Chapter 79 Escaping

Land of Iron.

Five Kage Summit Hall.

"Ten Tails, Sage of Six Paths, do you think we'll believe this? "The Sage of Six Paths is just a legend!" Said Raikage with a mocking look on his face, his eyes stuck at Obito, who sat on the platform some distance away.

Everyone else also gave him a unbelievable look, as what he said was too hard to believe.

Some moments earlier, everyone was really shocked to learn the identity of the mask man, but what he said later, shocked them more and more. "Ten tails," which they had never thought about, "sage of six paths," a legend, Madara was claiming it to be true. They couldn't believe it.

"No, sage of six paths did exist, and also left a Jutsu on the Uchiha Tablet at Naga Shrine, it still exists, only with Mangekyo and Rinnegan you can read what the Sage of Six Paths left on it. You can confirm it from the Uchiha in the room."

Said Obito lightly as he gestured towards Sasuke, everyone immediately looking towards him.


"It's true…but even with my Mangekyo I couldn't read the whole context on the tablet…and it was the same for Itachi…like he said…higher visual powers are required to read the whole context…he's right that much and as for whether Sage of Six Paths left it, I don't have any clue"

Sensing every eye focused on him, Sasuke gave Obito an annoying look, before he started to explain what he knew. The doubt for Obito's words, gradually swept away from everyone's eyes at his confirmation.

"Earlier you said something about a Jutsu. What is that?" At this moment, Gaara inquired, breaking the silence that was brought up by the confirmation of Sasuke.

"So I take it you are finally willing to believe me huh? And as for the question... yes, the Sage of Six Paths did leave a Jutsu which will make everything become one with me and the world will finally achieve eternal peace. "

"I will become the Jinchuriki of Ten Tails, which will enhance my visual powers. With that, I will be able to cast my eye on the moon, to launch the Jutsu left by Sage of Six Paths, Infinite Tsukuyomi...."

"The Jutsu will make everyone in the world fall under a Genjutsu, and I will be able to control everyone,I will be savior of the world, no conflicts anymore, and the world finally achieving peace"

"So handover the remaining 8 Tails to me and join me, we'll together save this forsaken world"

Said Obito as he stood and spread his arms, his voice full of longing, the dream of the world where he could be together with Rin was nearing its fulfilment.

"Bullshit, like hell I would let you control the world!!"

"The world you want to create is nothing more than a false reality, there is no meaning to it, you are just escaping from reality"

Raikage immediately yelped at Obito in anger, like he would let the world fall in the hands of this lunatic, Gaara though calmly denying the offer of Obito, knowing what Madara wanted to create was nothing more than an illusion.

"There is no way we would agree…" The others like Terumi, Mifune and Onoki also calmly told their decision to Obito.

"Then it's decided, I, Madara Uchiha, declare the start of Fourth Great Ninja World War"

Said Obito in a calm tone, like he was not even afraid of all five great villages and could take everyone down with ease.

"Fourth Great Ninja World War!!"

Everyone was shaken by his announcement, widen eyes stuck at Obito.

"W-wait…what do you mean by the remaining 8 Tails…?" At this moment, Tsunade spoke out with a somewhat hasty look on her face, as his earlier words had confused her.

"Ho~ you finally notice, yes I only need the eight tails, my subordinate Pain, he has already launched an attack on Konoha, the nine tails should be in the bag already"


Said Obito in a frivolous tone, everyone in the hall stunned.

"Damn you bastard!!"

Tsunade was immediately furious, as chakra burst out of her, her angry eyes glaring at Obito, like she would eat him alive.



"Calm down…everything's fine…" But just when Tsunade was about to lung towards Obito in anger, a red light flashed behind her, a hand landing on her shoulders, the calm voice resounding in her ears.

Everyone immediately looked behind Tsunade, as without them noticing, a tall figure with a handsome face, a slash mark on his left cheek, dressed in Konoha Jonin attire, a passed out body on his shoulders, had appeared in the room.

"Azuma!!" The anger of Tsunade was suddenly replaced by surprise as she cried out, after turning around.

"It's him…" Temari and Kankuro murmured in a low voice, the guy who was the MVP during the mission to rescue Gaara, even Gaara had bowed to him to apologize.

"So he's Konoha's Hawkeye…" Thought Raikage and Onoki at the same time, eyes stuck at Azuma, gazing at the guy whose name resounded a lot recently.

"So handsome and wild!!" Kurotsuchi, the granddaughter of Onoki, couldn't help but say in a dreamy voice, her heart shaped eyes stuck at Azuma, her hands covering her hot cheeks.

"Oh my~ a wild guy…even better looking than Sasuke…Konoha is really blessed in looks department…" Said Terumi gazing at Azuma, as how much she hoped that Mist had such handsome guys.

"Wait a minute…let me deal with him…"


Seeing every eye focused on him, Azuma stayed calm and after speaking calmly, he squatted, placing the passed out Hidan on his shoulders, ready to deal with Obito.



But Azuma hadn't even moved a step after placing Hidan on the side, as suddenly he seemed to have seen something, a speechless look appearing on his face.


Everyone "…."

Everyone saw the space around Obito twisting, the guy who was pretending to be a big shot, fleeing away in a hurry, his restless chakra everyone could sense it.

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