Chapter 80 Returning

Land of iron.

Summit Hall


Everyone was speechless seeing Madara retreating in such a hurry. Seriously, you are Madara Uchiha, act like him.

"Azuma, what's going on? Didn't you go to Akatsuki's hideout? What just happened?" But Tsunade broke the silence in the hall, as hastily she inquired gazing at Azuma. He had gone to Akatsuki's headquarters, why did Akatsuki appeared in Konoha instead of being in Amegakure, she was completely lost.

"At Amegakure, I was ambushed, and their leader was missing, I ended the fight as quickly as I could and then went back to the village first to take a look"

"There's no need to worry, the leader of Akatsuki, I had incapacitated him in a fight, Naruto and others should have dealt with the aftermath, the village is safe..."

Said Azuma in one breath, his face poker, like he had done nothing big and was something normal.


Hearing his words, Tsunade finally heaved a sigh of relief, the worry in her eyes going away. Fortunately, nothing severe happened.

"Hawkeye…you defeated the Rinnegan holder…this isn't the place to joke…?" While Tsunade was relieved, others had surprised looks on their faces from his words, Raikage couldn't help but asking in a somewhat serious voice.

"Hn" Azuma didn't seem offended by his behavior and calmly nodded towards him, no change of expression on his face.

No one asked anymore, as in those hawk like eyes, was no hesitation, just calmness.


"Azuma, isn't he Hidan?" Seeing everyone silent, Tsunade smiled feeling proud, but she didn't forget that there were more important things left to do, like asking about the figure that lay on the ground passed out.

{ Deidara was caught earlier in the story, so through his memories Tsunade is aware of Hidan}

"Yes, he was part of the group that ambushed me, I killed his partner, the bounty hunter Kakuzu, but he was somewhat difficult to kill, so I brought him back…deal with him anyway you like…" Said Azuma waving his hands causally, as he didn't care what they did with him.

"Konoha should quickly use Yamanaka Clan to gouge out the information of the enemy from him…the upcoming war…we need the intelligence of the enemy badly…" Said Onoki to Tsunade, rubbing his chin, giving his suggestion.

"We will do this after returning back to the village, but for now we need to talk about the upcoming war, we had already established the Alliance, so all that is left is to choose a leader of the alliance, as for the arrangements of shinobi, we can discuss that later…"


Tsunade said, everyone nodding in agreement with her. Soon, new seats were brought into the hall, and the interrupted meeting started again.

The meeting lasted for an hour, with Azuma standing behind Tsunade alongside Sasuke. On who the leader would be, there was a long debate.

Onoki and Raikage quarreled for the leadership for a long time before it was decided to go with the majority.

Only the Kage had the chance to vote, Onoki voted for himself, Raikage did the same, Tsunade unexpectedly favored Raikage, Gaara followed her, Terumi, after thinking for a long time, did the same.

"The Supreme Commander of Shinobi Allied Forces will be Fourth Raikage, I, Mifune, hereby stay witness."


The result was decided, Onoki could only sulk on his seat, as Mifune once again stood up and became witness of the historical moments in Ninja World.

"Naruto Uzumaki and my little brother Bee, both will stay out of this war, both of them will be escorted to a safe place, this war is to protect them and the world"

"Sigh…it's gonna be hard…"

Raikage immediately got in the commander mode, announcing his first decisions, Tsunade sighing at his words, knowing Naruto will never agree, it's gonna be a headache for her later.

"Um, it's the best" Unlike Tsunade, others didn't think much and agreed with the decision of Raikage, as letting the target of the army enter the battlefield would only harm them.


"Next time we'll meet in Kumo, get ready for the war" Said Raikage announcing the next meeting place, disbanding the meeting.

"Let's go back…" It was time to leave, Tsunade after speaking a few words with the other Kage, arrived near Azuma and Sasuke, motioning them to follow her, a concerned look on her face.

Although Azuma had said that the village was safe, but at the moment when the village was attacked, her presence was necessary.

"Yeah, let's go back…"


Nodded Azuma, as the next moment he put a hand on the shoulders of Tsunade and Sasuke, making them confused.


"The Hell?"

But next moment, three of them disappeared from the hall, Terumi and Onoki who were still in hall, looking around in confusion.

"Their chakra, it's gone completely and now that I think, how did he appear earlier?" said Terumi with surprise, as she couldn't sense their chakra at all, like they never existed.

"If I'm not wrong, it should be Flying Raijin of Second and Fourth Hokage, sigh. Konoha is really blessed"

Onoki sighed, a helpless look on his face, why wasn't his village so blessed.


Azuma didn't know about the thoughts of Onoki, as along with Tsunade and Sasuke, he suddenly appeared outside Konoha, a huge crowd gathered at the entrance, throwing a blonde haired kid in the air, happy looks on everyone's faces.

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