Chapter 81 A Hero


Entrance Gate.


A shadow flashed near the Konoha entrance gate, where a large crowd was gathered, smiling and cheering as they threw a blonde into the sky.

"This…we are back…you learned the Flying Raijin…" Tsunade who looked at the familiar environment, turned and asked, looking at Azuma in disbelief.

They were just now in the Land of Iron, the distance of days and nights was covered in an instant, only Flying Raijin was capable of this.

"Hn, let's go, everyone's gathered outside…" Azuma nodded calmly and proceeded to walk forward toward the crowd, not caring for the shock of Tsunade and Sasuke.

"Such long distance in one jump…. just how much chakra he has…?" Sasuke, on the other hand, was surprised by the amount of chakra that Azuma possessed, covering such a long distance in one go, the chakra required would be immense.

"He has a way to prevent others from probing his chakra…even Byakugan can't see through his chakra…" Said Tsunade to Sasuke, as she was more curious than him to know the amount of chakra that Azuma possessed.

She once even asked Neji to probe but he said he couldn't like something was shielding Azuma, even his head hurt so much like he would pass out any moment, his Byakugan closing automatically.


As Azuma got closer and closer to the entrance gate, he started hearing the laughter of Naruto who was being thrown up like a hero, everyone gathered looking at him with admiration.

At the center were civilians, and kids who were throwing Naruto high in the sky, at the sides stood shinobi, Shikamaru, Kakashi, Guy, Jiraiya, Itachi, Ino, and Sakura, all stood side by side, some wounds on their faces, looking at Naruto being thrown high with smiles.

"That idiot may really end up becoming Hokage…"

Said Shikamaru rubbing his head, a sincere smile on his face, his eyes focusing on Naruto.

"Haha, of course, he would, can't you see whose student he is?" Jiraiya hearing his words laughed a proud look on his face, really satisfied with the performance of Naruto.

He never thought Naruto would be able to convince Nagato just by his mouth, making him revive everyone in the end, through the toad sent with Naruto he learned everything, and spread the matter in the whole village, informing everyone that it was Naruto who recognized him.

He was more and more sure that Naruto was the son of the prophecy, the one he has been looking for for years.

"Hey, someone is coming!"

Suddenly someone pointed towards the entrance gate, everyone except those who were throwing Naruto high, focused in that direction, spotting a tall figure with arms across his chest.



"Aghh…my butt!!"

Shouted someone who recognized Azuma, everyone immediately rushed towards Azuma, Naruto who was high in the air, this time not falling in arms, his butt hitting the ground, hissing in pain.

"Haha... Naruto... You are not as popular as he is!! "

"I'm still better than you!!"


Kiba, standing along with Hinata, couldn't help but laugh at his misery, Naruto retorting back immediately, Kiba choking.



Azuma seeing the huge crowd approaching him at an incredible speed, suddenly halted, raising his eyebrows a little, a stunned look appearing on his face.


"Hey, stop!!"

But just when Azuma was stunned, the crowd had already arrived near him, pouncing on him. The former immediately felt like he was flying high, before finally coming back to his senses, trying to stop them.

"You were so cool when you split the sky!"

"No, the mountain-cutting part was cooler!!"

"Hey!!, Where are you touching? stop!!


The crowd began to praise him, Azuma speechless but suddenly his face changed when he felt some hands touching unspeakable places, crying out in shock, thunder flashing around him.


The crowd backed away, seeing the purple thunder around him, but some girls with heart-shaped eyes gazed at him.

"Female Hooligans!!"


Said Azuma with a speechless look on his face and immediately disappeared, leaving a purple trail in the air, not seen anymore.

"Haha... that kid is afraid of something after all!!"

Tsunade who also arrived at the entrance, happen to see the scene with her hands around her hips, she couldn't help but laugh, her mounds moving up and down due to the movements.

"These perverts." How dare they? even I have yet to…."

"Hehe~ did you say something?"


Ino who also saw the scene couldn't help but clench her fist in anger, murmuring in a lost voice, but Sakura beside her seemed to hear the voice, asking her with a grin, Ino shyly waving her hands frantically.

Soon, Tsunade who had just arrived took the stage, and after giving the crowd an assuring speech, she ordered everyone to go back to the emergency shelters, and the process of rebuilding the damaged part of the village started.

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