch a little.


"Ah! I'm sorry…" Inoichi on the side who was looking at Azuma with eagle like eyes, coughed trying to remind Ino of his presence, the latter immediately yelping and separating from Azuma, an embarrassed look on her face, the worry from before due to Azuma's arrival seemed to have gone away completely.


"Just a minute, Inoichi-San, let me deal with that guy…"

Inoichi seeing Ino separating finally seemed to have calmed down a little as looking toward Azuma he wanted to inquire something but the latte cut him in the middle, pointing toward Pain who floated high right before the sun.




Next moment, Purple thunder danced around Azuma, the blade pulled out from the back, Azuma turning into an afterimage, leaving a purple trail in the air, Azuma in a matter of seconds, appeared at the center of the village.

"Know the pain…"

"It's too late…I can only fight it head on" The voice of Pain fell in the ears of Azuma who immediately sensed massive chakra gathering in Tendo Pain, he didn't have the time now to stop him from launching the Jutsu.


"In that case…" Deciding something, Azuma held the hilt of the sword from both hands, red aura erupting from him, blowing everything away, black clouds suddenly appeared on the dusty blue sky.


Whether it was Pain, Jiraya and the others, or Sakura and other Jonin, genin, civilians in the village, they immediately looked toward the dark clouds with perplexed eyes.

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