Chapter 78 Intent

Land of Iron.

It was a brightly lit room with a N-shaped desk at the center, near the desk sat on the chairs six figures, except the woman with blond hair all had 2 shinobi standing behind them, the former only having a single handsome black hair kid behind her.

"Oh~ what a handsome man, Uchiha sure has some good genes…" The fifth Mizukage, batted her eyelashes lightly, speaking out in a teasing voice, her eyes stuck at Sasuke who stood behind Tsunade.

Currently, the Five Kage Summit was going on, as all the Kage had arrived already and the topic of meeting was Akatsuki.


Sasuke at her words, just turned his head to left, an annoyed look on his face, as from childhood days, he has been facing such eyes.

"Hokage, you just said that you know the whereabouts of Akatsuki's Headquarters, I will cooperate fully in the plan to destroy Akatsuki…how dare they attack us…" Raikage ignored the words of Mizukage and with anger in his voice, he told his decision to Tsunade.

Behind Raikage stood two figures, a man with eight swords on his body, Killer Bee, the Jinchuriki of Eight Tails, and another dark skinned lazy looking man, Darui.

On the way here the three of them were attacked by a masked guy, donned in Akatsuki Robe, his Jutsu really annoyed Raikage, but working together they were successfully able to repel him, but weren't able to injure or capture him.

"What have others decided?" Hearing the willingness of Raikage to cooperate with her, Tsunade smiled and turned towards Gaara, Onoki and Terumi, waiting for their decision.

"My village was nearly destroyed in the hands of Akatsuki and I died in their hands as well…to save the world…the elimination of Akatsuki is necessary…Sand is joining the operation to destroy Akatsuki" Said Gaara, his chin supported by his hands, a serious and calm look on his face, not affected by the big guys around him.


Temari and Kankuro behind Gaara smiled after hearing his decision, the way he talked without being nervous, really impressed them.

"Mist has a dark past…the whole village was played around by Akatsuki…even the fourth Mizukage was not spared…there is no way we won't participate in the eradication of Akatsuki" Said Terumi with hatred in her tone, she has seen the days of blood mist, children forced to kill each other, there is no way she would spare Akatsuki.

"Roshi and Han…both were killed by Akatsuki…I won't be able to face my people if I don't do anything against Akatsuki…Stone is willing as well…"

Onoki the fence sitter, thought for a moment before deciding to go with the plan, if he could get rid of Akatsuki with the help of others than why not? Alone Stone will definitely suffer, if someone was willing to help, then he had no reason to refuse.

"Then it's decided, I, Mifune, will stay witness to the coalition of Five Great Ninja Villages" Hearing the answer of Onoki, Mifune, the general of Samurai, stood up and declared solemnly, a serious look on his face.


Everyone nodded at Mifune, no one rejecting his words, the alliance to raid the headquarters of Akatsuki established.

"So, Hokage where is the base of Akatsuki?" The alliance was established, Raikage finally came to the main point, inquiring looking at Tsunade.

"It's in Ame___"


Tsunade who was about to announce the name was cut in mid, as frowning she looked towards the corner of the room.


"Guess, all the parties are here already…" Everyone also looked in the direction which she looked, and saw the twisting, next moment, a guy with an orange spiral mask on his face, donned in a black robe with red clouds appeared, his voice echoing in the room.

"It's You!!" Raikage immediately exploded with anger, recognizing the intruder immediately, the guy who had attacked them a little while ago.

"It's the Akatsuki!!"


Tsunade spoke out announcing the identity of the intruder, everyone immediately becoming alert, Darui and Bee, protecting Raikage, Ao and Chojuro around Terumi, Kankuro and Temari protecting Gaara, Sasuke pulling out the blade appearing close to Tsunade.

"Calm down… no need to so worked up…I'm just here to talk…" Seeing all eyes focused on him, Obito wasn't nervous, as calmly he spoke out, gesturing everyone to take it easy.

"Talk? Do you think we'll listen to you? You have made the biggest mistake appearing here!!" Terumi sneered at his words, her hands immediately turning into afterimages making hand signs.



Sasuke also pointed the blade towards Obito, thunder appearing on it, ready to attack, other Kage Guard doing the same.

"Fine…let's calm you first" Seeing them ready to attack, Obito just shrugged his shoulders, indicating them to start.


For two minutes, explosion sounds resounded in the room, rubble flying away, the ground cracked completely, charred walls.

"It's that Jutsu again…"

"It's Mangekyo's Doujutsu…"

But among the destruction stood the intact figure of Obito, Darui cursing, Sasuke on the other hand pointing out the ability of ability of Obito.

"Now are you ready to listen to me…trust me…it will answer a lot of your questions about the motive of Akatsuki…"


Seeing all of them looking at him with confusion, wondering why their attacks didn't work, Obito spoke as calmly he walked towards the wooden platform, sitting on it, no one attacking him anymore, just gazing at him, knowing the other party had come prepared and wasn't afraid of them.

"First of all, I think I should introduce myself…a lot of you guys should have heard of me…I'm Madara Uchiha…"

Said Obito, eyes of everyone going sluggish, looking at him with shocked expression.

Read till 97 chapters at


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